I have the following scenario:
SIP UA <=UDP=> OpenSER <=TCP> Microsoft Unified Messaging 2007
When I invite an account on the UM 2007 server the following happens
1 SIP UA ==Invite UDP=> OpenSER
2 SIP UA <== 407 Proxy Authentication Required UDP= OpenSER
4 SIP UA ==Invite UDP=> OpenSER
5 OpenSER ==Invite TCP=> UM2007
6 OpenSER <=Trying TCP== UM2007
7 OpenSER <= 302 Moved Temporarily TCP== UM2007
8 OpenSER == ACK TCP=> UM2007
9 OpenSER == INVITE UDP=> UM2007
.....no answer from UM2007
(I left out some steps between Openser and UA)
In Step 5 OpenSER invites "sip:11111@;transport=UDP>" with TCP
protocol (checked with ngrep) and UM2007 answers.
In Step 7 UM2007 answers with CONTACT:
<sip:11111@;transport=UDP> but I need to answer on TCP to
(I can change the message with add_uri_param("transport=tcp") in step 5
and I get a <sip:11111@;transport=TCP> back from UA2007,
but in fact the message is corrupted and OpenSER replies to the UA with
Error 500 then, see below)
The point is:
- I can invite UM2007 with TCP (although I was not able to produce
correct headers as there is still "transport=udp;>" mentioned in the
INVITE part)
- but in the failure route when I force OpenSER to reinvite with
get_redirects("*") and t_relay() I am not able to swith to TCP
I tried several ways as described in discussions which I found in
- add_uri_param("transport=tcp"); ==> added transport=tcp additionally
to transport=udp ==> transport=udp;transport=tcp ==> 500 Internal
Server error
- $avp(s:foo)="sip:;transport=tcp";
avp_pushto("$du","$avp(s:foo)"); ==>had actually
no effect
- replace_all("transport=udp", "transport=tcp"); ==> produced invalid
headers as it simply replaced the headers wrongly as described in
1. How can I change the initial INVITe message (Step5) in order to have
the right headers. (transport=TCP instead of transport=UDP)?
2. How can I answer to a redirect and change to a different transport
protocol (Step 9)?
Your help is very much appreciated.
Best regards
Hi folks,
I'm new to openser. I'm using the sctp feature of it. I'm looking to test
the openser's sctp functionality. For this I have used the sctp compliant
kphone. However, it does not work. The phone does not even register.
Please suggest if there is any other tool to it's functionality.
Thanks and regards,
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Can someone explain me please the difference between between watchers
and active_watchers?
If I understand correctly, active_watchers are the SIP clients which
have SUBSCRIBEd and thus will receive NOTIFYs.
But what are "watchers"?
I am running openser Server...
I want to know that do we have any inbuit user agent (client) in openser
which we can use to send messages to this running server..
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The holidays and the new year work load seems to have taken all my time.
Anyway, next week, I should be clear of regulatory filings and paperwork.
That should give me time to resume building stand alone SER to test prototype
of the SER Express Bundle.
Any first-draft materials from anyone yet?
Hi all,
I'm trying to use UAC module and I'd like to know if it is possible to
configure openser to register on another proxy on start up and wait for
incoming calls, instead of use UAC module to terminate calls on an
authenticated trunk.
I encountered following error.
I have two user agents register under the same uid.
When there is an invite request both ua's ring.
When one of them UA1 answers the call, by sending 200 response
some strange error occurs.
UA1's 200 response is immediately sent to UAC who initiated a call.
after this ser sends cancel message to other UA2.
The other UA2 responses with 200 to the cancel message and sends response to
initial invite: 487 Request Terminated.
After this ser should response with ACK to the second UA2 but it isn't
instead it
forwards 487 response to UAC who sent the initial invite.
Please tell why ser behaves this way?
What could be the reason for such behavior?
Do any one has an idea about the Performance benchmark of Openser as
Presence Server..? Like how many Subscribers, how many
subscribe/publish/notify messages, it can handle..
[ I want to know how much Subscribers/Subscriptions & how many
Subscribe/Notify/Publish messages, Openser can handle. I am using Openser
as only Presence Server ( not proxy/registrar )]
If anybody have any figures about this performance, please let me know.
Noble Antony Thattil.
Hi all,
Please see the call flow below:
GW1 Proxy GW2
|-----invite----------->| |
|<------407-----------| |
|-----invite w/cred--->| |
| |-----Invite------->|
|<------------200 Ok---------------------|
| |
| |<----ReInvite -----|
When the proxy receives the Reinvite below from GW 2, should it again
challenge it for proxy authentication or simply forward the call to the GW1?
The openser proxy in our lab simply forwards the Invite without asking for
authentication this time. However, I need to test the situation, where the
proxy asks for authentication for the Reinvite. Is this possible?
Please let me know.