In addition to the mail which has been stuck for moderator's review
Here is o/p of serctl ul show
[root@voice root]# serctl ul show
Dumping all contacts may take long: are you sure you want to proceed? [Y|N] y
===Domain list===
name : 'location'
size : 512
table: 0x40308118
d_ll {
    n    : 2
    first: 0x4030a120
    last : 0x4030a200
domain: 'location'
aor   : '12345'
domain : 'location'
aor    : '12345'
Contact: 'sip:12345@'
Expires: 277
q      :       0.00
Call-ID: 'AA3DA1BA1F994A878B11E84BBB2C121C@cooking.com.pk'
CSeq   : 26435
replic : 0
State  : CS_NEW
next   : (nil)
prev   : (nil)
domain: 'location'
aor   : '22222'
domain : 'location'
aor    : '22222'
Contact: 'sip:22222@'
Expires: 289
q      :       0.00
Call-ID: 'BB88B44CB7AE4A52A1A9ADAC5D7D2B3F@cooking.com.pk'
CSeq   : 31474
replic : 0
State  : CS_NEW
next   : (nil)
prev   : (nil)
===/Domain list===
[root@voice root]#
While is web transparent proxy and 202.133.64.X are clients
Daniel-Constantin Mierla <Daniel-Constantin.Mierla@fokus.fraunhofer.de> wrote:
please send us the networks dumps while you try to set up a call and it
fails.You can use ngrep on the same machine with ser for that. Also, the
output of 'serctl ul show' will help us.

Just a hint -- it may happen that the condition uri==myself to be not
matched, so add a line: alias="xxx.yyy.com" in your config file
(/etc/ser/ser.cfg), after the line fifo="/tmp/ser_fifo", and try again.


On 10/2/2003 10:47 AM, John Foster wrote:

> Hi All,
> A new user here,
> I m using 0.8.11, with default conf file shipped with package.without
> auth. While my softphone registers with the proxy, it gets listed in
> "serctl ul show", but another user while joins through same proxy with
> all other params same except username. The two cannt dial
> eachother.their addresses URIs are 12345@xxx.yyy.com
> and 22222@xxx.yyy.com
> , while caller,callee and proxy are in same
> IP subnet. They gett Timeout message.
> Can anyone give any idea?
> Thanks in Adv.
> JF
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