Hi Pedro,
You need to disable the caching mode in db_text, see here: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules_k/db_text.html#id2530805
Kind regards from Hamburg, Carsten
2011/12/13 Pedro Antonio Vico Solano pvsolano@amper.es:
I'm using Kamailio 3.1.5 with db_text module. I'm trying to save accounting information on the acc file. Everything seems to work fine but accounting records are only written on the file when Kamailio program shutdowns.
usrloc tables have a configuration parameter for persistent storage mode (modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 1))
How can I get the same behaviour on acc table?
Thanks. BR, Pedro
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db_text keeps data in memory, the main reason being updates of the records, which will be hard to sync to disk in a text file every time, considering multi-process architecture of kamailio.
Perhaps you should look at db_flatstore for a need of storing acc record to text files. Other alternative of not using a sql server, is db_sqlite.
Cheers, Daniel
On 12/13/11 6:56 PM, Pedro Antonio Vico Solano wrote:
Hello Carsten, How are you?
I've tried to disable caching (modparam("db_text", "db_mode", 1) but it remains the same. I've read the module README file and it seems that it is not implemented:
/[..] NOTE: even when is in non-caching mode, the module does not write back to hard drive after changes. In this mode, the module checks if the corresponding file on disk has changed, and reloads it. The write on disk happens at openser shut down. [..]/
Do you know any alternative?
BR, Pedro
De: Carsten Bock carsten@ng-voice.com Para: "SIP Router - Kamailio (OpenSER) and SIP Express Router (SER) - Users Mailing List" sr-users@lists.sip-router.org Fecha: 13/12/2011 18:08 Asunto: Re: [SR-Users] syncing db_text acc table Enviado por: sr-users-bounces@lists.sip-router.org
Hi Pedro,
You need to disable the caching mode in db_text, see here: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules_k/db_text.html#id2530805
Kind regards from Hamburg, Carsten
2011/12/13 Pedro Antonio Vico Solano pvsolano@amper.es:
I'm using Kamailio 3.1.5 with db_text module. I'm trying to save
information on the acc file. Everything seems to work fine but
records are only written on the file when Kamailio program shutdowns.
usrloc tables have a configuration parameter for persistent storage mode (modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 1))
How can I get the same behaviour on acc table?
Thanks. BR, Pedro
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-- Carsten Bock CEO (Geschäftsführer)
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