[Users] xmpp module

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Wed Mar 21 15:58:15 CET 2007


On 03/20/07 17:56, Sebastian Murray-Roberts wrote:
> Hi,
> I just have a question about the new xmpp module.
> I have set up an OpenSER box as a presence server using the presence 
> module, and everything is working fine, messaging and presence. Now I 
> would like to allow those users to communicate with users logged into 
> a jabber server. My first question is can presence information be 
> exchanged between OpenSER and the jabber server? If so, how is this 
> achieved since the xmpp module only has an xmpp_send_message() method.
It is only IM, presence support should be out in a several days.
> Also, just to make sure I understand how the module works, would this 
> be a correct summary of the module's functionality for a SIP to Jabber 
> message with a response:
> User A registers with OpenSER.
> User B registers with jabber server (OpenFire)
> User A sends a message to sip:User B*<jabber_domain>@<gateway_domain> 
> with from details :
> sip:User A*<openser_domain>@<gateway_domain>
> OpenSER forwards the request to the gateway
> Gateway translates the message and sends it to the jabber server
> Jabber server delivers message to User B
> Jabber server sends response to gateway with to details: User 
> A*<openser_domain>@<gateway_domain>
> Gateway forwards response to sip:User A@<openser_domain>
> Is that more or less correct, or am I off the mark?
it is correct.
> Finally, if that is the case, would User A need to be registered on 
> the jabber server already?
No, user A doesn't need a Jabber account. The OpenSER XMPP gw will act 
as a virtual XMPP server.

> I've never worked with presence before, so I'm still trying to get to 
> grips with it. Any comments/insights are much appreciated.
> Many thanks,
> Sebastian
> -- 
> Sebastian Murray-Roberts ( B.Sc Hons)
> Server Developer
> Yeigo Communications
> http://www.yeigo.com <http://www.yeigo.com>
> Tel: +27 21 409 7807
> Fax: +27 21 409 7050
> Mobile: +27 72 183 5998
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