according to the "usr_preferences.sql"
(serweb/scripts/sql/usr_preferences)the attribute name and types are all
dumped into
a table called "preference_types" which is not there in the mysql DB.
this isnt a default column to be included in the tables.
ny ideas to create this table?
thank you
*From:* Karel Kozlik []
*Sent:* Thu 10-Nov-05 2:38 PM
*To:* Divya Parvataneni
*Cc:* serweb-users(a)
*Subject:* Re: [Serweb-users] whats this "DB Error:no such table" error???
that mean some table is missing in your DB. Try reinstall your db by run: reinstall
If it not help, enable logging in serweb and see the log file for
detailed info.
divya.parvataneni(a) napsal(a):
hi ,
when i try to add an attribute
under user preferences (logged in as admin)
it says
"DB Error:no such table"
can nyone pls help!!
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