Hello all,
Just checkout the lates svn version of OSer. trying to run openserdbctl create with DB=PGSQL i get the following errors.
ERROR: relation "subscriber" does not exist ERROR: relation "dbaliases" does not exist ERROR: Grant privileges to database failed! Any pointers welcome. OSer details: Repository UUID: 689a6050-402a-0410-94f2-e92a70836424 Revision: 3203
On Friday 23 November 2007, TCB wrote:
Hello all,
Just checkout the lates svn version of OSer. trying to run openserdbctl create with DB=PGSQL i get the following errors.
ERROR: relation "subscriber" does not exist ERROR: relation "dbaliases" does not exist ERROR: Grant privileges to database failed! Any pointers welcome. OSer details: Repository UUID: 689a6050-402a-0410-94f2-e92a70836424 Revision: 3203
Hello TCB,
well, i've tested it with the actual svn, and it worked for me..
Did you tried it with an empty database, or with a db that already has an openser table?
Did you install only the core tables, or the presence and extra tables too? Can please post the complete output from the script run?
Thanks , find below the error log of openserdbctl create http://pastebin.ca/797935
On Nov 26, 2007 12:47 PM, Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt@1und1.de wrote:
On Friday 23 November 2007, TCB wrote:
Hello all,
Just checkout the lates svn version of OSer. trying to run openserdbctl create with DB=PGSQL i get the following errors.
ERROR: relation "subscriber" does not exist ERROR: relation "dbaliases" does not exist ERROR: Grant privileges to database failed! Any pointers welcome. OSer details: Repository UUID: 689a6050-402a-0410-94f2-e92a70836424 Revision: 3203
Hello TCB,
well, i've tested it with the actual svn, and it worked for me..
Did you tried it with an empty database, or with a db that already has an openser table?
Did you install only the core tables, or the presence and extra tables too? Can please post the complete output from the script run?
On Monday 26 November 2007, TCB wrote:
Thanks , find below the error log of openserdbctl create http://pastebin.ca/797935
Hi TC,
i've noticed some other errors in the script output:
135: CREATE TABLE 136: ERROR: relation "callid_idx" already exists
This belongs to an error in the postgres tables source in 'scripts/postgres' that was fixed in recent svn (3194/ 3197).
Please update your svn checkout.
I line 85 you've an invalid statement specified, there is the STANDARD_MODULES variable define missing. This variable is absolutly needed, please compare with a "fresh" checkout of the rc file.
The error you've reported in the initial report (error from GRANT) could be related to the removal of the pre-configured standard tables. If you don't want to install all standard tables, then you must also change the GRANTs in line 154 of openserdbctl.postgres. (This statement is needed as there don't exist a easy (without functions) way in postgres to GRANT only SELECT rights to all tables in a database, like in mysql.) I'll add a note to the rc file about this.
On Monday 26 November 2007, TCB wrote:
Thanks , find below the error log of openserdbctl create http://pastebin.ca/797935
Hi TC,
i've noticed some other errors in the script output:
135: CREATE TABLE 136: ERROR: relation "callid_idx" already exists
This belongs to an error in the postgres tables source in 'scripts/postgres' that was fixed in recent svn (3194/ 3197).
Please update your svn checkout.
I line 85 you've an invalid statement specified, there is the STANDARD_MODULES variable define missing. This variable is absolutly needed, please compare with a "fresh" checkout of the rc file.
The error you've reported in the initial report (error from GRANT) could be related to the removal of the pre-configured standard tables. If you don't want to install all standard tables, then you must also change the GRANTs in line 154 of openserdbctl.postgres. (This statement is needed as there don't exist a easy (without functions) way in postgres to GRANT only SELECT rights to all tables in a database, like in mysql.) I'll add a note to the rc file about this.