Hi Benoit
Are you connecting to mysql?
We had similar sounding issues and adding this to kamailio.cfg made a difference modparam( "db_mysql", "opt_ssl_mode", 1 )
On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 at 11:56, Benoît Panizzon via sr-users < sr-users@lists.kamailio.org> wrote:
Hi Gang
I just updated our dev plattform from 5.6 to 5.7
5.5 was working fine with TLS under Ubuntu Focal. 5.6 under Jammy started to dump cores. 5.7 still shows the same behaviour, usually shortly after a restart.
Oct 20 09:45:01 dev-cpereg01 kamailio[11925]: CRITICAL: <core> [core/mem/q_malloc.c:519]: qm_free(): BUG: freeing already freed pointer (0x7f1bb0dd4bd8), called from tls: tls_init.c: ser_free(405), first free tls: tls_init.c: ser_free(405) - ignoring Oct 20 09:45:11 dev-cpereg01 kamailio[11905]: ALERT: <core> [main.c:776]: handle_sigs(): child process 11924 exited by a signal 11 Oct 20 09:45:11 dev-cpereg01 kamailio[11905]: ALERT: <core> [main.c:779]: handle_sigs(): core was generated
Could anyone point me the correct direction on how to fix this issue?
Am I the only one seeing this issue?
-- Mit freundlichen Grüssen
-Benoît Panizzon- @ HomeOffice und normal erreichbar
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