March 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Mar 1 02:49:10 CET 2008
Ending: Mon Mar 31 23:19:46 CEST 2008
Messages: 658
- [OpenSER-Users] Cant connect to local MySQL server through socket
- [OpenSER-Users] compile Openser 1.3.1 with module carrierroute
Samael -
- [OpenSER-Users] Relaying to outbound proxy
Adrian A
- [OpenSER-Users] Relaying to outbound proxy
Adrian A
- [OpenSER-Users] Relaying to outbound proxy
Adrian A
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER location table timezones
Adrian A
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER location table timezones
Adrian A
- [OpenSER-Users] Relaying to outbound proxy
Adrian A
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER location table timezones
Adrian A
- [OpenSER-Users] Relaying to outbound proxy
Adrian A
- [Serusers] Cool New Website! - spam
Jeremy A
- [OpenSER-Users] Implement Lawful intercept between UA's?
Raju Abhyankar
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSer 1.1 and GW PSTN
Matteo Abrile
- [OpenSER-Users] Preserve the original number with alias_db_lookup
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser sending BYE to itself.
Daniel Cardoso Alves
- [OpenSER-Users] Last occurrence of some thing...
Daniel Cardoso Alves
- [OpenSER-Users] writing provider info in sip_trace mysql table.
Daniel Cardoso Alves
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + OpenXcap for pres-rules: no NOTIFY
Mircea Amarascu
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + OpenXcap for pres-rules: no NOTIFY
Mircea Amarascu
- [OpenSER-Users] RES: openxcap with openser1.2 and postgresql
Mircea Amarascu
- [Serusers] Path header field
Ladislav Andel
- [Serusers] Moved Temporarily 302 - redirect server
Ladislav Andel
- [Serusers] Moved Temporarily 302 - redirect server
Ladislav Andel
- [Serusers] Moved Temporarily 302 - redirect server
Ladislav Andel
- [Serusers] Moved Temporarily 302 - redirect server
Ladislav Andel
- [Serusers] rtpproxy address filling
- [Serusers] rtpproxy address filling
- [OpenSER-Users] How configure Voice mail for multi users.
Mian M Asif
- [OpenSER-Users] null socket list
Michael Barinek
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER & NAT Helper
Ross Beer
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER & NAT Helper
Ross Beer
- [Serusers] Need way to specify SOURCE IP address on packets of SIP messages being emitted by SER
Olaf Bergmann
- [Serusers] ser_ctl and PostgreSQL backend
Marcus Better
- [Serusers] ser_ctl and PostgreSQL backend
Marcus Better
- [Serusers] Help with attended (consultative) call transfer problem
Steven C. Blair
- [Serusers] Help with checking header fields
Steven C. Blair
- [Serusers] Help with checking header fields
Steven C. Blair
- [Serusers] Help with attended (consultative) call transfer problem
Steven C. Blair
- [OpenSER-Users] UDP Buffer Size / OpenSER / Linux
Carsten Bock
- [OpenSER-Users] Routing calls from PSTN
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [OpenSER-Users] SMS module
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER prepaid CDRTool 6.2.3 problem with replacing '+' with '00'
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER prepaid CDRTool 6.2.3 problem with replacing '+' with '00'
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [OpenSER-Users] SMS module
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [OpenSER-Users] about:openser and freeradius, please help me!
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [OpenSER-Users] new CDRTool release 6.3.0
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [OpenSER-Users] Branch/transaction flags not being inherited by BYE?
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [OpenSER-Users] Branch/transaction flags not being inherited by BYE?
Dan-Cristian Bogos
- [OpenSER-Users] SMS module
Jean Boite
- [OpenSER-Users] SMS module
Jean Boite
- [OpenSER-Users] SMS module
Jean Boite
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER and Security - how?!
Max Bowsher
- [OpenSER-Users] Not adding record-route for ack
Vikas CG.
- [OpenSER-Users] Not adding record-route for ack
Vikas CG.
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER Sending 473 filtered destination
Vikas CG.
- [OpenSER-Users] allow_trusted evaluates to false in 1.3.1
- [OpenSER-Users] [OT] RE: new CDRTool release 6.3.0
- [OpenSER-Users] Setting smaller register "expires" value for TCP
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Setting smaller register "expires" value for TCP
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Does t_realy chooseTCP/UDP protocol if it's necessary?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Does t_realy chooseTCP/UDP protocol if it's necessary?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Does t_realy chooseTCP/UDP protocol if it's necessary?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Radius accounting
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Radius accounting
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER prepaid CDRTool 6.2.3 problem with replacing '+' with '00'
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] "append_branch()" in "failure_route" after modify SDP
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER prepaid CDRTool 6.2.3 problem with replacing '+' with '00'
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Why $rp (RURI port) is no writeable???
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] "append_branch()" in "failure_route" after modify SDP [SOLVED]
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Is possible to convert 183 in 180 in "on_reply_route"?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Is possible to convert 183 in 180 in "on_reply_route"?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Is possible to convert 183 in 180 in "on_reply_route"?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] "user not found" and "user not exist"
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Why every body return "404 Not Found" instead of "480 Not Available"?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Why every body return "404 Not Found" instead of "480 Not Available"?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Why every body return "404 Not Found" instead of "480 Not Available"?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Why every body return "404 Not Found" instead of "480 Not Available"?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser HA
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser HA
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] CANCEL with Route headers
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] HELP - OpenSER 1.3 not parallel forking?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] HELP - OpenSER 1.3 not parallel forking?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] HELP - OpenSER 1.3 not parallel forking?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] HELP - OpenSER 1.3 not parallel forking?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] "user not found" and "user not exist"
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] new CDRTool release 6.3.0
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] new CDRTool release 6.3.0
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Relaying to outbound proxy
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Relaying to outbound proxy
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] PAI-Question
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] One way audio calling a -> b, two way audio calling b -> a with two phones behind the same NAT
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] unable to find dialog for BYE
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [OpenSER-Users] Effect of use_domain in registrar module
Iñaki Baz Castillo
- [Serusers] SER + SKYPE
Giovanni Chirico
- [Serusers] How to make only one module
Libor Chocholaty
- [Serusers] SER performance bottleneck ?
Libor Chocholaty
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser DB with Mysql-cluster
Sasa Coh
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence status?
Zappasodi Daniele
- [OpenSER-Users] Error in pua_usrloc: PUBLISH with empty body (bug 1821002)
Zappasodi Daniele
- [OpenSER-Users] R: Error in pua_usrloc: PUBLISH with empty body (bug 1821002)
Zappasodi Daniele
- [OpenSER-Users] SMS module
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] isflagset from other peer ?
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] TLS prob
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] "append_branch()" in "failure_route" after modify SDP
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER and Security - how?!
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] CANCEL with Route headers
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence status?
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] UDP Buffer Size / OpenSER / Linux
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] UA Get's Disconnected Once a call is initiated
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] O'SER behind http Proxy which requires username and Password
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] Wrong R-uri in ACK
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] tm module fails if RURI is not a SIP URI
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] tm module fails if RURI is not a SIP URI
Klaus Darilion
- [OpenSER-Users] nat_uac_test("31") not enough to detect with some consumer voip passthrough routers
Klaus Darilion
- [Serusers] Variables in the Log command
Davis, Al
- [OpenSER-Users] openser msilo problem
- [OpenSER-Users] openser msilo problem
- [Serusers] Cool New Website!
Goran Donev
- [OpenSER-Users] Not adding record-route for ack
Robert Dyck
- [OpenSER-Users] Not adding record-route for ack
Robert Dyck
- [OpenSER-Users] nat_uac_test("31") not enough to detect with some consumer voip passthrough routers
Robert Dyck
- [OpenSER-Users] Your Industry profile
VOIP Expert
- [OpenSER-Users] Your Industry profile
VOIP Expert
- [OpenSER-Users] "user not found" and "user not exist"
Cosimo Fadda
- [OpenSER-Users] Why every body return "404 Not Found" instead of "480 Not Available"?
Cosimo Fadda
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser HA
Cosimo Fadda
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser HA
Cosimo Fadda
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser HA
Cosimo Fadda
- [OpenSER-Users] One way audio calling a -> b, two way audio calling b -> a with two phones behind the same NAT
Mike Fedyk
- [OpenSER-Users] One way audio calling a -> b, two way audio calling b -> a with two phones behind the same NAT
Mike Fedyk
- [OpenSER-Users] [FEATURE REQ] allow does_uri_exist() to test against other variables besides $ru
Mike Fedyk
- [OpenSER-Users] nat_uac_test("31") not enough to detect with some consumer voip passthrough routers
Mike Fedyk
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser HA
Peter P GMX
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + SIGCOMP
Siddhardha Garige
- [OpenSER-Users] Quality Metrics with MediaProxy
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] SQLite with OpenSER
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] AVPops avp_url???
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] AVP_TABLE.. Why is it required?
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] unixODBC and SQLite???
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Failover
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR... Too many entries
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR... Too many entries
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute... Do I almost have it???
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute... Do I almost have it???
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute... Do I almost have it???
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Routing.... Choosing Best Route
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Routing.... Choosing Best Route
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Routing.... Choosing Best Route
Douglas Garstang
- [OpenSER-Users] Documentation: user_agent_header
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] Dialog module - how to cleanly stop an active dialog
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] user_agent_header - uac_auth()
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] Dialog module - how to cleanly stop an active dialog
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] Documentation: user_agent_header
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] Dialog module - how to cleanly stop an active dialog
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] forwarding responses to early in TM
Thomas Gelf
- [OpenSER-Users] v1.3.1 & bla
Jeremy George
- [OpenSER-Users] new CDRTool release 6.3.0
Adrian Georgescu
- [OpenSER-Users] New Soap-Simple-Proxy release 1.0.3
Adrian Georgescu
- [OpenSER-Users] new CDRTool release 6.4.0
Adrian Georgescu
- [OpenSER-Users] Res: OpenSER and radiusclient-ng [Unknown Attribute]
Flavio Goncalves
- [OpenSER-Users] CANCEL with Route headers
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL request regardless what the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardless what the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardlesswhat the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] Relaying to outbound proxy
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] Relaying to outbound proxy
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] To-tag of 200 for CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] To-tag of 200 for CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] To-tag of 200 for CANCEL
Andreas Granig
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + OpenXcap for pres-rules: no NOTIFY
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + OpenXcap for pres-rules: no NOTIFY
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER Randomly crashes.
Sergio Gutierrez
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER Randomly crashes.
Sergio Gutierrez
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Sergio Gutierrez
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Sergio Gutierrez
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Sergio Gutierrez
- [OpenSER-Users] How to check if $rd lies in an IP range
Sergio Gutierrez
- [OpenSER-Users] sdp_mangle_ip()
Travis Hegner
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR and Load Balancing, Routing
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] serializing parallel forking
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] Setting smaller register "expires" value for TCP
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] Does t_realy chooseTCP/UDP protocol if it's necessary?
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] serializing parallel forking
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] CANCEL with Route headers
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] branch specific destination uri?
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] branch specific destination uri?
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] when are AVPs in radius extra evaluated?
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] when are AVPs in radius extra evaluated?
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] UDP messages size
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] "always" serial fork with LCR?
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] RES: openxcap with openser1.2 and postgresql
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Problems (1.1 -> 1.2)
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Failover
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] forwarding responses to early in TM
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] Radius with additional parameters
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR... Too many entries
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Routing.... Choosing Best Route
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Routing.... Choosing Best Route
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] Issue with Openser Serial Forking
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] Issue with Openser Serial Forking
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] Issue with Openser Serial Forking
Juha Heinanen
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER location table timezones
Alex Hermann
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Routing.... Choosing Best Route
Alex Hermann
- [Serusers] [SPAM] Re: pls. help me on my installation
Martin Hoffmann
- [Serusers] Automatic end of call
Martin Hoffmann
- [Serusers] Automatic end of call
Martin Hoffmann
- [Serusers] SER2.0 xml body size in NOTIFY
Martin Hoffmann
- [Serusers] help required disabling DNS lookup
Martin Hoffmann
- [Serusers] rtpproxy address filling
Martin Hoffmann
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSer 1.3 + SEMS 0.10: open file problem
Erich Hohermuth
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSer 1.3 + SEMS 0.10: open file problem
Erich Hohermuth
- [Serusers] Need way to specify SOURCE IP address on packets of SIP messages being emitted by SER
Frank Durda IV
- [Serusers] Need way to specify SOURCE IP address on packets of SIP messages being emitted by SER
Frank Durda IV
- [Serusers] How do you force SDP c= ipaddr to be a specific value that isn't either rtpproxy interface IP?
Frank Durda IV
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser sending BYE to itself.
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] serializing parallel forking
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Is possible to convert 183 in 180 in "on_reply_route"?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER Randomly crashes.
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER & NAT Helper
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] append_branch and $T_branch_idx behavior
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] [OpenSER-Devel] OpenSER Summit & Pavilion 2008
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER 1.3.1 is released
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Dialog module - how to cleanly stop an active dialog
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Dialog module - how to cleanly stop an active dialog
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] user_agent_header - uac_auth()
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL request regardless what the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSer 1.1 and GW PSTN
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Minor bug in permissions module?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] avpops and custom schema
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardless what the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Increase MAX_BRANCHES value?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] when are AVPs in radius extra evaluated?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardlesswhat the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER location table timezones
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] UDP Buffer Size / OpenSER / Linux
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser sending 513 Message Too Big
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] UA Cant Connect To TLS
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Info about redirect function
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Problem with loading snmpstats
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER Sending 473 filtered destination
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER sending 483: Too many Hops
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] "always" serial fork with LCR?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Adding header to self-generated reply (sl_send_reply)
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Info about redirect function
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] UA Cant Connect To TLS
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER sending 483: Too many Hops
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] To-tag of 200 for CANCEL
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] tm module fails if RURI is not a SIP URI
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Branch/transaction flags not being inherited by BYE?
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] dialog matching criteria
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] [FEATURE REQ] allow does_uri_exist() to test against other variables besides $ru
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
- [OpenSER-Users] Preserve the original number with alias_db_lookup
Morten Isaksen
- [OpenSER-Users] Preserve the original number with alias_db_lookup
Morten Isaksen
- [OpenSER-Users] writing provider info in sip_trace mysql table.
Itamar - IspBrasil
- [Serusers] How to force SIP proxy not to include RTP proxy in Media path (achive peer-to-peer flow)
Jan Janak
- [Serusers] ser_ctl and PostgreSQL backend
Jan Janak
- [Serusers] Help with checking header fields
Jan Janak
- [Serusers] pls. help me on my installation
Allan Jardinel
- [OpenSER-Users] TLS prob
Ali Jawad
- [OpenSER-Users] TLS prob
Ali Jawad
- [OpenSER-Users] About TLS
Ali Jawad
- [OpenSER-Users] UA Get's Disconnected Once a call is initiated
Ali Jawad
- [OpenSER-Users] UA Cant Connect To TLS
Ali Jawad
- [OpenSER-Users] UA Cant Connect To TLS
Ali Jawad
- [OpenSER-Users] UA Cant Connect To TLS
Ali Jawad
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence modules crash my server ...
G.O. Jensen
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence status?
Geir O. Jensen
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence status?
Geir O. Jensen
- [OpenSER-Users] new CDRTool release 6.3.0
Geir O. Jensen
- [Serusers] 转发: How to Radius of acc modules
- [OpenSER-Users] CPL and Postgres problems.
Ola Karlsson
- [OpenSER-Users] Radius accounting
Henri Keski-Sikkila
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Problems (1.1 -> 1.2)
Kristian Kielhofner
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Problems (1.1 -> 1.2)
Kristian Kielhofner
- [OpenSER-Users] Effect of use_domain in registrar module
Chahn Kim
- [Serusers] Effect of use_domain in registrar module
Chahn Kim
- [Serusers] How to enable RTCP reports
Srinivas Kotamarti
- [Serusers] [Sems] Poll on dropping unix socket interface ("unixsockctrl")
Srinivas Kotamarti
- [Serusers] [Sems] Poll on dropping unix socket interface ("unixsockctrl")
Srinivas Kotamarti
- [Serusers] Installing serweb
Karel Kozlik
- [Serusers] ser_ctl and PostgreSQL backend
Karel Kozlik
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER and radiusclient-ng [Unknown Attribute]
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER and radiusclient-ng [Unknown Attribute]
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER and radiusclient-ng [Unknown Attribute]
- [Serusers] SER2.0 xml body size in NOTIFY
Vaclav Kubart
- [Serusers] SER2.0 xml body size in NOTIFY
Vaclav Kubart
- [OpenSER-Users] Minor bug in permissions module?
Helmut Kuper
- [OpenSER-Users] Minor bug in permissions module?
Helmut Kuper
- [OpenSER-Users] PAI-Question
Helmut Kuper
- [Serusers] separately calls limitation
Andrey Kuprianov
- [Serusers] separately calls limitation
Andrey Kuprianov
- [Serusers] separately calls limitation
Andrey Kuprianov
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Jiri Kuthan
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Jiri Kuthan
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Jiri Kuthan
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Jiri Kuthan
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] AVP/SELECT type / length in ser.cfg?
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] SIP Express Bundle. Step 1.
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Fwd: SIP Express Bundle ready-to-go idea, BUILD FROM CVS on RH -STATUS
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] SIP Express Bundle. Step 1.
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] meet at IETF and/or VoN
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] How to force SIP proxy not to include RTP proxy in Media path (achive peer-to-peer flow)
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Variables in the Log command
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] How to force SIP proxy not to include RTP proxy in Media path (achive peer-to-peer flow)
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Cool New Website!
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Fwd: SIP Express Bundle ready-to-go idea, BUILD FROM CVS on RH -STATUS
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Path header field
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Moved Temporarily 302 - redirect server
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Moved Temporarily 302 - redirect server
Jiri Kuthan
- [Serusers] Help with checking header fields
Jiri Kuthan
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER prepaid CDRTool 6.2.3 problem with replacing '+' with '00'
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER prepaid CDRTool 6.2.3 problem with replacing '+' with '00'
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER prepaid CDRTool 6.2.3 problem with replacing '+' with '00'
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER prepaid CDRTool 6.2.3 problem with replacing '+' with '00'
- [OpenSER-Users] new CDRTool release 6.3.0
- [Serusers] natural_event
Pezhman Lali
- [OpenSER-Users] openxcap with openser1.2 and postgresql
Marcelo Rodrigues Leite
- [OpenSER-Users] RES: openxcap with openser1.2 and postgresql
Marcelo Rodrigues Leite
- [Serusers] separately calls limitation
Peter Lemenkov
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER & NAT Helpe
Peter Lemenkov
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER & NAT Help
Peter Lemenkov
- [OpenSER-Users] How to access pseudovariables in exported functions?
Peter Lemenkov
- [Serusers] MAC client
Peter Lemenkov
- [OpenSER-Users] isflagset from other peer ?
David Loh
- [OpenSER-Users] isflagset from other peer ?
David Loh
- [OpenSER-Users] Increase MAX_BRANCHES value?
Marcello Lupo
- [OpenSER-Users] Increase MAX_BRANCHES value?
Marcello Lupo
- [OpenSER-Users] Wrong R-uri in ACK
Lucio Maciel
- [OpenSER-Users] Wrong R-uri in ACK
Lucio Maciel
- [OpenSER-Users] Wrong R-uri in ACK
Lucio Maciel
- [OpenSER-Users] Error openser + freeradius
- [OpenSER-Users] How to check if $rd lies in an IP range
Josh Mahonin
- [OpenSER-Users] How to check if $rd lies in an IP range
Josh Mahonin
- [OpenSER-Users] How to check if $rd lies in an IP range
Josh Mahonin
- [OpenSER-Users] issue - remote sip client must re-register after failover in Openser Registrar HA config
Naija Man
- [OpenSER-Users] Users Digest, Vol 34, Issue 17
Naija Man
- [OpenSER-Users] issue - remote sip client must re-register after failover in Openser Registrar HA config
Naija Man
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser sending 513 Message Too Big
Aadilkhan Maniyar
- [OpenSER-Users] Issue with Openser Serial Forking
Aadilkhan Maniyar
- [OpenSER-Users] Issue with Openser Serial Forking
Aadilkhan Maniyar
- [OpenSER-Users] Issue with Openser Serial Forking
Aadilkhan Maniyar
- [OpenSER-Users] Issue with Openser Serial Forking
Aadilkhan Maniyar
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER sending 483: Too many Hops
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER Sending 483 Too Many Hops on register
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER Sending 483 Too Many Hops on register
- [OpenSER-Users] 483: Too Many Hops
- [OpenSER-Users] Info about redirect function
Valerio Di Marino
- [Serusers] [Serdev] Memory Leak Problems
Ricardo Martinez
- [Serusers] Problems running ser 0.9.7
Ricardo Martinez
- [OpenSER-Users] Radius with additional parameters
Alex Massover
- [OpenSER-Users] Adding header to self-generated reply (sl_send_reply)
Alex Massover
- [OpenSER-Users] Adding header to self-generated reply (sl_send_reply)
Alex Massover
- [Serusers] Moved Temporarily 302 - redirect server
Michal Matyska
- [OpenSER-Users] [openser install] error while creating the openser DB - presence tables
Pascal Maugeri
- [OpenSER-Users] [openser install] error while creating the openser DB - presence tables
Pascal Maugeri
- [OpenSER-Users] Problem activating auth and auth_db modules using openser 1.3.1
Pascal Maugeri
- [OpenSER-Users] Problem activating auth and auth_db modules using openser 1.3.1
Pascal Maugeri
- [OpenSER-Users] Is possible to convert 183 in 180 in "on_reply_route"?
Jeremy McNamara
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER Sending 483 Too Many Hops on register
Jeremy McNamara
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Jeremy McNamara
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Jeremy McNamara
- [OpenSER-Users] issue - remote sip client must re-register after failover in Openser Registrar HA config
Patrick Miccio
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Patrick Miccio
- [Serusers] Installing serweb
Adeyeye O. Michael
- [Serusers] sorry -- reply fifo opening error
Adeyeye O. Michael
- [Serusers] sorry -- reply fifo opening error
Adeyeye O. Michael
- [Serusers] serweb fifo error
Adeyeye O. Michael
- [OpenSER-Users] Why $rp (RURI port) is no writeable???
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] Documentation: user_agent_header
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + SIGCOMP
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] Error openser + freeradius
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] openser msilo problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] PAI-Question
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] openxcap with openser1.2 and postgresql
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence Server
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence Server
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] interconnect with another operator trough sip
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] openser msilo problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] INVITE issue - 483 Too Many Hops
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] openser msilo problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] openser msilo problem
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] AVPops avp_url???
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] AVP_TABLE.. Why is it required?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] How to check if $rd lies in an IP range
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] How to check if $rd lies in an IP range
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] automatically generated aliases with usrloc and ldap
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] mailing lists domain migration completed
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] URI Length
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] How to check if $rd lies in an IP range
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [OpenSER-Users] interconnect with another operator trough sip
Ion Minzu
- [OpenSER-Users] Configuring the openSER with the DISC gives problem
Ramona Modroiu
- [OpenSER-Users] CFP - IEEE Workshop NGNOPS08 - Paper Submission until 14 April 2008
Ramona Modroiu
- [OpenSER-Users] 1.3.x package?? forLinux??
Rey Mulero
- [OpenSER-Users] unable to find dialog for BYE
Jayesh Nambiar
- [OpenSER-Users] dialog matching criteria
Jayesh Nambiar
- [Serusers] SER performance bottleneck ?
Valentin Nechayev
- [Serusers] issue
Santiago Gimenez Ocano
- [Serusers] RTCP generation
Keyur Parikh
- [OpenSER-Users] INVITE issue - 483 Too Many Hops
Eloi Pecharroman
- [Serusers] [Serdev] Re: Handling of early CANCELs - was Re: SER Nokia CANCEL Problem
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
- [Serusers] [Serdev] Re: Handling of early CANCELs - was Re: SER Nokia CANCEL Problem
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul
- [Serusers] Fwd: SIP Express Bundle ready-to-go idea, BUILD FROM CVS on RH -STATUS
Mike Trest - Personal
- [Serusers] General Question on BYE
Mike Trest - Personal
- [Serusers] General Question on BYE
Mike Trest - Personal
- [Serusers] How to make only one module
Mike Trest - Personal
- [Serusers] Fwd: SIP Express Bundle ready-to-go idea, BUILD FROM CVS on RH -STATUS
Mike Trest - Personal
- [Serusers] General Question on avp_subst
Mike Trest - Personal
- [Serusers] General Question on avp_subst
Mike Trest - Personal
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Anatoly Pidruchny
- [Serusers] AVP/SELECT type / length in ser.cfg?
Bogdan Pintea
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser fails to load module snmpstats
Stanislaw Pitucha
- [OpenSER-Users] Problem with loading snmpstats
Stanisław Pitucha
- [OpenSER-Users] Problem with loading snmpstats
Stanisław Pitucha
- [OpenSER-Users] forwarding responses to early in TM
Taisto Qvist
- [OpenSER-Users] UDP messages size
Ariadne Ramos
- [Serusers] Few Questions
Jai Rangi
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser DB with Mysql-cluster
Antonio Reale
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser DB with Mysql-cluster
Antonio Reale
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser DB with Mysql-cluster
Antonio Reale
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser DB with Mysql-cluster
Antonio Reale
- [Serusers] e2e cancel - ghost calls
Nuno Ribeiro
- [Serusers] e2e cancel - ghost calls
Nuno Ribeiro
- [Serusers] [Serdev] Re: Handling of early CANCELs - was Re: SER Nokia CANCEL Problem
Nuno Ribeiro
- [Serusers] [Serdev] Re: Handling of early CANCELs - was Re: SER Nokia CANCEL Problem
Nuno Ribeiro
- [Serusers] [Serdev] Re: Handling of early CANCELs - was Re: SER Nokia CANCEL Problem
Nuno Ribeiro
- [OpenSER-Users] openser + java
Jesus Rodriguez
- [Serusers] syntax explanation
Valentin Rosic
- [OpenSER-Users] Cant connect to local MySQL server through socket
Megha Saini
- [OpenSER-Users] Cant connect to local MySQL server through socket
Megha Saini
- [Serusers] MAC client
Atle Samuelsen
- [OpenSER-Users] HELP - OpenSER 1.3 not parallel forking?
Daryl Sanders
- [OpenSER-Users] HELP - OpenSER 1.3 not parallel forking?
Daryl Sanders
- [OpenSER-Users] HELP - OpenSER 1.3 not parallel forking?
Daryl Sanders
- [OpenSER-Users] HELP - OpenSER 1.3 not parallel forking?
Daryl Sanders
- [OpenSER-Users] new CDRTool release 6.3.0
Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
- [OpenSER-Users] new CDRTool release 6.3.0
Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
- [OpenSER-Users] nat_uac_test("31") not enough to detect with some consumer voip passthrough routers
Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
- [OpenSER-Users] Radius accounting
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] Radius accounting
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] Radius accounting
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] openser+opendiameter issue---->kindly do reply
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] append_branch and $T_branch_idx behavior
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR-Feature
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] SQLite with OpenSER
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute... Do I almost have it???
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] unable to find dialog for BYE
Ovidiu Sas
- [OpenSER-Users] [OT] RE: new CDRTool release 6.3.0
Mark Sayer
- [OpenSER-Users] How configure Voice mail for multi users.
Mark Sayer
- [Serusers] SIP Express Bundle. Step 1.
Stefan Sayer
- [Serusers] SIP Express Bundle. Step 1.
Stefan Sayer
- [Serusers] [Sems] Poll on dropping unix socket interface ("unixsockctrl")
Stefan Sayer
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSer 1.3 + SEMS 0.10: open file problem
Stefan Sayer
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence Server
Stefan Schmidt
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence Server
Stefan Schmidt
- [OpenSER-Users] PUA/PUA_MI: More than one Publish sent
Schumann Sebastian
- [OpenSER-Users] "always" serial fork with LCR?
Amit Sharma
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL request regardless what the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardless what the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardless what the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardless what the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardlesswhat the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardlesswhat the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Is it a bug? TM module is sending CANCEL requestregardlesswhat the script do with the From Header since 1.3.0
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Errors
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Errors
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Wrong R-uri in ACK
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Wrong R-uri in ACK
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] uac_replace_from and CANCEL
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Wrong R-uri in ACK
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] Wrong R-uri in ACK
Bai Shi
Bai Shi
Bai Shi
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Bar Lukianov Shine-BSB093
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Bar Lukianov Shine-BSB093
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Bar Lukianov Shine-BSB093
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Bar Lukianov Shine-BSB093
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Bar Lukianov Shine-BSB093
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Routing.... Choosing Best Route
Andreas Sikkema
- [Serusers] ser with asterisk
Lakmal Silva
- [OpenSER-Users] avpops and custom schema
Lars Skjærlund
- [OpenSER-Users] avpops and custom schema
Lars Skjærlund
- [OpenSER-Users] Routing calls from PSTN
Andy Smith
- [OpenSER-Users] automatically generated aliases with usrloc and ldap
Lukasz Stelmach
- [OpenSER-Users] Errors
- [OpenSER-Users] Fwd: Errors
- [OpenSER-Users] Errors
- [OpenSER-Users] Errors
- [OpenSER-Users] Errors
- [Serusers] General Question on BYE
Greger Viken Teigre
- [Serusers] Need way to specify SOURCE IP address on packets of SIP messages being emitted by SER
Greger Viken Teigre
- [Serusers] Problems with links on (Getting Started, module docs etc)
Greger Viken Teigre
- [Serusers] Is there any way to modify ser.cfg without rebooting ser?
Greger Viken Teigre
- [Serusers] Need way to specify SOURCE IP address on packets of SIP messages being emitted by SER
Greger Viken Teigre
- [Serusers] Path header field
Greger Viken Teigre
- [Serusers] Help with attended (consultative) call transfer problem
Greger Viken Teigre
- [OpenSER-Users] mi_datagram module bind failure
Sigrid Thijs
- [Serusers] Moved Temporarily 302 - redirect server
Miklos Tirpak
- [Serusers] Moved Temporarily 302 - redirect server
Miklos Tirpak
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + OpenXcap for pres-rules: no NOTIFY
Anca Vamanu
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence modules crash my server ...
Anca Vamanu
- [OpenSER-Users] Error in pua_usrloc: PUBLISH with empty body (bug 1821002)
Anca Vamanu
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence Server
Anca Vamanu
- [OpenSER-Users] PUA/PUA_MI: More than one Publish sent
Anca Vamanu
- [OpenSER-Users] v1.3.1 & bla
Anca Vamanu
- [OpenSER-Users] "user not found" and "user not exist"
Amit Vijayvargiya
- [OpenSER-Users] "user not found" and "user not exist"
Amit Vijayvargiya
- [Serusers] SER performance bottleneck ?
Dragos Vingarzan
- [Serusers] SER performance bottleneck ?
Dragos Vingarzan
- [OpenSER-Users] openser + java
Mauricio Viveros
- [Serusers] help for "parse_orig_uri"
Liu Wenlong
- [OpenSER-Users] PAI-Question
henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] Cant connect to local MySQL server through socket
henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] Error starting Openser 1.3 with postgres
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] No RTCP generation
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] Problem in Installing OpenSER-1.3.x
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] WeSIP ans Openser configurations problems
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser DB with Mysql-cluster
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER & NAT Help
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER & NAT Help
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] How to access pseudovariables in exported functions?
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] Presence status?
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] Errors
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] About TLS
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] v1.3.1 & bla
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] RES: openxcap with openser1.2 and postgresql
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] How configure Voice mail for multi users.
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] SNMPStats
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] SNMPStats
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] unixODBC and SQLite???
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute... Do I almost have it???
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR... Too many entries
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR Gateway Priority....
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] Implement Lawful intercept between UA's?
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] compile Openser 1.3.1 with module carrierroute
Henning Westerholt
- [OpenSER-Users] calling external phone number
Sam Wun
- [OpenSER-Users] SNMPStats
Michael Young
- [OpenSER-Users] SNMPStats
Michael Young
- [OpenSER-Users] SNMPStats
Michael Young
- [OpenSER-Users] SNMPStats
Michael Young
- [Serusers] SER + Fax service
Ali Zaidi
- [Serusers] SER + Fax service
Ali Zaidi
- [Serusers] book of asterisk with ser
- [Serusers] ser with asterisk
- [OpenSER-Users] WeSIP ans Openser configurations problems
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR:core:main: bad user name/uid number: -u openser
- [OpenSER-Users] SIP/2.0 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist
- [OpenSER-Users] SIP/2.0 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist
- [Serusers] SER performance bottleneck ?
fang, tian
- [Serusers] 转发: SER performance bottleneck ?
fang, tian
- [OpenSER-Users] fail to authenticate INVITE messages
antalsia at
- [OpenSER-Users] fail to authenticate INVITE messages
antalsia at
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + OpenXcap for pres-rules: no NOTIFY
- [OpenSER-Users] ERROR: presence_xml:get_final_notify_body?
- [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER + OpenXcap for pres-rules: no NOTIFY
- [OpenSER-Users] about:openser and freeradius, please help me!
- [OpenSER-Users] LCR-Feature
Martin.Gruber1 at
- [OpenSER-Users] openser.init
Martin.Gruber1 at
- [Serusers] Automatic end of call
- [Serusers] Automatic end of call
- [Serusers] Automatic end of call
- [Serusers] MAC client
jiri at
- [OpenSER-Users] SNMPStats
- [Serusers] How to force SIP proxy not to include RTP proxy in Media path (achive peer-to-peer flow)
girish kumar
- [Serusers] How to force SIP proxy not to include RTP proxy in Media path (achive peer-to-peer flow)
girish kumar
- [OpenSER-Users] O'SER behind http Proxy which requires username and Password
luzango mfupe
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser with RTPProxy in a different scenario
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser with RTPProxy in a different scenario
- [OpenSER-Users] SIP/2.0 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist
shiebar at
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
shiebar at
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
shiebar at
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
shiebar at
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
shiebar at
- [OpenSER-Users] Rewriting the to header
shiebar at
- [OpenSER-Users] javax.sip.TransactionUnavailableException: no route! error
shiebar at
- [Serusers] pls. help me on my installation
- [OpenSER-Users] calling external phone number
- [OpenSER-Users] openser+opendiameter issue---->kindly do reply
bhargav.b at
- [OpenSER-Users] Acceptor peer failed establishing state i came to know about this list today and i thought to send problem. if anybody know the solution or have any idea please do let me know. actually i am authenticating a user using openser and opendiameters NASREQ applica
bhargav.b at
- [OpenSER-Users] Acceptor peer failed establishing state[3003], closing
bhargav.b at
- [Serusers] SER + Fax service
- [Serusers] SER + Fax service
- [OpenSER-Users] Why every body return "404 Not Found" instead of "480 Not Available"?
kokoska rokoska
- [Serusers] e2e cancel - ghost calls
- [Serusers] [Sems] Poll on dropping unix socket interface ("unixsockctrl")
- [OpenSER-Users] Openser DB with Mysql-cluster
- [Serusers] separately calls limitation
tatarskiy at
- [Serusers] separately calls limitation
tatarskiy at
- [Serusers] Fwd: separately calls limitation
tatarskiy at
- [Serusers] downloaded the latest firmware
hamdy shibl
- [Serusers] separately calls limitation
- [Serusers] help required disabling DNS lookup
geethanjali.csg at
- [Serusers] SER2.0 xml body size in NOTIFY
pravin.swami at
- [OpenSER-Users] Problem in Installing OpenSER-1.3.x
srinivas.banda at
- [OpenSER-Users] URI Length
VoIP Forums
- [Serusers] Is there any way to modify ser.cfg without rebooting ser?
lin9k at
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 23:19:46 CEST 2008
Archived on: Mon May 3 10:47:38 CEST 2010
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).