Hi everybody,
I'm trying to integrate SER and Asterisk, put them to work together, ser ending SIP
connections, and Asterisk acting as a REGISTRAR, logging the login attemps, passwords, and
all the rest, in order to make a CDR and billing systems at asterisk. As i'm very new
to VoIP and mainly to Asterisk and SER, i'm reading all the documentation I've
found but I couldn't find any dox telling how to integrate them, with example config
files and some graphs or something. Is there a link or Has anyone got dox on it ?
It will be very aprecciated to have a link where I could learn it ... you know ...
I'm already under pressure from the Forces ...
Tnx a Lot in advance.
Felipe Martins
Linux System Administrator
Tep Solution Provider
Mundivox Communications
Rua Lauro Muller, 116/Sala 505
RJ - Brasil - 22290-906
Tel.: 55 21 3820-8839
Fax.: 55 21 3820-8844
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