November 2013 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Nov 1 08:36:48 CET 2013
Ending: Sat Nov 30 22:09:02 CET 2013
Messages: 429
- [SR-Users] "new_t: out_of_mem" errors, yet core.shmmem reports >60% shmmem free
elactrum at
- [SR-Users] "new_t: out_of_mem" errors, yet core.shmmem reports >60% shmmem free
Will Ferrer
- [SR-Users] #cfgutils: sleep(x) does not work in failure_route
Klaus Feichtinger
- [SR-Users] #cfgutils: sleep(x) does not work in failure_route
- [SR-Users] #cfgutils: sleep(x) does not work in failure_route
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] #cfgutils: sleep(x) does not work in failure_route
Klaus Feichtinger
- [SR-Users] #TM: timing problem in serial forking (INVITE vs. CANCEL)
Klaus Feichtinger
- [SR-Users] #TM: timing problem in serial forking (INVITE vs. CANCEL)
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] #TM: timing problem in serial forking (INVITE vs. CANCEL)
Klaus Feichtinger
- [SR-Users] (no subject)
Roni |
- [SR-Users] (no subject)
Sergey Okhapkin
- [SR-Users] (no subject)
Davy Van De Moere
- [SR-Users] (no subject)
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] 1 via header
- [SR-Users] 1 via header
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] 407 proxy authentication required
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] 408 callee disconnect (complete SIP packet capture)
kamailio at
- [SR-Users] 408 callee hangup problem
kamailio at
- [SR-Users] 408 callee hangup problem
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] Kamailio VUC Session on Nov 15
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] Kamailio VUC Session on Nov 15
Fred Posner
- [SR-Users] ACL based on User-Agent
Igor Potjevlesch
- [SR-Users] ACL based on User-Agent
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] add carrier
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] add carrier
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] add carrier
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] add carrier
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] add carrier
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] add carrier
Salman Zafar
- [SR-Users] adding new column in the CDRS table?
arun Jayaprakash
- [SR-Users] adding new column in the CDRS table?
Will Ferrer
- [SR-Users] adding new column in the CDRS table?
arun Jayaprakash
- [SR-Users] Append to reply in default action of failure_route
Efelin Novak
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] append_hf to CANCEL
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] Billing
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] Billing
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Books
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] Books
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] Books
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] BUG? - Dialog module timeout BYE is not ok.
- [SR-Users] BUG? - Dialog module timeout BYE is not ok.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] BUG? - Dialog module timeout BYE is not ok.
- [SR-Users] Call hold and call conference implementation in kamailio
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Call hold and call conference implementation in kamailio
- [SR-Users] Callee timeout
kamailio at
- [SR-Users] Callee timeout
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Calls via Kamailio - Audio delay
Mark Zeman
- [SR-Users] Calls via Kamailio - Audio delay
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Capturing-200 Okey(with SDP) from cfg
- [SR-Users] Capturing-200 Okey(with SDP) from cfg
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] Capturing-200 Okey(with SDP) from cfg (Daniel Grotti)
- [SR-Users] Carrierroute module
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] change callerid
vladimir tarasov
- [SR-Users] change callerid, kamailio
vladimir tarasov
- [SR-Users] Considering to release v4.1.0 on Dec 4, 2013
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Considering to release v4.1.0 on Dec4, 2014
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] DBTEXT / AVPOPS and custom database
Hugh James
- [SR-Users] DBTEXT / AVPOPS and custom database
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] DBTEXT / AVPOPS and custom database
Hugh James
- [SR-Users] Development for v4.2.0 is open
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Dialog module columns not found in .c files
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] dialog stats reported by app_perl
- [SR-Users] dialog stats reported by app_perl
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] dialog stats reported by app_perl
- [SR-Users] Disable NAT for given IP range
David Dean
- [SR-Users] Disable NAT for given IP range
John Murray
- [SR-Users] Disable NAT for given IP range
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] dispatcher: ds_options_callback, Setting the state failed
Seudin Kasumovic
- [SR-Users] dispatcher: ds_options_callback, Setting the state failed
Seudin Kasumovic
- [SR-Users] dispatcher: ds_options_callback, Setting the state failed
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] dispatcher: what is the syntax for dispatcher list file
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Does $hdr() accept PVs?
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Does $hdr() accept PVs?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Email alert
- [SR-Users] Email alert
Oriol Capsada
- [SR-Users] Email alert
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] EOF Error in pass_fd
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] EOF Error in pass_fd
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] error handling
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] error handling
Brandon Armstead
- [SR-Users] error handling
Brandon Armstead
- [SR-Users] error handling
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] error handling
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] error handling
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] Event route sl:local-response is not executed in kamailio 4.1
Sergey Okhapkin
- [SR-Users] Event route sl:local-response is not executed in kamailio 4.1
Sergey Okhapkin
- [SR-Users] Event route sl:local-response is not executed in kamailio 4.1
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] extract part of string / INVITE
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] extract part of string / INVITE
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] extract part of string / INVITE
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] extract part of string / INVITE
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] forward audio to another sip server
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] forward audio to another sip server
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] Forwarding registrations upstream
Spencer Thomason
- [SR-Users] Function to test DB connection from route[]?
Allen Zhang
- [SR-Users] Function to test DB connection from route[]?
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] Function to test DB connection in the cfg file?
Allen Zhang
- [SR-Users] Function to test DB connection in the cfg file?
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] Function to test DB connection in the cfg file?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Function to test DB connection in the cfg file?
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] Function to test DB connection in the cfg file?
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Function to test DB connection in the cfg file?
Allen Zhang
- [SR-Users] Fwd: 408 callee disconnect (complete SIP packet capture)
kamailio at
- [SR-Users] Fwd: Query regd the dispatcher algorithm support
santosh satapathy
- [SR-Users] Fwd: sr-users Digest, Vol 102, Issue 53
santosh satapathy
- [SR-Users] GIT Branch 4.1 has been created for release series 4.1.x
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Google search
Carlos Ruiz Díaz
- [SR-Users] Google search
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Google search
Muhammad Shahzad
- [SR-Users] How to configure MySQL?
Gus Monti
- [SR-Users] How to configure MySQL?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] IM Broadcasting
sipatse at
- [SR-Users] IM Broadcasting
sipatse at
- [SR-Users] implemented specifiers not processed
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] implemented specifiers not processed
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] implemented specifiers not processed
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] implemented specifiers not processed
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Incoming call problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Incoming call problem
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] Incoming call problem
Jason Sia
- [SR-Users] Incoming call problem
Jason Sia
- [SR-Users] Kamailio + freeswitch BLF is not working
José Seabra
- [SR-Users] Kamailio - RTPProxy - Asymmetric RTP
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] Kamailio - RTPProxy - Asymmetric RTP
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio - RTPProxy - Asymmetric RTP
Lucas Girard
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0 crash at urecord wb_timer
jh at
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0 crash at urecord wb_timer
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0 crash at urecord wb_timer
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0 crash at urecord wb_timer
jh at
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0 crash at urecord wb_timer
jh at
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0 crash at urecord wb_timer
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0 crash at urecord wb_timer
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.3 - contact header in ACK
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.3 - contact header in ACK
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.3 - contact header in ACK
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.3 - contact header in ACK
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.3 - contact header in ACK
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.4 '408' response
kamailio at
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.4 '408' response
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0.4 crash t_load_contact();
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0.4 crash t_load_contact();
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0.4 crash t_load_contact();
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0.4 crash t_load_contact();
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0.4 crash t_load_contact();
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0.4 crash t_load_contact();
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0.4 crash t_load_contact();
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.4 package for ubuntu
Freddy Andersen
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.4 Record-Route reply setting
kamailio at
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.4 Record-Route reply setting
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio and db_cassandra
jay binks
- [SR-Users] kamailio and db_cassandra
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] kamailio and db_cassandra
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] kamailio and db_cassandra
jay binks
- [SR-Users] kamailio and db_cassandra
Victor Seva
- [SR-Users] kamailio and db_cassandra
jay binks
- [SR-Users] kamailio and db_cassandra
jay binks
- [SR-Users] kamailio and db_cassandra
Victor Seva
- [SR-Users] Kamailio callee timeout problem
kamailio at
- [SR-Users] Kamailio callee timeout problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio dialplan
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] kamailio dialplan
Fred Posner
- [SR-Users] kamailio dialplan
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] kamailio dialplan
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] kamailio dialplan
Hugh Waite
- [SR-Users] Kamailio for route traffic only
- [SR-Users] Kamailio for route traffic only
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] Kamailio for route traffic only
Johan Wilfer
- [SR-Users] Kamailio for route traffic only
Will Ferrer
- [SR-Users] Kamailio returns "405 Method Not Allowed" for SIP MESSAGE request
Karthikeyan R
- [SR-Users] Kamailio returns "405 Method Not Allowed" for SIP MESSAGE request
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Kamailio returns "405 Method Not Allowed" for SIP MESSAGE request
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] Kamailio Segfault and http_query inside event_route
Juan Luis Faylon
- [SR-Users] Kamailio Segfault and http_query inside event_route
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio sending HTTP request to another app
Victor Torre Antunez
- [SR-Users] Kamailio sending HTTP request to another app
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Kamailio sending HTTP request to another app
Victor Torre Antunez
- [SR-Users] Kamailio sending HTTP request to another app
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Kamailio sending HTTP request to another app
Konstantin M.
- [SR-Users] Kamailio sending HTTP request to another app
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] kamailio sending qop in auth header
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] kamailio sending qop in auth header
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] Kamailio stability/timing problem w.r.t. registrations?
Sotas Development
- [SR-Users] Kamailio stability/timing problem w.r.t. registrations?
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] Kamailio stability/timing problem w.r.t. registrations?
Sotas Development
- [SR-Users] Kamailio stability/timing problem w.r.t. registrations?
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] Kamailio stability/timing problem w.r.t. registrations?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio tls.reload core dump
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] kamailio tls.reload core dump
Ding Ma
- [SR-Users] kamailio tls.reload core dump
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] Kamailio, Keepalived: Kamailio doesn't respond on virtual IP but real IP
Nguyễn Đức Vinh
- [SR-Users] Kamailio, Keepalived: Kamailio doesn't respond on virtual IP but real IP
Francisco Casasempere
- [SR-Users] Kamailio, Keepalived: Kamailio doesn't respond on virtual IP but real IP
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] Kamailio, Keepalived: Kamailio doesn't respond on virtual IP but real IP
Dmitry Davletbaev
- [SR-Users] Kamailio- Redirect message 300 with LCR reroute
- [SR-Users] Kamailio- Redirect message 300 with LCR reroute
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] Kamailio- Redirect message 300 with LCR reroute
- [SR-Users] Kamailio- Redirect message 300 with LCR reroute
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] Kamailio- Redirect message 300 with LCR reroute
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] Kamailio- Redirect message 300 with LCR reroute
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Radius problem
jonathan augenstine
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Radius problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Radius problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Radius problem
jonathan augenstine
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Radius problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamctl ping works as my unix user, not in root nor kamailio user
Benjamin Henrion
- [SR-Users] Kamctl ping works as my unix user, not in root nor kamailio user
- [SR-Users] kamdbctl create ?
Thomas Secula
- [SR-Users] kamdbctl create ?
Fred Posner
- [SR-Users] kamdbctl create ?
Thomas Secula
- [SR-Users] kamdbctl create ? (solved)
Thomas Secula
- [SR-Users] Limit the nr. of transaction retries
Marc M.
- [SR-Users] Limit the nr. of transaction retries
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Log files
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] Log files
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] Log files
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] Log files
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] Log files
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] Log files
José Seabra
- [SR-Users] Log files
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] Log files
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] Log files
Daniel Grotti
- [SR-Users] Log files
Muhammad Shahzad
- [SR-Users] Log files
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] Loosing rtp only in carrierroute failureroute
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] Mitigation of unavailable rtpproxy
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Mitigation of unavailable rtpproxy
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Mitigation of unavailable rtpproxy
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Mitigation of unavailable rtpproxy
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Mitigation of unavailable rtpproxy
Corey Edwards
- [SR-Users] Mitigation of unavailable rtpproxy
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Modify/Edit INVITE message.
- [SR-Users] Modify/Edit INVITE message.
Aziz Bayd
- [SR-Users] msilo - use case: registered but not reachable
Marc M.
- [SR-Users] msilo - use case: registered but not reachable
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] MSILO: remove "Offline message" prefix
Marc M.
- [SR-Users] MSILO: remove "Offline message" prefix
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Msilo: remove messages from db immediately after successful delivery
Marc M.
- [SR-Users] Msilo: remove messages from db immediately after successful delivery
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] need help regarding with kamailio3.3
Manav Kumar
- [SR-Users] PERMISSIONS module issue
Samuel Ware
- [SR-Users] PERMISSIONS module issue
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] Presentation of Kamailio v4.1.0 today on VUC
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Problem with 4.0 nightlies and IMS - sem_post undefined
Pierluigi Palma
- [SR-Users] Problem with loose_route for a BYE
Igor Potjevlesch
- [SR-Users] Problem with loose_route for a BYE
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Problem with loose_route for a BYE
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Problem with loose_route for a BYE
Igor Potjevlesch
- [SR-Users] Problem with loose_route for a BYE
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Problem with loose_route for a BYE
Igor Potjevlesch
- [SR-Users] Problem with loose_route for a BYE
Igor Potjevlesch
- [SR-Users] Problems with Siremis Register Page
kamailio at
- [SR-Users] Query regd the dispatcher algorithm support
santosh satapathy
- [SR-Users] Query regd the dispatcher algorithm support
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Question about call transfer and pickup
Гергарт Олег (Мобилон)
- [SR-Users] Question about call transfer and pickup
Lucas Girard
- [SR-Users] Reason for 401 Unauthorized message
Owais ul Haq
- [SR-Users] Reason for 401 Unauthorized message
Sergey Okhapkin
- [SR-Users] record_route_preset() Question
kamailio at
- [SR-Users] Regarding Kamailio Sip Server
Naveen Chand
- [SR-Users] Regarding Kamailio Sip Server
Will Ferrer
- [SR-Users] Regd Load Balancer Algorithms
santosh satapathy
- [SR-Users] Regex question
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] Regex question
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] Regex question
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] Regex question
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Regex question
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] REGISTER request's "Via" address used to send INVITE
Karthikeyan R
- [SR-Users] reload to memory is much slower and has problms after upgrade to 3.3.2 and using mem_join=1
Uri Shacked
- [SR-Users] reload to memory is much slower and has problms after upgrade to 3.3.2 and using mem_join=1
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] reload to memory is much slower and has problms after upgrade to 3.3.2 and using mem_join=1
Uri Shacked
- [SR-Users] remove a line from SDP
Laurent Schweizer
- [SR-Users] remove a line from SDP
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] remove a line from SDP
Laurent Schweizer
- [SR-Users] roni at
Roni |
- [SR-Users] roni at
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] route all calls to a wav file
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] route all calls to a wav file
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] route all calls to a wav file
Corey Edwards
- [SR-Users] rtpproxy / sdp / problem with signalling
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] rtpproxy / sdp / problem with signalling
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] RTPproxy support in Wireshark
Peter Lemenkov
- [SR-Users] rtpproxy-ng ipv4-ipv6 bridge mode problem
Pavel Miskov
- [SR-Users] rtpproxy-ng ipv4-ipv6 bridge mode problem
Richard Fuchs
- [SR-Users] rtpproxy-ng ipv4-ipv6 bridge mode problem
Pavel Miskov
- [SR-Users] Safe Maximum for Shared Memory?
elactrum at
- [SR-Users] Safe Maximum for Shared Memory?
Muhammad Shahzad
- [SR-Users] SCA Crashes
Robert Boisvert
- [SR-Users] SCA Crashes
Andrew Mortensen
- [SR-Users] SCA Crashes
Robert Boisvert
- [SR-Users] SEG FAULT dialog
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] SEG FAULT dialog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] SEG FAULT dialog
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] SEG FAULT dialog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] SEG FAULT dialog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] SEG FAULT dialog
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] SEG FAULT dialog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Segmentaion fault in Kamailio 4.0.3
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Segmentaion fault in Kamailio 4.0.3
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Segmentaion fault in Kamailio 4.0.3
Morten Isaksen
- [SR-Users] Setting up Conference Calls in Kamailio
Mark Zeman
- [SR-Users] Setting up Conference Calls in Kamailio
jonathan augenstine
- [SR-Users] SIP registration
- [SR-Users] siptrace & sipcapture - write to multiple tables
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] siptrace & sipcapture - write to multiple tables
Corey Edwards
- [SR-Users] siptrace & sipcapture - write to multiple tables
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] siptrace & sipcapture - write to multiple tables
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] Siremis Getting Started - error when logging in
Mark D. Montgomery II
- [SR-Users] Some Help with Kamailio v4.0
Tom Allen
- [SR-Users] Some Help with Kamailio v4.0
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] Some Help with Kamailio v4.0
Tom Allen
- [SR-Users] Some Help with Kamailio v4.0
Tom Allen
- [SR-Users] Status : 401 Unauthorized (0 bindings) Reason
Owais ul Haq
- [SR-Users] Status : 401 Unauthorized (0 bindings) Reason
Salman Zafar
- [SR-Users] Steps to next major release v4.1.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Steps to next major release v4.1.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Steps to next major release v4.1.0
mohammed alyaseen
- [SR-Users] Steps to next major release v4.1.0
Peter Dunkley
- [SR-Users] Steps to next major release v4.1.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Steps to next major release v4.1.0
Peter Dunkley
- [SR-Users] Steps to next major release v4.1.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Stuck dialogs
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] Stuck dialogs
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Stuck dialogs
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] Stuck dialogs
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Stuck dialogs
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] Stuck dialogs
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Stuck dialogs
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] Stuck dialogs
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Stuck dialogs
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] t_reply in failure route with dialog module
Efelin Novak
- [SR-Users] t_reply in failure route with dialog module
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] t_reply in failure route with dialog module
Efelin Novak
- [SR-Users] t_reply in failure route with dialog module
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] t_reply in failure route with dialog module
Efelin Novak
- [SR-Users] t_reply in failure route with dialog module
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Timezone in acc table
Igor Potjevlesch
- [SR-Users] Timezone in acc table
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Timezone in acc table
Carlos Ruiz Díaz
- [SR-Users] Timezone in acc table
Igor Potjevlesch
- [SR-Users] TLS - No ServerHello
Coy Cardwell
- [SR-Users] TLS - No ServerHello
Fred Posner
- [SR-Users] TLS - No ServerHello
Coy Cardwell
- [SR-Users] mod_register failed on fedora 18 x86_64
Ding Ma
- [SR-Users] TLS: support TLS v1.2 ?
Marc M.
- [SR-Users] TLS: support TLS v1.2 ?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Transaction Matching Not Working
Samuel Ware
- [SR-Users] Transaction Matching Not Working
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] Transaction Matching Not Working
Alex Hermann
- [SR-Users] Trunk between Asterisk and Kamailio problem
Francisco Casasempere
- [SR-Users] Trunk between Asterisk and Kamailio problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Trunk between Asterisk and Kamailio problem
Francisco Casasempere
- [SR-Users] ubuntu package for kamailio 4.0.4
Freddy Andersen
- [SR-Users] Undefined Symbol Error in
Mark Zeman
- [SR-Users] Undefined Symbol Error in
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Undefined Symbol Error in
Mark Zeman
- [SR-Users] Undefined Symbol Error in
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Undefined Symbol Error in
Mark Zeman
- [SR-Users] uninstall kamailio
Joli Martinez
- [SR-Users] use append_hf() and remove_hf() on the same message
Camille Oudot
- [SR-Users] use append_hf() and remove_hf() on the same message
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] use append_hf() and remove_hf() on the same message
Camille Oudot
- [SR-Users] use append_hf() and remove_hf() on the same message
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] use append_hf() and remove_hf() on the same message
Camille Oudot
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Guillaume Bour
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Guillaume Bour
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Dragos Oancea
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Guillaume Bour
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Guillaume Bour
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Guillaume Bour
- [SR-Users] Use of t_cancel_callid() to drop an early dialog
Dragos Oancea
- [SR-Users] Using the auth_ephemeral module
Hemanshu Vadehra
- [SR-Users] Using the auth_ephemeral module
Peter Dunkley
- [SR-Users] using timer in kamailio
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] UUID generation
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] Variables in event_route[sl:local-response]
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] Variables in event_route[sl:local-response]
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] voice prompts / early media and kamailio
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] voice prompts / early media and kamailio
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] voice prompts / early media and kamailio
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] WebRTC - XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS and bridge mode
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] WebRTC - XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS and bridge mode
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] WG: Carrierroute module
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] WG: Carrierroute module
- [SR-Users] WG: Carrierroute module
Oliver Roth
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Carsten Bock
- [SR-Users] what could be the problem here? 500 Invalid routeset?
Kelvin Chua
- [SR-Users] Where do I place the logic for modifying auth and call requests?
erik at
- [SR-Users] Where do I place the logic for modifying auth and call requests?
Grant Bagdasarian
- [SR-Users] Where do I place the logic for modifying auth and call requests?
erik at
- [SR-Users] Why my kamailio only support 1 TLS connection
Derrick Ding
- [SR-Users] Why my kamailio only support 1 TLS connection
Derrick Ding
- [SR-Users] Why my kamailio only support 1 TLS connection
Derrick Ding
- [SR-Users] Why my kamailio only support 1 TLS connection
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Why my kamailio only support 1 TLS connection
Derrick Ding
- [SR-Users] Why my kamailio only support 1 TLS connection
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] WORDS_BIGENDIAN error in auth_diameter.h
Sotas Development
- [SR-Users] Wrong "To" header in CANCEL, when "To" has been rewritten by uac_replace_to() in branch route
- [SR-Users] Wrong "To" header in CANCEL, when "To" has been rewritten by uac_replace_to() in branch route
- [SR-Users] Wrong "To" header in CANCEL, when "To" has been rewritten by uac_replace_to() in branch route
- [SR-Users] Wrong "To" header in CANCEL, when "To" has been rewritten by uac_replace_to() in branch route
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Wrong "To" header in CANCEL, when "To" has been rewritten by uac_replace_to() in branch route
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] xHttp_PI Module
Ovidiu Sas
Last message date:
Sat Nov 30 22:09:02 CET 2013
Archived on: Sat Nov 30 22:09:10 CET 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).