after adding a few module params
modparam("sipcapture", "db_url", "MYSQL_SIP_PROXY_USAGE_URL") modparam("sipcapture", "table_name", "sip_capture") modparam("sipcapture", "hep_capture_on", 1) modparam("sipcapture", "capture_node", "EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME")
i restarted my sip proxy and started to get these kind of errors to syslog:
Oct 4 18:09:02 siika /usr/sbin/sip-proxy[22914]: ERROR: sipcapture [sipcapture.c:733]: ERROR: sipcapture:hep_msg_received: unsupported family [71]
why they appear and how to turn them off?
-- juha
10/4/2012 5:11 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
after adding a few module params
modparam("sipcapture", "db_url", "MYSQL_SIP_PROXY_USAGE_URL") modparam("sipcapture", "table_name", "sip_capture") modparam("sipcapture", "hep_capture_on", 1) modparam("sipcapture", "capture_node", "EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME")
i restarted my sip proxy and started to get these kind of errors to syslog:
Oct 4 18:09:02 siika /usr/sbin/sip-proxy[22914]: ERROR: sipcapture [sipcapture.c:733]: ERROR: sipcapture:hep_msg_received: unsupported family [71]
why they appear and how to turn them off?
probably you are recieving normal SIP messages, not HEP. Can you change capture port to 9060 and duplicate all SIP messages to this port.
or follow these instructions:
Wbr, Alexandr
-- juha
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
Alexandr Dubovikov writes:
kamailio example includes calls of sip_capture() function, which is not documented in README. based on README i got the impression that once i give 'sip_capture on' mi command, all packets are captured automatically.
-- juha
10/4/2012 5:23 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Alexandr Dubovikov writes:
kamailio example includes calls of sip_capture() function, which is not documented in README. based on README i got the impression that once i give 'sip_capture on' mi command, all packets are captured automatically.
ok, but the issue in your last mail has nothing to do how you are calling the sip_capture function: directly in kamailio config or through mi command.
just change the capture port to 9060 and send HEP traffic there.
Wbr, Alexandr
-- juha
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
What kind of traffic are you sending to sipcapture? It should be HEP encoded.
On 10/04/2012 06:11 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
after adding a few module params
modparam("sipcapture", "db_url", "MYSQL_SIP_PROXY_USAGE_URL") modparam("sipcapture", "table_name", "sip_capture") modparam("sipcapture", "hep_capture_on", 1) modparam("sipcapture", "capture_node", "EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME")
i restarted my sip proxy and started to get these kind of errors to syslog:
Oct 4 18:09:02 siika /usr/sbin/sip-proxy[22914]: ERROR: sipcapture [sipcapture.c:733]: ERROR: sipcapture:hep_msg_received: unsupported family [71]
why they appear and how to turn them off?
-- juha
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list