March 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Mar 1 03:45:55 CET 2007
Ending: Sat Mar 31 23:12:38 CEST 2007
Messages: 1107
- [Serusers] problem with compiling the new CVS release
İlker Aktuna (Koç.net)
- RV: [Users] WeSIP session question
Antonio Abajo
- RV: RV: [Users] WeSIP session question
Antonio Abajo
- [Serusers] Error compiling eval module
Ladislav Andel
- [Serusers] Re: [Users] No rtpproxy when clients are behind the same nat
Ladislav Andel
- [Serusers] Re: [Users] No rtpproxy when clients are behind the same nat
Ladislav Andel
- [Serusers] RTPproxy problem
Ladislav Andel
- [Serusers] Sip Softphone
Ladislav Andel
- [Users] question false or true
Jobson Andrade
- [Users] help in uac config
Jobson Andrade
- RES: [Users] question false or true
Jobson Andrade
- [Users] RES: help in uac config
Jobson Andrade
- [Serusers] Re: [Serdev] Getting core dump for ser-0.8.14
Jan Andres
- [Serusers] Re: [Users] TM : retransmission timers
Jan Andres
- [Users] Unauthorized Calls - PLEASE HELP!
Jonas Appel
- [Users] avp_check and AVP's with index's?
Brandon Armstead
- [Users] ReInvite Issue
Brandon Armstead
- [Users] ReInvite Issue
Brandon Armstead
- [Users] Subscriber table for GUI authentication
Javier Allende Astigarraga
- [Users] Adding Users to 1.2.0
Charles Austin
- [Users] WeSIP
Elias Baixas
- [Users] Wesip and openser: auto reconnect
Elias Baixas
- [Users] WeSIP with OpenSER 1.2.0
Elias Baixas
- [Users] WeSIP C2C and freeswitch
Elias Baixas
- [Users] WeSIP C2C and freeswitch
Elias Baixas
- [Users] load testing presence server
Toni Barata
- [Users] load testing presence server
Toni Barata
- [Users] load testing presence server
Toni Barata
- [Users] load testing presence server
Toni Barata
- [Users] Simple xcap-emulator for OpenSER
Toni Barata
- [Users] Simple xcap-emulator for OpenSER
Toni Barata
- [Users] Help needed with mediaproxy and rewritehostport configuration
Berry Bartels
- [Users] Re: openser + postgres starting problem
Berry Bartels
- [Users] Re: openser + postgres starting problem
Berry Bartels
- [Serusers] Dial Plans
- [Serusers] Dial Plans
- [Serusers] SIP Accounting Module problem
- [Serusers] Problem loading mysql module
- [Serusers] Pear and serweb
- [Serusers] SER doesn't load but system thinks it is
- [Serusers] Acc not writing to MySQL
- [Serusers] Capturing all messages for testing purposes
- [Serusers] Capturing all messages for testing purposes
- [Serusers] msilo module problem
- [Serusers] msilo module problem
- [Users] sdp negotiation fails - no ACK - rtpproxy
- [Users] sdp negotiation fails - no ACK - rtpproxy
- [Users] t_relay() with variables(proto:ip:port)
- [Users] t_relay() with variables(proto:ip:port)
- [Users] t_relay() with variables(proto:ip:port)
- [Users] t_relay() with variables(proto:ip:port)
- [Users] t_relay() with variables(proto:ip:port)
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] Param in SIP header
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] Param in SIP header
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] CLI and GUI
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] SIP Proxy configuration
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] DLG: BYE not detected because of route reccord
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] DLG: BYE not detected because of route reccord
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] OpenSER and FWD
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] OpenSER and FWD
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] DLG: BYE not detected because of route reccord
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] OpenSER and FWD
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] OpenSER and FWD
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] Commercial SIP Server
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] Commercial SIP Server
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] OpenSER and FWD
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] Contact header modification
Michel Bensoussan
- [Users] SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY problem
Vadim Berezniker
- [Users] SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY problem
Vadim Berezniker
- [Serusers] how to log unauthorized attemp with clear password
Olaf Bergmann
- [Serusers] cancelling forked requests + forcing TLS use
Olaf Bergmann
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
"C. Bergström"
- [Users] SIP Registrartions
Olivier Beytrison
- [Users] SNMPstats module not returning data
Olivier Beytrison
- [Serusers] Dial Plans
Steve Blair
- [Serusers] Dial Plans
Steve Blair
- [Users] Server call forwarding
Steve Blair
- [Users] Manipulate Refer To
Steve Blair
- [Serusers] Status of Ottendorf and Presence
Steve Blair
- [Users] fifo,fifo_mode commands in 1.2.0-tls
Steve Blair
- [Users] Re: OpenSER + Asterisk - Music On Hold
Carsten Bock
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2 and NAT
Carsten Bock
- [Users] Info Permissions - Trusted IP
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [Users] Re: Info Permissions - Trusted IP
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [Users] could not open module postgres
Norman Brandinger
- [Users] CDRTool problem with multi-leg call accounting and radius
Norman Brandinger
- [Users] [user] radius_is_user_in problem.
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] Openser and radius with LDAP (crypt password problem)
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] OpenSER-1.2 Radius Auth
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] in openser's website...
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] TLS between OPENSer and FreeRadius ?
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] Openser = 1.1.1 init_tls: null openssl compression methods
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] [user] openser TLS and eyebeam
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] "client did not present a certificate"(OpenSER 1.2 + EyeBeam 1.5 + TLS) !! need help!!
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] I need save("location") but with some change ...
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] register more than one username by IP phone
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] register more than one username by IP phone
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] register more than one username by IP phone
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Bodin Bruno
- [Users] Comparable regex function in openser
- [Users] Comparable regex function in openser
- [Users] reason of interlocking with Asterisk server
- [Users] Comparable regex function in openser
- [Users] Using OpenSER as SIP Proxy over NAT
Saar Carmi
- [Users] To: header in e.164 format - adding a plus
Ricardo Carvalho
- [Users] another svn question
- [Serusers] Max number of routing blocks in ser 0.9.6
- [Users] Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
- [Users] Commercial SIP Server
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
- [Users] pdt and IPv6
Bernard Chan
- [Users] pdt and IPv6
Bernard Chan
- [Users] pdt and IPv6
Bernard Chan
- [Users] openser +ipv6
Bernard Chan
- [Users] OpenSer Asterisk
Michael Chan
- [Users] To: header in e.164 format - adding a plus
Michael Chan
- [Serusers] Question for incoming PSTN calls
Giovanni Chirico
- [Users] rtpproxy redundancy
Daniel Corbe
- [Serusers] Sip Softphone
- [Users] Openser and SIP provider
Alan Crosswell
- [Users] RHEL/Fedora equivalents of deb packages in RPM SPEC
Alan Crosswell
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0
Danilo Vilela Dantas
- [Users] TLS and dead tcp child
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] OpenSER with PRACK
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Temporarily suspend or disable subscriber ???
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Help needed with mediaproxy and rewritehostport configuration
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Re: [Devel] OpenSER's doxygen documentation available online
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Re: [Devel] name for branch 1.2.x
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] cancelling forked requests + forcing TLS use
Klaus Darilion
- [Serdev] Re: Handling of early CANCELs - was Re: [Serusers] SER Nokia CANCEL Problem
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] auth_db and load_credentials question
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] another svn question
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] avp_db_query examples
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] differ between wrong password and stale nonce
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] ACK ACK ACK
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] auth_db and load_credentials question
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] openser+postgresql
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Manipulate Refer To
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Manipulate Refer To
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] openser+postgresql
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] openser+postgresql
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] AVPOPS: question about avp_db_query
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] AVPOPS: question about avp_db_query
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] dispatcher, failure route and force_send_socket problem
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Manipulate Refer To
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] memory issues
Klaus Darilion
- [Serusers] Sip Softphone
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Failure routes
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Manipulate Refer To
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] loose_route problem with 1.2
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] domain module in 1.2
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] username in header
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] parameter of route(n)
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] NAT Problem with OpenSER behind load balancer
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] config file syntax
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] OpenSer Asterisk
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] [user] openser TLS and eyebeam
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] To: header in e.164 format - adding a plus
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] an example of xcap_table entry?
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] dispatcher, failure route and force_send_socket problem
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] config file syntax
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] OpenSER not sending responses to IP in via header
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Not able to access avp variables in reply route
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] "client did not present a certificate"(OpenSER 1.2 + EyeBeam 1.5 + TLS) !! need help!!
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Not able to access avp variables in reply route
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] I need save("location") but with some change ...
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Watchers table not being updated
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] register more than one username by IP phone
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Not able to access avp variables in reply route
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] register more than one username by IP phone
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] PRESENCE event types?
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] fifo,fifo_mode commands in 1.2.0-tls
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Simple xcap-emulator for OpenSER
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Proxy Route Processing
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] Proxy Route Processing
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] ReInvite Issue
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] ReInvite Issue
Klaus Darilion
- [Users] OpenSER performance tests
Andy Davidson
- [Serusers] Unable to compile the xmlrpc module
Fabian Dedu
- [Serusers] Unable to compile the xmlrpc module
Fabian Dedu
- [Serusers] Unable to compile the xmlrpc module
Fabian Dedu
- [Users] Routing question
Lucas Diaz
- [Serusers] Max number of routing blocks in ser 0.9.6
Alexandr Dubovikov
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2.0: no user password in database
Franz Edler
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2.0: no user password in database
Franz Edler
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
- [Users] Compiling new OpenSER 1.2.0 on Solaris 8 fails
Peter Edwards
- [Users] Compiling new OpenSER 1.2.0 on Solaris 8 fails
Peter Edwards
- [Users] OpenSER crashes when attempting to use null avp variable
Asterisk Expert
- [Users] Can not access script variables
Asterisk Expert
- [Users] Can not access script variables in openser 1.2.0
Asterisk Expert
- [Users] Not able to access avp variables in reply route
Asterisk Expert
- [Users] Not able to access avp variables in reply route
Asterisk Expert
- [Users] Can not access script variables in openser 1.2.0
Asterisk Expert
- [Users] Not able to access avp variables in reply route
Asterisk Expert
- [Users] Not able to access avp variables in reply route
Asterisk Expert
- [Users] Problem with dialog module
Leonid Fainshtein
- [Users] Problem with dialog module
Leonid Fainshtein
- [Users] DB migration
Leonid Fainshtein
- [Users] DB migration
Leonid Fainshtein
- [Users] Problem with dialog module
Leonid Fainshtein
- [Serusers] Error Message
Barton Fisher
- [Serusers] re: npid=yes
Alex Fler
- [Users] Comparable regex function in openser
Bastian Friedrich
- [Users] No rtpproxy when clients are behind the same nat
Rafael J. Risco G.V.
- [Users] Proxy Route Processing
Victor Gamov
- [Users] Proxy Route Processing
Victor Gamov
- [Users] Proxy Route Processing
Victor Gamov
- [Users] Proxy Route Processing
Victor Gamov
- [Users] response message content
Victor Gamov
- [Serusers] re: composing SIP messages
Jignesh Gandhi
- [Serusers] re: CONTACT field malformed in a 302 reply
Jignesh Gandhi
- [Serusers] SIP SER
Gustavo García
- [Users] CDRTool problem with multi-leg call accounting and radius
Adrian Georgescu
- [Users] Simple xcap-emulator for OpenSER
Adrian Georgescu
- [Users] connection pooling with unixodbc
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] AVPOPS: question about avp_db_query
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] Re: memory issues
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] out of memory
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] out of memory
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] out of memory
Papadopoulos Georgios
- [Users] RTPProxy problem with music-on-hold
Federico Giannici
- [Serusers] Changing expires in 200 OK for Register
Baljeet Gill
- [Users] cancelling forked requests + forcing TLS use
Andrew T Gin
- [Serusers] cancelling forked requests + forcing TLS use
Andrew T Gin
- [Serusers] SIP SER
Goh, Tee-Yong
- [Serusers] SIP SER
Goh, Tee-Yong
- [Serusers] SIP SER
Goh, Tee-Yong
- [Serusers] test run
Goh, Tee-Yong
- [Serusers] SIP SER
Goh, Tee-Yong
- [Serusers] SER-0.9.6
Goh, Tee-Yong
- [Serusers] SIP SER
Goh, Tee-Yong
- [Serusers] re: composing SIP messages
Goh, Tee-Yong
- [Serusers] SER - Config files
Goh, Tee-Yong
- [Users] permissions module and avp definition
Andreas Granig
- [Users] mi_fifo question
Andreas Granig
- [Users] mi_fifo question
Andreas Granig
- [Users] info-color of openserctl
Andreas Granig
- [Serusers] Call forwarding
Andreas Granig
- [Users] domain module in 1.2
Andreas Granig
- [Users] lcr, branch route and setdsturi
Andreas Granig
- [Users] domain module in 1.2
Andreas Granig
- [Users] domain module in 1.2
Andreas Granig
- [Users] lcr, branch route and setdsturi
Andreas Granig
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2 and NAT
Andreas Granig
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2 and NAT
Andreas Granig
- [Users] Re: openserctl alias show ???
Andreas Granig
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2 and NAT
Andreas Granig
- [Users] Re: openserctl alias show ???
Andreas Granig
- [Users] What does this mean?
Andreas Granig
- [Users] Compiling Openser for best performance on Solaris SPARC
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Compiling Openser for best performance on Solaris SPARC
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Compiling Openser for best performance on Solaris SPARC
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Compiling Openser for best performance on Solaris SPARC
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Compiling Openser for best performance on Solaris SPARC
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser Compilation problem using Optimized GCC
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser on Sun Ultrasparc T1 Processors - Mismatch architecture detection
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser on Sun Ultrasparc T1 Processors - Mismatch architecture detection
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser Not Send Ack to Callee?
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser on Sun Ultrasparc T1 Processors - Mismatch architecture detection
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser on Sun Ultrasparc T1 Processors - Mismatch architecture detection
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] SNMPstats module not returning data
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] SNMPstats module not returning data
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] SNMPstats module not returning data
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] SNMPstats module not returning data
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] users authentication
Sergio Gutierrez
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] users authentication
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Sergio Gutierrez
- [Users] WeSIP API
Ginés Gómez
- [Users] WeSIP part 2
Ginés Gómez
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
Ginés Gómez
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
Ginés Gómez
- [Users] WeSIP:Click2Call
Ginés Gómez
- [Users] WeSIP for commercial use
Ginés Gómez
- [Users] WeSIP C2C and freeswitch
Ginés Gómez
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
Ginés Gómez
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
Ginés Gómez
- [Users] Wesip and openser: auto reconnect
Ginés Gómez
- [Serusers] ser_ctl - connection refused
Jan Halla
- [Serusers] Re: [Users] No rtpproxy when clients are behind the same nat
Alfred E. Heggestad
- [Users] [user] radius_is_user_in problem.
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] OT: Troubleshooting DNS SRV records
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] Permissions module w/DBTEXT database doesn't work in 1.2 ???
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] Permissions module w/DBTEXT database doesn't work in 1.2 ???
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] loose_route problem with 1.2
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] NAT Problem with OpenSER behind load balancer
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] loose_route problem with 1.2
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] loose_route problem with 1.2
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] parameter of route(n)
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] domain module in 1.2
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] domain module in 1.2
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] parameter of route(n)
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] an example of xcap_table entry?
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] OpenSER sometimes forwarding 100 response
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] Content-type in PUBLISH request
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] Content-type in PUBLISH request
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Juha Heinanen
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Juha Heinanen
- [Serusers] ACK for non-2XX not record-routed
Emmanuel Hislen
- [Serusers] ACK for non-2XX not record-routed
Emmanuel Hislen
- [Serusers] ACK for non-2XX not record-routed
Emmanuel Hislen
- [Serusers] re: CONTACT field malformed in a 302 reply
Martin Hoffmann
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] OpenSer 1.1 crashs on TLS
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Module UAC to authentication and redirect calls
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] regarding SIPS/TLS
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] TLS and dead tcp child
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] TLS and dead tcp child
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Re: [Devel] Dialog module bug?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] TLS and dead tcp child
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] pdt and IPv6
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] WeSIP for commercial use
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] pdt and IPv6
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] cancelling forked requests + forcing TLS use
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] mi_xmlrpc on redhat
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Openser 1.1.x avp question
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Strange Problem involving PSTN call in
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Meeting at Von in San Jose
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] mi_xmlrpc on redhat
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] NAT issue with devel version
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] mi_xmlrpc on redhat
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Status of t_uac_dlg in 1.2.0
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] using regular expressions in switch case
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Compiling new OpenSER 1.2.0 on Solaris 8 fails
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] dialog module configuration question
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] OpenSER performance tests
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] mi_xmlrpc on redhat
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] OpenSER performance tests
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] SIP supplementary service
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] differ between wrong password and stale nonce
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] auth_db and load_credentials question
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] DBTEXT performance vs. MySQL?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] accounting radius and multileg calls
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Question about changing an coming call destination.
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2 debs available for Debian stable
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] BUG in TM
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] OpenSER performance tests
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Question about changing an coming call destination.
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] SIP supplementary service
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] auth_db and load_credentials question
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] SIP supplementary service
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Problem with dialog module
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] DLG: BYE not detected because of route reccord
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] out of memory
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2 support for sip:wizard
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] OpenSER @ Von @ San Jose
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Re: [Devel] "detached" timer
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] users authentication
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] out of memory
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] out of memory
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Re: [Devel] "detached" timer
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] "detached" timer
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Re: [Devel] "detached" timer
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] "detached" timer
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] "detached" timer
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] 473 Filtered destination?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] authentication with other DB
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] how to handle 302-moved temporarily
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] editing header multiple times
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] t_relay() with variables(proto:ip:port)
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] A Problem with Serweb server monitoring
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] 473 Filtered destination?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] Re: [Devel] "detached" timer
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] "detached" timer
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Users] "detached" timer
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [Serusers] Re: [Serdev] New search-page
Jan Janak
- [Serusers] Re: [Serdev] New search-page
Jan Janak
- [Users] Contact header modification
Stefan Jenkner
- [Users] Contact header modification
Stefan Jenkner
- [Users] Re: openserctl alias show ???
G.O. Jensen
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
G.O. Jensen
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
G.O. Jensen
- [Users] Fresh OpenSER 1.2.0 Openserctl can only add 1 user?!
Geir O. Jensen
- [Users] Fresh OpenSER 1.2.0 Openserctl can only add 1 user?!
Geir O. Jensen
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
Geir O. Jensen
- [Users] Re: openserctl alias show ???
Geir O. Jensen
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
Geir O. Jensen
- [Users] PRESENCE event types?
Geir O. Jensen
- [Users] PRESENCE event types?
Geir O. Jensen
- [Users] Radius and OpenSer
- [Serusers] SER home proxy with Asterisk voicemail
Olle E Johansson
- [Serusers] global contact list
Barta János
- [Serusers] global contact list
Barta János
- [Serusers] group info
- [Serusers] Groups
- [Serusers] groups
- [Serusers] (no subject)
- [Serusers] Record Routing
- [Serusers] MySql Module Error!!
- [Users] using avp's as lists
Kro Kamil
- [Users] rewritehost
Kro Kamil
- [Users] ACK ACK ACK
Mark Kent
- [Users] ACK ACK ACK
Mark Kent
- [Users] Unauthorized Calls - PLEASE HELP!
Mark Kent
- [Serusers] ask for ser performance parameters
Su Kerry
- [Users] Invalid Table Version
Martin Klisch
- [Users] Invalid Table Version
Martin Klisch
- [Users] Invalid Table Version
Martin Klisch
- [Serusers] SER as Presence Server
Vaclav Kubart
- [Serusers] group info
Vaclav Kubart
- [Serusers] Groups
Vaclav Kubart
- [Serusers] Status of Ottendorf and Presence
Vaclav Kubart
- [Serusers] global contact list
Vaclav Kubart
- [Serusers] Getting core dump for ser-0.8.14
Gaurav Kulshreshtha
- [Serusers] unable to register SIP users after 24 hours (1 day)
Ranjeet Kumar
- [Users] WeSIP
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] WeSIP part 2
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] WeSIP part 2
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] click2dial
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] click2dial
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] click2dial
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] click2dial
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] click2dial
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] WeSIP for commercial use
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] WeSIP:Click2Call
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] WeSIP C2C and freeswitch
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] Wesip and openser: auto reconnect
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] WeSIP C2C and freeswitch
Helmut Kuper
- [Users] Wesip C2C
Helmut Kuper
- [Serusers] RTPProxy codecs?
Andrey Kuprianov
- [Serusers] RTPProxy codecs?
Andrey Kuprianov
- [Serusers] Error compiling eval module
Andrey Kuprianov
- [Serusers] Re: Error compiling eval module
Andrey Kuprianov
- [Serusers] SER home proxy with Asterisk voicemail
Andrey Kuprianov
- [Serusers] New search-page
Andrey Kuprianov
- [Serusers] Re: [Serdev] Prague User Group Meeting Agenda
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Re: [Serdev] Prague User Group Meeting Agenda
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] How to send ALIAS as caller ID
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] SIP tutorial has been updated
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] are there sites that use OpenSER server?
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] FIFO file
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] re: CONTACT field malformed in a 302 reply
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Problems with ACK
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Status of Ottendorf and Presence
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] avp_sprintf in ser 0.9.6?
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- Handling of early CANCELs - was Re: [Serusers] SER Nokia CANCEL Problem
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serdev] Re: Handling of early CANCELs - was Re: [Serusers] SER Nokia CANCEL Problem
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serdev] Re: Handling of early CANCELs - was Re: [Serusers] SER Nokia CANCEL Problem
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] Re: [Devel] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] Re: [Devel] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] 0-terminated packet
Jiri Kuthan
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] PATH Module in SER (0.9.6 or 0.10.x)
- [Serusers] Jabber w/ Ser
- [Users] Handling 183 Session Progress Messages
Hansi Lao
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
Kristian Larsson
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
Kristian Larsson
- [Users] Working on 3xx FWD
Sam Lee
- [Users] Strange Problem involving PSTN call in
Sam Lee
- [Users] Strange Problem involving PSTN call in
Sam Lee
- [Users] Manipulate Refer To
Sam Lee
- [Users] Manipulate Refer To
Sam Lee
- [Users] BUG in TM
Sam Lee
- [Users] BUG in TM
Sam Lee
- [Users] BUG in TM
Sam Lee
- [Users] Manipulate Refer To
Sam Lee
- [Users] Server call forwarding
Sam Lee
- [Users] Manipulate Refer To
Sam Lee
- [Users] Failure routes
Sam Lee
- [Users] Failure routes
Sam Lee
- [Users] Failure routes
Sam Lee
- [Serusers] Ser-0.9.6 and exec_dset
Tobias Lindgren
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0 and exec_dset
Tobias Lindgren
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0 and exec_dset
Tobias Lindgren
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0 and exec_dset
Tobias Lindgren
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0 and exec_dset
Tobias Lindgren
- [Users] 473 Filtered destination?
Tobias Lindgren
- [Users] 473 Filtered destination?
Tobias Lindgren
- [Users] 0-terminated packet
Tobias Lindgren
- [Users] G729 Codec question
Andreas M.
- [Serusers] how to log unauthorized attemp with clear password
Fabio Macchi
- [Serusers] SER -> PSTN Gateway+NAT: BYE handling problem
Fabio Macchi
- R: [Serusers] SER -> PSTN Gateway+NAT: BYE handling problem
Fabio Macchi
- R: R: [Serusers] SER -> PSTN Gateway+NAT: BYE handling problem
Fabio Macchi
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Lucio Maciel
- [Users] Putting the OpenSER behind a load balancer which NATs
Tim Madorma
- [Users] NAT Problem with OpenSER behind load balancer
Tim Madorma
- [Users] OpenSER not sending responses to IP in via header
Tim Madorma
- [Users] Re: OpenSER not sending responses to IP in via header
Tim Madorma
- [Users] OpenSER sometimes forwarding 100 response
Tim Madorma
- Fwd: [Users] SNMPstats module not returning data
Jeffrey Magder
- Fwd: [Users] SNMPstats module not returning data
Jeffrey Magder
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Jeffrey Magder
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Jeffrey Magder
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Jeffrey Magder
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Jeffrey Magder
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Jeffrey Magder
- [Users] Module UAC to authentication and redirect calls
Thiago Maluf
- [Serusers] SER -> PSTN Gateway+NAT: BYE handling problem
Kostas Marneris
- R: [Serusers] SER -> PSTN Gateway+NAT: BYE handling problem
Kostas Marneris
- [Users] parameter of route(n)
Jerome Martin
- [Users] parameter of route(n)
Jerome Martin
- [Users] parameter of route(n)
Jerome Martin
- [Users] To: header in e.164 format - adding a plus
Jerome Martin
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jerome Martin
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jerome Martin
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jerome Martin
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jerome Martin
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jerome Martin
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jerome Martin
- [Users] "detached" timer
Jerome Martin
- [Serusers] Problems with ACK
Ricardo Martinez
- [Serusers] Problems with ACK
Ricardo Martinez
- [Serusers] Problems with ACK
Ricardo Martinez
- [Serusers] Problems with ACK
Ricardo Martinez
- [Serusers] make all error: avp_radius module compilation error - parse_uri.h:50
Michal Matyska
- [Serusers] problem with compiling the new CVS release
Michal Matyska
- [Users] No rtpproxy when clients are behind the same nat
Jeremy McNamara
- [Users] Temporarily suspend or disable subscriber ???
Haberler Michael
- [Users] connection pooling with unixodbc
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Some precisions about reply_route handling
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] WeSIP API
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- FW: [Users] imc
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Subscriber table for GUI authentication
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] OpenSER + Asterisk - Music On Hold
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] avp_check and AVP's with index's?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Param in SIP header
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] AVP management
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] imc
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] web interface
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] how to add user to database
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Working on 3xx FWD
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] sdp negotiation fails - no ACK - rtpproxy
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] AVPOPS: question about avp_db_query
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Routing question
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] accounting of final replies
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] $avp(s:rpid) and another question...
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] $avp(s:rpid) and another question...
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] $avp(s:rpid) and another question...
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Dispatcher and failover in 1.2.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Dispatcher and failover in 1.2.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] openserctl avp issues
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Dispatcher and failover in 1.2.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] name for branch 1.2.x
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Re: [Devel] name for branch 1.2.x
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Re: [Devel] name for branch 1.2.x
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Adding Users to 1.2.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Adding Users to 1.2.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Adding Users to 1.2.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2.0: no user password in database
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] avp_db_query examples
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] in openser's website...
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] memory issues
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] config file syntax
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] question false or true
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] OpenSER and FWD
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] error adding a new subscriber
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] memory issues
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] error adding a new subscriber
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] memory issues
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] t_uac_dlg disconnect example - WILLING TO PAY
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] permissions module and avp definition
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] t_relay() with variables(proto:ip:port)
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] memory issues
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] mi_fifo question
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] loose_route problem with 1.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] loose_route problem with 1.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Re: Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] loose_route problem with 1.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Re: Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Commercial SIP Server
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Re: Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] NAT Problem with OpenSER behind load balancer
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] domain module in 1.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] NAT Problem with OpenSER behind load balancer
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] domain module in 1.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] info-color of openserctl
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] RHEL/Fedora equivalents of deb packages in RPM SPEC
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] parameter of route(n)
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Commercial SIP Server
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Commercial SIP Server
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] xmpp module
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Compiling Openser for best performance on Solaris SPARC
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] NAT Problem with OpenSER behind load balancer
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] parameter of route(n)
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Compiling Openser for best performance on Solaris SPARC
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] parameter of route(n)
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Compiling Openser for best performance on Solaris SPARC
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Advanced OpenSER Programming Course, Paris, INRIA, June 4-6, 2007
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] memory issues
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Re: OpenSER not sending responses to IP in via header
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] are there sites that use OpenSER server?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] OpenSER crashes when attempting to use null avp variable
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] memory issues
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] OpenSER crashes when attempting to use null avp variable
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0 and exec_dset
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] OpenSER crashes when attempting to use null avp variable
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0 and exec_dset
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser 1.2.0 and exec_dset
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser not starting
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] VOIP Patent Bomb Goes Off In U.S.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] rewritehost
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Can not access script variables in openser 1.2.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] load testing presence server
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] I need save("location") but with some change ...
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Re: memory issues
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] load testing presence server
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] t_relay() with variables(proto:ip:port)
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- Fwd: [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] Openser fails when compiled on Solaris 64bit
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [Users] OpenSER+ Freeradius+MySQL
Ion Minzu
- [Users] OpenSER+ Freeradius+MySQL
Ion Minzu
- [Users] OpenSER+ Freeradius+MySQL
Ion Minzu
- [QUAR] Re: [Users] openser+postgresql
T.R. Missner
- [Users] "detached" timer
T.R. Missner
- [Users] Re: [Devel] "detached" timer
T.R. Missner
- [Users] Re: [Devel] "detached" timer
T.R. Missner
- [Users] Re: [Devel] "detached" timer
T.R. Missner
- [Serusers] 4 Rings and Fast Busy
Ing. Marco Moran
- [Users] xmpp module
Sebastian Murray-Roberts
- [Users] Watchers table not being updated
Sebastian Murray-Roberts
- [Users] using regular expressions in switch case
Jayesh Nambiar
- [Serusers] RTPProxy codecs?
Valentin Nechayev
- [Users] A Problem with Serweb server monitoring
Jarkko Nevala
- [Users] RHEL/Fedora equivalents of deb packages in RPM SPEC
Peter Nixon
- [Users] Openser 1.1.x avp question
Mike O'Connor
- [Users] Openser architectural question
Mike O'Connor
- [Serusers] RFC: call forwarding
Nils Ohlmeier
- [Users] Can the timers be changed in situ?
Mahesh Paolini-Subramanya
- [Users] Loose routing and branches
Marius Patea
- [Serusers] New search-page
Marcin Pazdro
- [Serusers] New search-page
Marcin Pazdro
- [Serusers] Re: [Serdev] New search-page
Marcin Pazdro
- [Serusers] Re: [Serdev] Getting core dump for ser-0.8.14
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
- [Serusers] Problems with ACK
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
- [Serusers] Problems with ACK
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
- [Serusers] msilo module problem
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
- [Serusers] msilo module problem
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
- [Serusers] Status of Ottendorf and Presence
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
- [Users] could not open module postgres
Joao Pereira
- [Users] could not open module postgres
Joao Pereira
- [Users] web interface
Joao Pereira
- [Users] web interface
Joao Pereira
- [Serusers] RTPproxy just for inside calls
Joao Pereira
- [Users] RTPproxy just for inside calls
Joao Pereira
- [Serusers] RTPproxy problem
Joao Pereira
- [Users] RTPproxy problem
Joao Pereira
- [Serusers] RTPproxy problem
Joao Pereira
- [Serusers] server error
Joao Pereira
- [Serusers] server error
Joao Pereira
- [Users] users authentication
Joao Pereira
- [Serusers] users authentication
Joao Pereira
- [Users] users authentication
Joao Pereira
- [Serusers] authentication with other DB
Joao Pereira
- [Users] authentication with other DB
Joao Pereira
- [Users] users authentication
Joao Pereira
- [Users] host identification
Joao Pereira
- [Users] accounting radius and multileg calls
Rosario Pingaro
- [Users] 473 Filtered destination?
Stefan Prelle
- [Users] sst bye issue
Andy Pyles
- [Users] sst bye issue
Andy Pyles
- [Users] Presence and Postgresql
H Quintana
- [Users] Presence and Postgresql
H Quintana
- [Users] pua_usrloc and expire time
H Quintana
- Re: [Serusers] ser 0.10.99 - unixsock_server.c:274: error: ‘last_process’ undeclared (first use in this function)
Branimir Radić
- [Serusers] How to send ALIAS as caller ID
Jai Rangi
- [Serusers] Problem loading mysql module
Jai Rangi
- [Serusers] Sip Softphone
Jai Rangi
- [Serusers] Call forwarding
Jai Rangi
- [Serusers] Call forwarding
Jai Rangi
- [Serusers] ser_ctl - connection refused
Terry Robert
- Fwd: [Users] SNMPstats module not returning data
Terry Robert
- [Users] FreeBSD port update to 1.1.1 committed
Jesus Rodriguez
- [Users] openser on AMD64 or intel Xeon64
Abdurrahman Sahin
- [Users] openser on AMD64 or intel Xeon64
Abdurrahman Sahin
- [Users] how to check openser server is functional after initial setup
Abdurrahman Sahin
- [Users] Re: openser behind nat UAs behind NAT
Abdurrahman Sahin
- [Users] bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Abdurrahman Sahin
- [Users] OpenSER+ Freeradius+MySQL
- [Serusers] Re: [Users] No rtpproxy when clients are behind the same nat
Atle Samuelsen
- [Serusers] How to send ALIAS as caller ID
Atle Samuelsen
- [Serusers] INFO: Prague User Group Meetings Presentations Now Available
Atle Samuelsen
- [Users] Status of t_uac_dlg in 1.2.0
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Temporarily suspend or disable subscriber ???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] MediaProxy and T.38 Fax
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] DBTEXT performance vs. MySQL?
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Permissions module w/DBTEXT database doesn't work in 1.2 ???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Permissions module w/DBTEXT database doesn't work in 1.2 ???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Permissions module w/DBTEXT database doesn't work in 1.2 ???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Permissions module w/DBTEXT database doesn't work in 1.2 ???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] t_uac_dlg disconnect example - WILLING TO PAY
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] mi_fifo question
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Re: Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Help with dbtext location table - Almost there!
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Re: Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Re: Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Re: Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Re: Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] RPID single quotes problem
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Re: RPID single quotes problem
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] To: header in e.164 format - adding a plus
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] To: header in e.164 format - adding a plus
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] To: header in e.164 format - adding a plus
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] openserctl alias show ???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Re: openserctl alias show ???
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Unauthorized Calls - PLEASE HELP!
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] Unauthorized Calls - PLEASE HELP!
Daryl Sanders
- [Users] AVP management
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] AVP management
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] AVP management
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] Dispatcher and failover in 1.2.0
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] openserctl avp issues
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] Dispatcher and failover in 1.2.0
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] dbtext DB_STRING test
Ovidiu Sas
- [Serusers] Re: [Users] MediaProxy and T.38 Fax
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] OpenSER and FWD
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] OpenSER and FWD
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] Server call forwarding
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] Re: Only db_mode=0 works with dbtext loaction table in 1.2
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] NAT Problem with OpenSER behind load balancer
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] username in header
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] Fresh OpenSER 1.2.0 Openserctl can only add 1 user?!
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] memory issues
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] OpenSER crashes when attempting to use null avp variable
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] roadmap web page
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] load testing presence server
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] ReInvite Issue
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] 473 Filtered destination?
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] rtpproxy redundancy
Ovidiu Sas
- [Users] 473 Filtered destination?
Ovidiu Sas
- [Serusers] SEMS 0.10.0 rc2 released
Stefan Sayer
- [Serusers] SER version for SEMS
Stefan Sayer
- [Serusers] Re: SEMS still doesn't work
Stefan Sayer
- [Serusers] FIFO file
Stefan Sayer
- [Serusers] avp_sprintf in ser 0.9.6?
Stefan Sayer
- [Users] MediaProxy and T.38 Fax
Bastian Schern
- [Users] Problems when branching multiple legs to asterisk
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] Problems when branching multiple legs to asterisk
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] Re: [Devel] name for branch 1.2.x
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] another svn question
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] Putting the OpenSER behind a load balancer which NATs
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] memory issues
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] memory issues
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] memory issues
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] memory issues
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] memory issues
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] memory issues
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] OpenSER as a Load Balancer for Asterisk and RE-INVITEs
Christian Schlatter
- [Users] OpenSER + Asterisk - Music On Hold
Edoardo Serra
- [Users] Re: OpenSER + Asterisk - Music On Hold
Edoardo Serra
- [Users] Re: OpenSER + Asterisk - Music On Hold
Edoardo Serra
- [Users] Re: OpenSER + Asterisk - Music On Hold
Edoardo Serra
- [Users] OpenSER as a Load Balancer for Asterisk and RE-INVITEs
Edoardo Serra
- [Users] Re: OpenSER as a Load Balancer for Asterisk and RE-INVITEs
Edoardo Serra
- [Users] How URI is parsed...
Stuart Sheldon
- [Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry
Andreas Sikkema
- [Serusers] SIP SER
Eliott Spencer
- [Serusers] compiling the most recent unstable snapshots
Eliott Spencer
- [Users] OpenSER 1.2 support for sip:wizard
SipWise Support
- [Users] OpenSER-1.2 Radius Auth
- [Serusers] NAT Handling - SER behind a router
- [Serusers] SER doesn't load but system thinks it is
- [Serusers] NAT Handling - SER behind a router
- [Users] Question about changing an coming call destination.
Howard Tang
- [Users] Question about changing an coming call destination.
Howard Tang
- [Serusers] SIP SER
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] ask for ser performance parameters
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] test run
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] PATH Module in SER (0.9.6 or 0.10.x)
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Problems creating DB in SER Ottendorf
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] speeddial - CANCEL MESSAGE ERROR
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Error compiling eval module
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Error Message
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Error Message
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Error Message
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Re: [Users] No rtpproxy when clients are behind the same nat
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Prague User Group Meeting Agenda
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Re: [Serdev] Prague User Group Meeting Agenda
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] SIP SER
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] avp_radius - ser2.1 - Access Request Contents
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] SER home proxy with Asterisk voicemail
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] SIP Accounting Module problem
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] INFO: Daily generated documentation
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] SEMS log file
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] NAT Handling - SER behind a router
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] SIP Accounting Module problem
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] RTPproxy just for inside calls
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Ser2 and radius - Accounting request doesn't send User-Name Attribute
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] heartbeat-SER problem
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] compiling the most recent unstable snapshots
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Question about Radius Leg
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] ACK for non-2XX not record-routed
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Unable to compile the xmlrpc module
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Heartbeat with ser and asterisk
Greger V. Teigre
- R: [Serusers] SER -> PSTN Gateway+NAT: BYE handling problem
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Unable to compile the xmlrpc module
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Find an issue with FIFO after crash
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Call forwarding
Greger V. Teigre
- R: R: [Serusers] SER -> PSTN Gateway+NAT: BYE handling problem
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] server error
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] re: composing SIP messages
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] server error
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] INFO: Prague User Group Meetings Presentations Now Available
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Capturing all messages for testing purposes
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Record Routing
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Status of Ottendorf and Presence
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Re: [Serdev] New search-page
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Problems with ACK
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] why b2bua always relay 403
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] avp_sprintf in ser 0.9.6?
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] Status of Ottendorf and Presence
Greger V. Teigre
- [Serusers] SER home proxy with Asterisk voicemail
Meidiana Ten
- [Serusers] SER version for SEMS
Meidiana Ten
- [Serusers] SEMS still doesn't work
Meidiana Ten
- [Serusers] SEMS log file
Meidiana Ten
- [Serusers] FIFO file
Meidiana Ten
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
Shafraz Thawfeek
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
Shafraz Thawfeek
- [Serusers] Capturing all messages for testing purposes
Shafraz Thawfeek
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
Shafraz Thawfeek
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
Shafraz Thawfeek
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
Shafraz Thawfeek
- [Users] Openser + postgres not starting
Knight Tiger
- [Users] Openser + postgres not starting
Knight Tiger
- [Users] Openser not starting
Knight Tiger
- [Serusers] ACK for non-2XX not record-routed
Miklos Tirpak
- [Serusers] ACK for non-2XX not record-routed
Miklos Tirpak
- [Serusers] re: CONTACT field malformed in a 302 reply
Miklos Tirpak
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
Mike Tkachuk
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
Mike Tkachuk
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
Mike Tkachuk
- [Serusers] Question about Radius Leg
Gustavo Passos Tourinho
- [Users] ENC: Presence Module - Eyebeam 1.5
Hildebrando Trannin
- RES: [Users] ENC: Presence Module - Eyebeam 1.5
Hildebrando Trannin
- RES: RES: [Users] ENC: Presence Module - Eyebeam 1.5
Hildebrando Trannin
- RES: [Users] an example of xcap_table entry?
Hildebrando Trannin
- [Users] Presence information expires at presence server
Rajaram Tripathy
- [Users] Presence information expires at presence server
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] ENC: Presence Module - Eyebeam 1.5
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] Presence and Postgresql
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- RES: [Users] ENC: Presence Module - Eyebeam 1.5
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] pua_usrloc and expire time
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] PRESENCE module issues
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] Content-type in PUBLISH request
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] PRESENCE event types?
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] PRESENCE event types?
Anca-Maria Vamanu
- [Users] Re: openser + postgres starting problem
Stephen Varga
- [Users] Re: openser + postgres starting problem
Stephen Varga
- [Users] Presence and Postgresql
Stephen Varga
- RES: [Users] ENC: Presence Module - Eyebeam 1.5
Stephen Varga
- [Users] Openser + postgres not starting
Stephen Varga
- [Users] bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Stephen Varga
- [Users] $avp(s:rpid) and another question...
Helge Waastad
- [Users] $avp(s:rpid) and another question...
Helge Waastad
- [Users] $avp(s:rpid) and another question...
Helge Waastad
- [Users] mi_xmlrpc on redhat
Helge Waastad
- [Users] $avp(s:rpid) and another question...
Helge Waastad
- [Users] Dispatcher and failover in 1.2.0
Helge Waastad
- [Users] $avp(s:rpid) and another question...
Helge Waastad
- [Users] Dispatcher and failover in 1.2.0
Helge Waastad
- [Users] mi_xmlrpc on redhat
Helge Waastad
- [Users] mi_xmlrpc on redhat
Helge Waastad
- [Users] mi_xmlrpc on redhat
Helge Waastad
- [Users] mi_xmlrpc on redhat
Helge Waastad
- [Users] XCAP for php4
Helge Waastad
- [Users] DB migration
Watkins, Bradley
- [Users] DB migration
Watkins, Bradley
- [Users] accounting of final replies
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Re: [Devel] name for branch 1.2.x
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] OpenSER dies when MySQL is unreachable???
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] another svn question
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Openser and Oracle
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] OpenSER performance tests
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Openser + postgres not starting
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] are there sites that use OpenSER server?
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] openser1.2.0+diameter
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Openser on Sun Ultrasparc T1 Processors - Mismatch architecture detection
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Openser on Sun Ultrasparc T1 Processors - Mismatch architecture detection
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] fifo,fifo_mode commands in 1.2.0-tls
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Openser on Sun Ultrasparc T1 Processors - Mismatch architecture detection
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] how to check openser server is functional after initial setup
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
Henning Westerholt
- [Users] RE: Openser and Sip provider
Gene Willingham
- [Users] sst bye issue
Ron Winacott
- [Users] sst bye issue
Ron Winacott
- [Users] Openser and SIP provider
Scott Yagel
- [Users] RE: Openser and Sip provider
Scott Yagel
- [Users] config file syntax
Scott Yagel
- [Users] username in header
Scott Yagel
- [Users] config file syntax
Scott Yagel
- [Users] username in header
Scott Yagel
- [Users] config file syntax
Scott Yagel
- [Users] config file syntax
Scott Yagel
- [Serusers] Call forwarding
Ali Zaidi
- [Users] Problems when branching multiple legs to asterisk
Ardjan Zwartjes
- [Users] NAT issue with devel version
vallimamod abdullah
- Fwd: [Users] NAT issue with devel version
vallimamod abdullah
- [Users] Re: help in uac config
vallimamod abdullah
- [Users] Openser architectural question
vallimamod abdullah
- [Users] Re: help in uac config
vallimamod abdullah
- [Users] Re: Openser not starting (Knight Tiger)
vallimamod abdullah
- [Users] openser behind nat UAs behind NAT
- [Users] Re: openser behind nat UAs behind NAT
- [Serusers] voice transmitting
zahra bahar
- [Serusers] SIP SER
karim basraoui
- [Serusers] SIP SER
karim basraoui
- [Serusers] Environmental parameter
- [Serusers] using SER
- [Serusers] SER as Presence Server
- [Users] openser + postgres starting problem
rkmr.em at
- [Users] Re: openser + postgres starting problem
rkmr.em at
- [Users] Re: openser + postgres starting problem
rkmr.em at
- [Users] error adding a new subscriber
rkmr.em at
- [Users] Re: openser + postgres starting problem
rkmr.em at
- [Users] Re: openser + postgres starting problem
rkmr.em at
- [Users] Re: openser + postgres starting problem
rkmr.em at
- [Users] error adding a new subscriber
rkmr.em at
- [Users] error adding a new subscriber
rkmr.em at
- [Users] TLS and dead tcp child
Ohad.Levy at
- [Users] OpenSer 1.1 crashs on TLS
Ohad.Levy at
- [Users] TLS and dead tcp child
Ohad.Levy at
- [Serusers] Setup call forward by phone keyboard
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Find an issue with FIFO after crash
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Find an issue with FIFO after crash
- [Serusers] Find an issue with FIFO after crash
- [Serusers] Find an issue with FIFO after crash
- [Users] Radius
jidn jidn
- [Users] SNMPstats module not returning data
- [Users] OT: Troubleshooting DNS SRV records
- [Users] G729 Codec question
hemant kumar
- [Users] openser on AMD64 or intel Xeon64
- [Users] What does this mean?
- [Users] What does this mean?
- [Users] OpenSER with PRACK
konstantinos nikou
- [Users] Subscriber table for GUI authentication
alper ozbilen
- [Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry
alper ozbilen
- [Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry
alper ozbilen
- [Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry
alper ozbilen
- [Users] VOIP Patent Bomb Goes Off In U.S.
michael papet
- [Users] register more than one username by IP phone
klaus.mailinglists at
- [Users] Simple xcap-emulator for OpenSER
klaus.mailinglists at
- [Users] Unauthorized Calls - PLEASE HELP!
klaus.mailinglists at
- [Serusers] groups
- [Serusers] SER - Config files
- [Serusers] Changing expires in 200 OK for Register
- [Serusers] SER - Config files
- [Users] 1.1.1 to 1.2 : radius failed
- [Users] openser 1.2 avp
laurent schweizer
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Change URI before accounting ?
- [Serusers] Call forwarding
- [Serusers] Call forwarding
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
- [Serusers] NAT Handling - SER behind a router
- [Serusers] SER + Prepaid with Radius AAA.
- [Users] how to add user to database
- Re: 答复: [Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicateentry
- [Users] Simple xcap-emulator for OpenSER
- [Users] Simple xcap-emulator for OpenSER
- [Users] WeSIP API
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] CLI and GUI
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] RTPproxy problem
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] OpenSER and FWD
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] No Audio when integrating openSER and Asterisk , in NAT
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] No audio when openSER is forwarded to Asterisk server in the Same LAN network.
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] No audio when openSER is forworded to Asterisk server in the Same LAN network.
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] Problem configuring the openSER with the DISC
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] Invalid Table Version
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] SIP Registrartions
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] Radius and OpenSer
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] Re: openser behind nat UAs behind NAT
raviprakash sunkara
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
- [Users] click2dial
- [Users] click2dial
- [Users] click2dial
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
- [Users] WeSIP b2bua problem
- [Users] Wesip and openser: auto reconnect
- [Users] WeSIP with OpenSER 1.2.0
- [Users] WeSIP with OpenSER 1.2.0
- [Users] WeSIP session question
- [Users] using avp's as lists
- RV: [Users] WeSIP session question
- [Users] Dispatcher and failover in 1.2.0
jh at
- [Users] dbtext DB_STRING test
jh at
- [Users] [user] radius_is_user_in problem.
jh at
- [Users] lcr module parameters
jh at
- Re: Re: [Serusers] enum module error ser2.0
- [Serusers] speeddial - CANCEL MESSAGE ERROR
- [Serusers] avp_radius - ser2.1 - Access Request Contents
- Re: Re: [Serusers] avp_radius - ser2.1 - Access Request Contents
- Re: Re: Re: [Serusers] avp_radius - ser2.1 - Access Request Contents
- [Serusers] Ser2 and radius - Accounting request doesn't send User-Name Attribute
- [Serusers] make all error: avp_radius module compilation error - parse_uri.h:50
- [Serusers] heartbeat-SER problem
aespinoza at
- [Serusers] Heartbeat with ser and asterisk
aespinoza at
- [Users] Re: [Business] Re: [Devel] OpenSER v1.2.0 released
wanding wang
- [Users] Problem configuring the openSER with the DISC
priyanka.bhargava at
- [Users] Problem configuring the openSER with the DISC
priyanka.bhargava at
- [Users] Problem configuring the openSER with the DISC
priyanka.bhargava at
- [Users] Problem configuring the openSER with the DISC
priyanka.bhargava at
- [Users] "client did not present a certificate"(OpenSER 1.2 + EyeBeam 1.5 + TLS) !! need help!!
- [Users] "client did not present a certificate"(OpenSER 1.2 +EyeBeam 1.5 + TLS) !! need help!!
- [Serusers] why b2bua always relay 403
liu york
- [Users] how to handle REFER 302-moved temporarily
- [Users] editing header multiple times
- [Users] how to handle 302-moved temporarily
- [Users] how to handle 302-moved temporarily
- [Users] Openser Not Send Ack to Callee?
- [Users] Openser Not Send Ack to Callee?
- [Users] openser+postgresql
- [Users] openser +ipv6
- [Users] openser +ipv6
- [Users] openser+postgresql
- [Users] openser1.2.0+diameter
- 答复: [Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry
- [Users] SIP supplementary service
- RE: Re: [Users] SIP supplementary service
- [Users] are there sites that use OpenSER server?
- [Users] reason of interlocking with Asterisk server
Last message date:
Sat Mar 31 23:12:38 CEST 2007
Archived on: Mon May 3 10:47:13 CEST 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).