Thanks , find below the error log of openserdbctl create

On Nov 26, 2007 12:47 PM, Henning Westerholt <> wrote:
On Friday 23 November 2007, TCB wrote:
> Hello all,
> Just checkout the lates svn version of OSer. trying to run openserdbctl
> create with DB=PGSQL
> i get the following errors.
> ERROR:  relation "subscriber" does not exist
> ERROR:  relation "dbaliases" does not exist
> ERROR: Grant privileges to database failed!
> Any pointers welcome.
> OSer details: Repository UUID: 689a6050-402a-0410-94f2-e92a70836424
> Revision: 3203

Hello TCB,

well, i've tested it with the actual svn, and it worked for me..

Did you tried it with an empty database, or with a db that already has an
openser table?

Did you install only the core tables, or the presence and extra tables too?
Can please post the complete output from the script run?


