I just got the latest snapshot from CVS, it all compiles fine but ser produces submit_query errors in the log. In particular it comments that field "user" is not found. It seems to work after I changed char* user_col = "user" in modules/usrloc/ul_mod.c to char* user_col = "username";
Hello Stephan,
thanks, I haven't updated the column names in ser yet, I will do it asap. Thanks for the info.
On 18-03 15:17, srm@cs.stir.ac.uk wrote:
I just got the latest snapshot from CVS, it all compiles fine but ser produces submit_query errors in the log. In particular it comments that field "user" is not found. It seems to work after I changed char* user_col = "user" in modules/usrloc/ul_mod.c to char* user_col = "username";
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