serusers(a) wrote:
I'm trying to have a caller (eg sender of invite) be able to detect
the difference between a user that is 'offline' and one that really
doesn't exist. Current cfg methods allow for doing a lookup in the
location table, but if the target isn't there - then a 404 is returned.
I think what I would like to do is then check the subscriber
table....what is the best way to accomplish this?
There are several options:
1) use the group module, add all subscribers to a group, and use the
is_user_in() function in ser.cfg.
2) use the CPL module, and install default and/or customized CPL scripts
that handle calls differently for subscribers who are offline vs
3) I wanted to do something similar, without the administrative overhead
of creating a group and remembering to put everyone in the group, so I
wrote a new function in uri_db: does_to_uri_exist. This is just like
does_uri_exist except it does not check authorization data.
It's not in CVS but I can post a patch or commit it to CVS. I needed
something like it for, which handles register,
subscribe, publish, notify, invite, bye, message, etc, messages for
subscribers from different domains, but is supposed to be a transparent
proxy for non-subscriber URI's, some of which might belong to the same
domains. I guess what we have there is a multi-domain cascading registrar.