debian wheezy multiarch support allows installation of i386 packages to amd64 host provided that there is i386 version of libraries used by the package.
is there any advantage of amd64 kamailio versus i386 one? how does kamailio benefit from 64 bit architecture or does it not?
if not, the on wheezy amd64 packages would not be needed. this is what e.g. google has done with chrome browser packages.
i have noticed that amd64 version of kamailio requires quite a lot more memory than i386 version, which it not necessarily a good thing.
-- juha
On 5/10/13 5:47 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
debian wheezy multiarch support allows installation of i386 packages to amd64 host provided that there is i386 version of libraries used by the package.
is there any advantage of amd64 kamailio versus i386 one? how does kamailio benefit from 64 bit architecture or does it not?
if not, the on wheezy amd64 packages would not be needed. this is what e.g. google has done with chrome browser packages.
i have noticed that amd64 version of kamailio requires quite a lot more memory than i386 version, which it not necessarily a good thing.
64bit version can work with more than 4GB of memory.
On 64bit, a memory pointer is 8 bytes instead of 4 as on 32bit. The same applies to 'long' type which has the same size of the pointer on each architecture. From here you get more memory usage on 64bit, because many internal structures hold pointers or long values.
Cheers, Daniel
On Friday 10 May 2013, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
On 64bit, a memory pointer is 8 bytes instead of 4 as on 32bit. The same applies to 'long' type which has the same size of the pointer on each architecture. From here you get more memory usage on 64bit, because many internal structures hold pointers or long values.
Kamailio would probably benefit from using the X32 ABI. By their own definition: 32 ABI is designed for environments where the current ia32 ABI is sufficient. It can be viewed as ia32 with register extended to 64-bit plus 8 more registers as well as IP relative address. Everything else is still 32-bit.
Unfortunately it's not (yet) an offically supported arch/port on Debian.