Well first all, I now seem to have a ser 0.8.14 installed and running and
showing all the “superficial” signs of working!
So I give my thanks to all of you who have worked so hard and so well on ser
to get this server to its current status.
I now seek to checking out the ser more fully and in particular all of its
I have seen the individual examples function by function in CVS.
However I seek to find an integrated single example containing of all the
ser features.
In particular I seek an example that is known to work stably and properly
with 0.8.14.
In other words I seek to avoid having to rediscover the pitfalls that I see
others have fallen into from time to time when I trawl back through the
seruser archives…
Is there such a “known to work with .14” integrated example of all the
stable .14 working features?
Would it be a good idea to keep such a master example in CVS?
Thanks for your help.
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