June 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Jun 1 09:09:40 CEST 2013
Ending: Sun Jun 30 22:53:32 CEST 2013
Messages: 414
- [SR-Users] Handling forking in kamailio
Ram Anji
- [SR-Users] kamailio and virtual IP
Victor Torre Antunez
- [SR-Users] How to iterate comma separated string
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] How to define variable as string explicitly
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] How to define variable as string explicitly
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] kamailio and virtual IP
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] Is single line Via with multiple entries allowed?
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] modify $re
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] get Auth username user ($au) in the INVITE ?
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] get Auth username user ($au) in the INVITE ?
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] get Auth username user ($au) in the INVITE ?
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] uac module strange problem
Alex Balashov
- [SR-Users] TLS questions
Fabian Borot
- [SR-Users] $DLG_lifetime
Federico Cabiddu
- [SR-Users] $DLG_lifetime
Federico Cabiddu
- [SR-Users] memcache problem - reporting protocol error
Charles Chance
- [SR-Users] memcache problem - reporting protocol error
Charles Chance
- [SR-Users] memcache problem - reporting protocol error
Charles Chance
- [SR-Users] memcache problem - reporting protocol error
Charles Chance
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] regarding kamctl command to show online users
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] Installing Kamailio on EC2
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] Installing Kamailio on EC2
Sunil Chandrasekharan
- [SR-Users] unable to set reason phrase with "t_reply" when cause code is 6xx
Julien Chavanton
- [SR-Users] unable to set reason phrase with "t_reply" when cause code is 6xx
Julien Chavanton
- [SR-Users] LCR in Kamailio 4.0
Gary Chen
- [SR-Users] LCR in Kamailio 4.0
Gary Chen
- [SR-Users] Does Kamailio provide any API for other program to create sip account
Xiangwen Chen
- [SR-Users] Does Kamailio provide any API for other program to create sip account
Xiangwen Chen
- [SR-Users] Xhttp_pi DB Query Clause Operators
Simpson Chua
- [SR-Users] Compile with mysql error
David Cunningham
- [SR-Users] Compile with mysql error
David Cunningham
- [SR-Users] Compile with mysql error
David Cunningham
- [SR-Users] Compile with mysql error
David Cunningham
- [SR-Users] Compile with mysql error
David Cunningham
- [SR-Users] is_uri_host_local() maybe not considering IP:PORT
- [SR-Users] kamcmd vs kamctl
- [SR-Users] kamcmd vs kamctl
- [SR-Users] kamcmd vs kamctl
- [SR-Users] is_uri_host_local() maybe not considering IP:PORT
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] Asterisk re-INVITE race condition, error 500.
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] Handling forking in kamailio
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] simple way to access RR headers/uris and to remove them
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] simple way to access RR headers/uris and to remove them
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] Modify the Request Line
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] Modify the Request Line
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] simple way to access RR headers/uris and to remove them
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] Proposal for dialog: DLG_STATE_EARLY
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] kamailio loadbalancer with TLS problem forwarding INVITE back to UA
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] kamailio loadbalancer with TLS problem forwarding INVITE back to UA
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] Asterisk Gateway OPTIONS relay
Klaus Darilion
- [SR-Users] FW: Akhmad Dhany
Akhmad Dhany
- [SR-Users] Help with install using GIT
John Doe
- [SR-Users] Help with install using GIT
John Doe
- [SR-Users] Help with install using GIT
John Doe
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] is using Gerrit for Kamailio a good idea?
Peter Dunkley
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.1 websocket configuration
Peter Dunkley
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
Peter Dunkley
- [SR-Users] automatic call termination when websocket connection is closed
Peter Dunkley
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0.1 presence support
Rupayan Dutta
- [SR-Users] cnxcc developer module pulse concept
Carlos Ruiz Díaz
- [SR-Users] Missed calls notification supporting
Carlos Ruiz Díaz
- [SR-Users] $DLG_lifetime
Carlos Ruiz Díaz
- [SR-Users] $DLG_lifetime
Carlos Ruiz Díaz
- [SR-Users] Freepbx 2.11.0rc1 with Asterisk 11.3.0 and Kamailio 4.0.1
Barry Flanagan
- [SR-Users] Asterisk 11.4.0+Kamailio 4.0.1 Integration
Barry Flanagan
- [SR-Users] Kamailio config syntax check leads to memory error
- [SR-Users] Asterisk Gateway OPTIONS relay
Ian French
- [SR-Users] Asterisk Gateway OPTIONS relay
Ian French
- [SR-Users] Serial forking with equal q-value
Jan Gaida
- [SR-Users] MSILOModule - Offline Message delivery
Raj Roy Ghandhi
- [SR-Users] Call Forwarding
Lucas Girard
- [SR-Users] Call Forwarding
Lucas Girard
- [SR-Users] Asterisk 12.04 LTS + kamailio 4.0.1 Integration problem.
Ravindra Gowda
- [SR-Users] Asterisk 11.4.0 + Kamailio 4.0.1 integration
Ravindra Gowda
- [SR-Users] Asterisk 11.4.0+Kamailio 4.0.1 Integration
Ravindra Gowda
- [SR-Users] Register VoIP phones with Kamailio server
Ravindra Gowda
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] Register VoIP phones with Kamailio server
Ravindra Gowda
- [SR-Users] Kamailio+Asterisk Integrated server: 481 dialog/transaction does not exists error
Ravindra Gowda
- [SR-Users] Kamailio+Asterisk integration :'481 dialog/transaction does not exists' error.
Ravindra Gowda
- [SR-Users] '481 dialog/transaction does not exists'
Ravindra Gowda
- [SR-Users] Local subscriber lookup / usrloc
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] Local subscriber lookup / usrloc
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] migrate 3.3.x to 4.0
Daniel W. Graham
- [SR-Users] Kamailio: MI Command: 'trusted_dump' and 'trusted_reload'
Andreas Granig
- [SR-Users] Websocket transport and forward()
Andreas Granig
- [SR-Users] Websocket transport and forward()
Andreas Granig
- [SR-Users] Lync Client through Kamailio
Jens Grönningberg
- [SR-Users] How to iterate comma separated string
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] To simply run a route from externally
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] How to lock hashtable variable
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] How to define variable as string explicitly
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] How to lock hashtable variable
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] ds_is_from_list does not work in my code
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] kamailio and virtual IP
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] config test
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] kamailio and virtual IP
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] kamailio and virtual IP
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] Is single line Via with multiple entries allowed?
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] Is single line Via with multiple entries allowed?
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] Dispatcher mode for Active non-probing mode
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] Dispatcher behaviour
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] Dispatcher behaviour
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] Script - /kamailio.log -> MongoDB ?
Mino Haluz
- [SR-Users] SIP Trunks
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] [Spce-user] FYI: Package update(s) in release 2.8
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] Serial forking with equal q-value
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] avpops error line number
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] LCR in Kamailio 4.0
Juha Heinanen
- [SR-Users] Consuming 300 Multiple Choices
- [SR-Users] Consuming 300 Multiple Choices
- [SR-Users] Issue with Location table
Ali Jawad
- [SR-Users] Issue with Location table
Ali Jawad
- [SR-Users] Issue with Location table
Ali Jawad
- [SR-Users] Issue with Asterisk Kamailio integration
arun Jayaprakash
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0 & Asterisk realtime (Failed to import bind_ob, auth: qop set, but nonce-count ...)
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] location() vs registered()
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Issue with Location table
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Does Kamailio provide any API for other program to create sip account
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Does Kamailio provide any API for other program to create sip account
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Wrong src-adress in packets sent from Kamailio when using listen=
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Wrong src-adress in packets sent from Kamailio when using listen=
Olle E. Johansson
- [SR-Users] Asterisk re-INVITE race condition, error 500.
David K
- [SR-Users] Microseconds not milliseconds in cfgutils usleep
David K
- [SR-Users] Kamailio Crashing with excessive Via headers
Krishna Kurapati
- [SR-Users] Kamailio is crashing while parsing Via header
Krishna Kurapati
- [SR-Users] After increasing to pkg memory to 64 mb it ran for a little while and crashed again in parsing via
Krishna Kurapati
- [SR-Users] rtimer forking error while starting Kamailio
Krishna Kurapati
- [SR-Users] how to obtain $xavp(ulrcd=>ruid) value
Iwan Budi Kusnanto
- [SR-Users] how to obtain $xavp(ulrcd=>ruid) value
Iwan Budi Kusnanto
- [SR-Users] how to obtain $xavp(ulrcd=>ruid) value
Iwan Budi Kusnanto
- [SR-Users] automatic call termination when websocket connection is closed
Iwan Budi Kusnanto
- [SR-Users] something breaking up
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] No ACK from Cisco
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] No ACK from Cisco
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] something breaking up
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] No ACK from Cisco
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] No ACK from Cisco
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] config test
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] config test
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] location() vs registered()
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] location() vs registered()
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] modify $re
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] short name in syslog
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] short name in syslog
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] short name in syslog
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] FW: Info and support for Kamailio
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] dp_translate() pseudovariables
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] dialplan not working
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] dialplan not working
Victor V. Kustov
- [SR-Users] [6/2/2013 12:59:07 PM]
- [SR-Users] {voipfreak.net}
- [SR-Users] cnxcc developer module pulse concept
Eduardo Lejarreta
- [SR-Users] cnxcc developer module pulse concept
Eduardo Lejarreta
- [SR-Users] Fwd: Call breaks after 32 seconds (Martin Mou?ka)
Eduardo Lejarreta
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
Konstantin M.
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
Konstantin M.
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
Konstantin M.
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
Konstantin M.
- [SR-Users] Compile with mysql error
Konstantin M.
- [SR-Users] Kamailio - Asterisk, problem with SIP trunk mode
- [SR-Users] Kamailio - Asterisk, problem with SIP trunk mode
- [SR-Users] Kamailio - Asterisk, problem with SIP trunk mode
- [SR-Users] Kamailio - Asterisk, problem with SIP trunk mode
- [SR-Users] get Auth username user ($au) in the INVITE ?
- [SR-Users] get Auth username user ($au) in the INVITE ?
- [SR-Users] get Auth username user ($au) in the INVITE ?
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0 & Asterisk realtime (Failed to import bind_ob, auth: qop set, but nonce-count ...)
Ingenieurbüro Martin
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0 & Asterisk realtime (Failed to import bind_ob, auth: qop set, but nonce-count ...)
Thomas Martin
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0 & Asterisk realtime (Failed to import bind_ob, auth: qop set, but nonce-count ...)
Thomas Martin
- [SR-Users] Asterisk 12.04 LTS + kamailio 4.0.1 Integration problem.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] is_uri_host_local() maybe not considering IP:PORT
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Does Kamailio check for CSeq, Call-ID when unregister ?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Faild to add Subscription via WebRTC2SIP websocket GW
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamcmd vs kamctl
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] dialog ka-timer/ka_interval results in flood op OPTIONS
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] is_uri_host_local() maybe not considering IP:PORT
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] is_uri_host_local() maybe not considering IP:PORT
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio Postgres error - unknown field type: 2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Modify the Request Line
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Msilo dumping offline messages
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] simple way to access RR headers/uris and to remove them
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Microseconds not milliseconds in cfgutils usleep
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] New developer: Torrey Searle
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] New developer: Torrey Searle
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] New developer: Camille Oudot
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] something breaking up
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] No ACK from Cisco
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] something breaking up
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] No ACK from Cisco
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] releasing v4.0.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Msilo dumping offline messages
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0 & Asterisk realtime (Failed to import bind_ob, auth: qop set, but nonce-count ...)
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Call Forwarding
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] Register VoIP phones with Kamailio server
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] releasing v4.0.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Strict routing configuration
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Missed calls notification supporting
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0 & Asterisk realtime (Failed to import bind_ob, auth: qop set, but nonce-count ...)
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Call Forwarding
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] is using Gerrit for Kamailio a good idea?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] kamailio 4.0.1 websocket configuration
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Problems with Siremis Register Page
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] how to obtain $xavp(ulrcd=>ruid) value
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] How to iterate comma separated string
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] releasing v4.0.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] how to obtain $xavp(ulrcd=>ruid) value
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] [PATCH] pv: make set_var_value handle overlapping memory
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio v4.0.2 Released
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] RPM packages for v4.0.2
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] TLS questions
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] Register VoIP phones with Kamailio server
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] How to lock hashtable variable
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio 4.0.1 presence support
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] To simply run a route from externally
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Lync Client through Kamailio
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] ds_is_from_list does not work in my code
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Is single line Via with multiple entries allowed?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Compile with mysql error
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Dispatcher module without OPTIONS keepalive pinging
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] regarding kamctl command to show online users
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Dispatcher mode for Active non-probing mode
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] uac_redirect - logging/acc q value
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] e72 stops responding
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] A general SIP question
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] REFER
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Error with ACK from SIPML5
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] dialog: cseq
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Compile with mysql error
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Help with install using GIT
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Dispatcher behaviour
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] short name in syslog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] short name in syslog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Script - /kamailio.log -> MongoDB ?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Local subscriber lookup / usrloc
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] $DLG_lifetime
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Proposal for dialog: DLG_STATE_EARLY
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] dialog: cseq
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Fwd: enable only TLS transport on kamailio 4
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Error with ACK from SIPML5
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Regarding Instant messaging using TCP on Kamailio 3.3
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] migrate 3.3.x to 4.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Fwd: enable only TLS transport on kamailio 4
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Error with ACK from SIPML5
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] dialog: cseq + EARLY dialog
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Proposal for dialog: DLG_STATE_EARLY
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio config syntax check leads to memory error
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] MSILOModule - Offline Message delivery
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Kamailio Crashing with excessive Via headers
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] After increasing to pkg memory to 64 mb it ran for a little while and crashed again in parsing via
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
- [SR-Users] Asterisk 11.4.0 + Kamailio 4.0.1 integration
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] Register VoIP phones with Kamailio server
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] Kamailio and Asterisk integration
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] SIP Trunks Location
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] Info and support for Kamailio
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] SIP Trunks Location
Stoyan Mihaylov
- [SR-Users] [PATCH] pv: make set_var_value handle overlapping memory
Martin Mikkelsen
- [SR-Users] Kamailio: MI Command: 'trusted_dump' and 'trusted_reload'
José Luis Millán
- [SR-Users] uac_redirect - logging/acc q value
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] Consuming 300 Multiple Choices
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] Consuming 300 Multiple Choices
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] Consuming 300 Multiple Choices
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] LCR in Kamailio 4.0
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] Siremis 4.0 with Kamailio 4.0
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] Siremis 4.0 with Kamailio 4.0
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] LCR in Kamailio 4.0
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] LCR in Kamailio 4.0
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] Siremis 4.0 with Kamailio 4.0
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] Consuming 300 Multiple Choices
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] Consuming 300 Multiple Choices
Geoffrey Mina
- [SR-Users] Kamailio and Siremis
Elena-Ramona Modroiu
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
Andrew Mortensen
- [SR-Users] Wrong src-adress in packets sent from Kamailio when using listen=
Andrew Mortensen
- [SR-Users] Fwd: Call breaks after 32 seconds
Martin Moučka
- [SR-Users] Kamailio Postgres error - unknown field type: 2
Jayesh Nambiar
- [SR-Users] Error with ACK from SIPML5
Jayesh Nambiar
- [SR-Users] Error with ACK from SIPML5
Jayesh Nambiar
- [SR-Users] Error with ACK from SIPML5
Jayesh Nambiar
- [SR-Users] Error with ACK from SIPML5
Jayesh Nambiar
- [SR-Users] Dispatcher module without OPTIONS keepalive pinging
Efelin Novak
- [SR-Users] dialog: cseq
Halina Nowak
- [SR-Users] Proposal for dialog: DLG_STATE_EARLY
Halina Nowak
- [SR-Users] dialog: cseq + EARLY dialog
Halina Nowak
- [SR-Users] memcache problem - reporting protocol error
Dragos Oancea
- [SR-Users] memcache problem - reporting protocol error
Dragos Oancea
- [SR-Users] memcache problem - reporting protocol error
Dragos Oancea
- [SR-Users] memcache problem - reporting protocol error
Dragos Oancea
- [SR-Users] $DLG_lifetime
Dragos Oancea
- [SR-Users] Variables in event_route[sl:local-response]
Sergey Okhapkin
- [SR-Users] Kamailio: MI Command: 'trusted_dump' and 'trusted_reload'
Sergey Okhapkin
- [SR-Users] Regd. S-CSCF
Camille Oudot
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Daniel Pocock
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Daniel Pocock
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Daniel Pocock
- [SR-Users] Kamailio/Asterisk combination + hashed passwords?
Daniel Pocock
- [SR-Users] [Spce-user] FYI: Package update(s) in release 2.8
Andrew Pogrebennyk
- [SR-Users] Not getting correct result after sending a OPTION query
Michael K. Rodriguez
- [SR-Users] Info and support for Kamailio
Gustavo S
- [SR-Users] FW: Info and support for Kamailio
Gustavo S
- [SR-Users] Issue with Location table
Atle Samuelsen
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
- [SR-Users] Kamailio and Asterisk integration
Lucky Santiago
- [SR-Users] kamcmd vs kamctl
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] releasing v4.0.2
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] releasing v4.0.2
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] Xhttp_pi DB Query Clause Operators
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] Siremis 4.0 with Kamailio 4.0
Ovidiu Sas
- [SR-Users] [sr-dev] New developer: Camille Oudot
Torrey Searle
- [SR-Users] is using Gerrit for Kamailio a good idea?
Victor Seva
- [SR-Users] Regd. S-CSCF
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
- [SR-Users] Need help in setting up Presence
- [SR-Users] Script - /kamailio.log -> MongoDB ?
Mick Stevens
- [SR-Users] Kamailio - Asterisk, problem with SIP trunk mode
David | StyleFlare
- [SR-Users] Kamailio - Asterisk, problem with SIP trunk mode
David | StyleFlare
- [SR-Users] Does Kamailio provide any API for other program to create sip account
David | StyleFlare
- [SR-Users] SIP Trunks Location
Jose Suero
- [SR-Users] SIP Trunks Location
Jose Suero
- [SR-Users] dialog ka-timer/ka_interval results in flood op OPTIONS
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] dialog ka-timer/ka_interval results in flood op OPTIONS
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] dialog ka-timer/ka_interval results in flood op OPTIONS
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] Missed calls notification supporting
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] Missed calls notification supporting
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] bug in 4.0.2 dialog module, no keep alives when src==dst
Daniel Tryba
- [SR-Users] REFER
Tony Turner
- [SR-Users] kamailio 3.2 accepting calls from PSTN number
Maurice Vistan
- [SR-Users] A general SIP question
Gang Wang
- [SR-Users] memcache problem - reporting protocol error
Henning Westerholt
- [SR-Users] Wrong src-adress in packets sent from Kamailio when using listen=
Johan Wilfer
- [SR-Users] Wrong src-adress in packets sent from Kamailio when using listen=
Johan Wilfer
- [SR-Users] Wrong src-adress in packets sent from Kamailio when using listen=
Johan Wilfer
- [SR-Users] Kamailio and Asterisk integration
Gertjan Wolzak
- [SR-Users] Kamailio+Asterisk Integrated server: 481 dialog/transaction does not exists error
Gertjan Wolzak
- [SR-Users] Not getting correct result after sending a OPTION query
Marius Zbihlei
- [SR-Users] kamailio loadbalancer with TLS problem forwarding INVITE back to UA
Allen Zhang
- [SR-Users] Not getting correct result after sending a OPTION query
- [SR-Users] Not getting correct result after sending a OPTION query
- [SR-Users] [SOLVED] Not getting correct result after sending a OPTION query
- [SR-Users] Installing Kamailio on EC2
- [SR-Users] Not getting correct result after sending a OPTION query
- [SR-Users] Strict routing configuration
julian arsanches
- [SR-Users] Does Kamailio provide any API for other program to create sip account
- [SR-Users] Does Kamailio provide any API for other program tocreate sip account
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
- [SR-Users] if (t_check_status("486|408"))
- [SR-Users] e72 stops responding
- [SR-Users] Msilo dumping offline messages
sipatse at in.gr
- [SR-Users] Msilo dumping offline messages
sipatse at in.gr
- [SR-Users] Missed calls notification supporting
sipatse at in.gr
- [SR-Users] Missed calls notification supporting
sipatse at in.gr
- [SR-Users] Missed calls notification supporting
sipatse at in.gr
- [SR-Users] Missed calls notification supporting
sipatse at in.gr
- [SR-Users] enable only TLS transport on kamailio 4
- [SR-Users] Fwd: enable only TLS transport on kamailio 4
- [SR-Users] Fwd: enable only TLS transport on kamailio 4
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
phil lemelin
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
phil lemelin
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
phil lemelin
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
phil lemelin
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
phil lemelin
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
phil lemelin
- [SR-Users] app_python module fails with "AttributeError: init_modules() has failed"
phil lemelin
- [SR-Users] 481 dialog/transaction does not exists Error.
Nandini madhu
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
- [SR-Users] Problem with ACK
- [SR-Users] kamailio and virtual IP
- [SR-Users] ASSISTANCE Required
Piyush.Bansal at relianceada.com
- [SR-Users] uac module strange problem
אורן אברהם
Last message date:
Sun Jun 30 22:53:32 CEST 2013
Archived on: Sun Jun 30 22:53:39 CEST 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).