I'm not aware of such implementation. It would not surprise me, if
someone has already implemented it, if so, please speak up and send
a patch. Otherwise, it should be fairly easy to generate. Textop
module's append_to_reply function may serve as a good example of
how to append header fields to replies.
At 12:50 AM 4/27/2004, John Todd wrote:
Has anyone already implemented a Date: header for
INVITEs in an easy and fast method? I'm looking for a quick plug-in that will send
the date in GMT format that looks like this (in strftime format):
Date: %a, %d %b %Y %T GMT
where %a is day of week (three letter), %d is the day of the month (01-31), %b is
abbreviated month name (three digit), %Y is the year as a decimal number including
century, and %T is the time in 24 hour notation (HH:MM:SS)
I have some SIP UA devices which set the timestamp of outgoing calls on caller ID (analog
phones.) SNTP is not an option, so using a Date: header is the next best thing. Maybe
someone who has already incorporated this into SER might have something handy and save
some time on my end...
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Jiri Kuthan