sr-users February 2004
  • 144 participants
  • 382 discussions

[Serusers] call logs
by Adrian Georgescu
20 years, 9 months

Re: [Serusers] rewrite & ACK forwarding problem
20 years, 9 months

[Serusers] ENUM anyone?
by Adrian Georgescu
20 years, 10 months

[Serusers] rtpproxy/nathelper configuration issues. i think.
by Eric C. Snowdeal III
20 years, 11 months

[Serusers] Changing of Realname
by Atle Samuelsen
20 years, 11 months

[Serusers] URI parsing problem from ser to MSN through jabberd
by voice
20 years, 11 months

[Serusers] SER and rtpproxy
by Fábio Silvestri
20 years, 11 months

[Serusers] windows messenger 5.0 / sip express router
by Graham Turner
20 years, 11 months

[Serusers] register alias
by Jakob Schlyter
20 years, 11 months

[Serusers] SER -> RTP proxy -> Cisco or Sonus
by Jac Barben
20 years, 11 months
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