I am currently using multiple instances of Kamailio with a common database
and using the usrloc module with db_mode=4 and server_id to filter the
contacts that get loaded at startup on each server.
The problem I seem to have is that using the RPC call ul.add, I cannot see
any parameter to send to specify the server_id. The server_id that the
contact is given is 0. If I manually go into the db and modify the
server_id everything works as expected. I think I must be missing something
somewhere as I'm sure you shouldn't need to do this.
Can anyone help please.
Hi there,
May be some regex gurus can help me out. Being aware that regex's are
tricky but not seeing another alternative in this particular case.
Trying to extract MOSLQ field from $rb.
$var(moslq) =
Above regex works fine IF body contains a single matching line. However, if
there's 2 lines as in the below example - it return $var(moslq)=0.0, the
last found value.
I need only *LocalMetrics *values, so I tried this regex which works fine
in regex101.com with flag 'multi-line' and *without flag 'global'*, but
doesn't work in Kamailio.
$var(moslq) =
Assuming $rb is as follows:
Timestamps:START=2018-10-29T15:04:38Z STOP=2018-10-29T15:06:13Z
QualityEst:EXTRI=127 MOSLQ=4.2 MOSCQ=4.4
Timestamps:START=2018-10-29T15:04:38Z STOP=2018-10-29T15:06:13Z
QualityEst:RCQ=0 EXTRI=0 MOSLQ=0.0 MOSCQ=0.0
Thanks in advance.
I got two tablets registering with the same username, this used to work
but now I got a bug report that only one of them gets a call.
I found out that the problem is in the ruid column as they both end up
with this ruid value uloc-1-5bd0abe9-83c-e4
How is that ruid value calculated, and how can I change this?
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I want to use kamailio as a forwarding proxy infront of SIP registrar like
asterisk/freeswitch without any rtpproxy to reduce the load on server and
to be able to handle more requests . I am using default kamailio config
file registration is working fine but call is not connecting . So sip
clients should register on asterisk(or freeswitch) and able to receive
inbound calls too .
I am interested in only REGISTER & INVITE messages to restrict the messages
based on sipclient's source ip . Please can someone help me with a
working configuration for this setup .
This is the topology ..
(Sipclients with or without NAT ) ---------> (Kamailio without
rtpproxy)-------------->(Asterisk or freeswitch or anyother sipserver )
Hello Guys,
I am using Kamailio version 5.0.4 in IMS mode.
I have added ims_auth in kamailio.cfg in S-Server. And added line
modparam("ims_auth", "add_authinfo_hdr", 1)
I am not finding “Authentication-Info” header being added in 200 OK responses. Anything more i
need to enable. Kindly someone give a clue.
Or this is known problem?
Seshu Kumar
Hello List,
I have just installed the version 5.1.6 and I get this warning message when
Kamailio starts:
> db_postgres_new_connection(): server version < 9.5 does not support
Does it mean Kamailio will not be working properly with my current Postgres
Server (9.4)? What are the consequence of not having support for
insert_update command?
Best regards,
Minh Phan
I'd like to submit for the community's consideration the idea of having
a Kamailio Slack channel.
Emmanuel Schmidbauer took the initiative to create one:
The sign-in link is: https://join.slack.com/t/kamailio/shared_invite/enQtNDY1NDc5MzMwNDIzLWJlNTF…
I for one think this is a good idea and, even if it doesn't ultimately
get traction, it should be seriously considered by all.
Yes, I am aware of the open-source-purist objection to Slack; it is
proprietary and perceived to be a "walled garden" of sorts. Furthermore,
for those of us who have been on the Internet and involved in technology
for a significant amount of time, the irony is not lost that it is
little more than a packaging of the "IRC" experience in the bloated form
of a modern JavaScript application.
I am also very reluctant to contribute in any way to the Balkanisation
or fracturing of project-related communication channels. That thought
gives me no comfort. These are all concerns of which I'm mindful.
- A great deal of professional real-time messaging and communication in
many organisations has moved to Slack. This is also true of our
company, and most companies we work with. Thus, a Slack channel for
Kamailio would be highly complementary to a platform many other people
are already using.
- Slack provides a polished and cohesive user experience, which is why
it has become so popular. There are clients for every platform, and a
seamless user experience that is also highly compatible with mobile
and tablet.
One can shoehorn IRC into these media, but it clearly is not designed
for them.
- There are already lots of open-source discussion channels and
developer forums on Slack.
- Slack's inline Markdown and other conveniences make it _much_ easier
to have discussions about code, configurations, etc., since it is easy
to insert inline monospace and multiline blobs, attachments, etc. This
is what inspired my switch to it.
- A lot of people positioned within the current wave of thinking about
IT and technology, and thus a big part of our candidate user base,
have never used IRC.
Anyway, for those interested, I propose that you join Emmanuel and I.
Let's see how it works out?
-- Alex
Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
Tel: +1-706-510-6800 / +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free)
Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.csrpswitch.com/