Hi All,
I run mediaproxy on a 2 CPUs machine (Fedora Code 3).
When I stress the mediaproxy with rtpgenerator locally,
i.e., just rtpgenerator.py --count=50, I noticed that the load is
distributed evenly between the 2 CPUs.
But when I stress remotely, using a seperate PC, i.e.,
rtpgenerator.py --ip=x.x.x.x --proxy=y.y.y.y --count=50,
where x.x.x.x is rptgenerator's ip and y.y.y.y is mediaproxy's ip,
I noticed that the load is mainly taken by CPU0.
Can someone tell me what happenned?
Has anyone encountered this?
If it is python problem, then why it can distribute the load evenly when
stream locally?
Kernel Problem??
Thanks for any help available.
TC Chan
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