In addition to the mail which has been stuck for moderator's review Here is o/p of serctl ul show
[root@voice root]# serctl ul show Dumping all contacts may take long: are you sure you want to proceed? [Y|N] y ===Domain list=== ---Domain--- name : 'location' size : 512 table: 0x40308118 d_ll { n : 2 first: 0x4030a120 last : 0x4030a200 } ...Record(0x4030a120)... domain: 'location' aor : '12345' ~~~Contact(0x4030a160)~~~ domain : 'location' aor : '12345' Contact: 'sip:12345@' Expires: 277 q : 0.00 Call-ID: 'AA3DA1BA1F994A878B11E84BBB2C121C@cooking.com.pk' CSeq : 26435 replic : 0 State : CS_NEW next : (nil) prev : (nil) ~~~/Contact~~~~ .../Record... ...Record(0x4030a200)... domain: 'location' aor : '22222' ~~~Contact(0x4030a240)~~~ domain : 'location' aor : '22222' Contact: 'sip:22222@' Expires: 289 q : 0.00 Call-ID: 'BB88B44CB7AE4A52A1A9ADAC5D7D2B3F@cooking.com.pk' CSeq : 31474 replic : 0 State : CS_NEW next : (nil) prev : (nil) ~~~/Contact~~~~ .../Record... ---/Domain--- ===/Domain list=== [root@voice root]#
While is web transparent proxy and 202.133.64.X are clients JF Daniel-Constantin Mierla Daniel-Constantin.Mierla@fokus.fraunhofer.de wrote: Hello, please send us the networks dumps while you try to set up a call and it fails.You can use ngrep on the same machine with ser for that. Also, the output of 'serctl ul show' will help us.
Just a hint -- it may happen that the condition uri==myself to be not matched, so add a line: alias="xxx.yyy.com" in your config file (/etc/ser/ser.cfg), after the line fifo="/tmp/ser_fifo", and try again.
On 10/2/2003 10:47 AM, John Foster wrote:
Hi All,
A new user here,
I m using 0.8.11, with default conf file shipped with package.without auth. While my softphone registers with the proxy, it gets listed in "serctl ul show", but another user while joins through same proxy with all other params same except username. The two cannt dial eachother.their addresses URIs are 12345@xxx.yyy.com and 22222@xxx.yyy.com , while caller,callee and proxy are in same IP subnet. They gett Timeout message.
Can anyone give any idea?
Thanks in Adv.
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