Hi all,
I am using kamailio as sip server and asterisk as media server behind
firewall (NAT) with a public ip.
Sip signalling as well as rtp packets are flowing correctly when the
endpoints are within
a network. But when trying from outside network sip signalling is working
but there is no RTP.
Public ip behind pfsense -> 182.70.xx.yy
kamailio+rtpengine and asterisk servers are on private ips --> 192.168.1.x
kamailio ip - 192.168.1.x
asterisk ip - 192.168.1.y
Please, feel free to ask for more information.
Thanks & Regards,
Arish Haque
Good morning All,
I have two almost Identical (Kamailio=>Asterisk) systems set up, but one of them is receiving calls and forwarding them to the Asterisk Public IP, and the other is Forwarding to the Asterisk Private IP. The call is coming in to the number and domain in both scenarios. Any ideas on what would cause this?
Thank you,
Hello Dears
if i need to make kamailio able to pause request processing for a Period of time is that possible ?
for example when kamailio receive an INVITE request then it have to wait until 10 seconds before relay it to the second server.
thanks in advance .
Good morning
I want to use kamailio to send calls to an asterisk. My problem is that I
want to define call prefixes.
If the subscriber calls the 6000, please call us 7000
on transfer to asterisk. Subscribers are at 6000.6001, etc.
I want to know exactly which line to modify in kamailio.cfg
thank you
KOFFI Koffi Olivier
+225 79830005
+225 59098608
Directeur Technique LIFOR Sarl
Hello all!
I have *event_route[websocket:closed]* configured. By using *$si*, *$sp*
variables and data from special hash table I can figure out information
about account that was disconnected. I'm trying to use *unregister*
function against but with no luck.
1. I'm creating variable which contains (as an example): "
sip:100-test@" string, where "100-test" is username.
2. lookup("location", "$var(user_uri)") - runs fine. I'm getting a match
and lots of useful variables including *$ruid* are being set:
*/usr/sbin/kamailio[27169]: DEBUG: registrar [lookup.c:256]:
lookup_helper(): contact for [100-test] found by address*
3. But unfortenately *unregister* with same variable does not
work. unregister("location", "$var(user_uri)"):
*DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_uri.c:1282]: parse_uri(): bad uri, state
0 parsed: <you@> (4) / <you(a)kamailio.org <you(a)kamailio.org>> (16)*
*ERROR: <core> [core/parser/parse_to.c:81]: parse_to_uri(): failed to parse
To uri*
*ERROR: registrar [save.c:1040]: unregister(): failed to extract Address Of
I was trying to manipulate *$var(user_uri)* variable's content but could
not make it work.
It's interesting that variant with *$ruid* - *unregister("location", "",
"$ruid")* will work but unfortenately it works only with *modparam("usrloc",
"db_mode", 1)*:
*ERROR: usrloc [urecord.c:655]: delete_urecord_by_ruid():
delete_urecord_by_ruid currently available only in db_mode=3*
I was wonderring if someone could tell me if I'm just using
*unregister* function
with uri parameter in wrong format or there might be some other problem.
Thanks a lot!
I'm using Kamailio with Dispatcher and now i have the need to have more
than one destination with the same IP:Port belonging to the same
Destination Group.
Those destinations will have different configurations unrelated to the
However, after ds_select_dst I only have access to IP and Port. Is it
possible to Dispatcher to return another fields from the same table row? Or
return any other way to identify the row.
Thank you for your help.
Best Regards,
Duarte Rocha
Je veux utiliser kamailio pour transmettre des appels vers asterisk.
Mon problème est que je veux définir les prefixes d'appels.
Si l’abonné appel le 6000 kamailio gère l'appel.mais s'il compose le 7000
on transfert à asterisk. Les abonné sont au 6000,6001,etc
je veux savoir exactement quelle ligne modifier dans kamailio.cfg
KOFFI Koffi Olivier
+225 79830005
+225 59098608
Directeur Technique LIFOR Sarl