On 09/18/2012 12:15 PM, Gary Shergill wrote:
Note that I am testing this with one computer connected by Bria and another computer connected via Blink. I am able to log on to a user on each (test1 and test2) and they are able to call each other. The issue is, with presence enabled, they are unable to IM each other (or add each other as contacts and see online status).
Gary, I thought Bria uses RPID data format for presence (RFC 4480) while Blink uses PIDF so they won't be able to see presence status of each other. I see though that blink website mentions RPID as well, maybe somebody more knowledgeable about blink can correct me.
For IM, add MESSAGE method to supported methods and send it after lookup like INVITE. For offline message delivery, checkout the msilo module readme.
HTH, Andrew