within event_route[dialog:end]
How do I find out SIP reply reason phrase and SIP reply code
$rr $rs
$T_rpl($rs) $T_rpl($rr)
are null
Remember that event_route[dialog:end] occurs at a rather high level of abstraction: dialog state. There are many reasons why a dialog can come to an end, and not all of them are brought about by a negative SIP reply.
The same is true of failure_route, but to a lesser extent. And since failure_route is a TM construct, it is easier to expose winning reply / last branch attributes into it for convenience. The dialog module uses TM callbacks, but ultimately is much more abstract than TM. You can't expect all state information to be available here. It may be possible, from a software perspective, to plumb it down into dialog event routes, but that doesn't mean it should be done.
My suggestion is to capture the replies you're after in an onreply_route or failure_route and correlate by SIP Call-ID.
-- Alex
event_route[dialog:end] is executed when a BYE is received by Kamailio or a BYE is generated by Kamailio because the dialog lifetime elapsed. There is no SIP response at that moment.
Maybe you can explain what you need to achieve and then see if that's possible to do somehow
Cheers, Daniel
On 21.01.18 16:24, voipspace voipspace wrote:
within event_route[dialog:end]
How do I find out SIP reply reason phrase and SIP reply code
$rr $rs
$T_rpl($rs) $T_rpl($rr)
are null
Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
I want to record the reason for the end of the call. Was it a fail or a normal finish.
I completing cdr recording in dialog end so this is where I wan to get the following details
1). I want tot get reason value After the INVITE completes successfully the codes are sent in the Reason: header of the BYE transaction.
or these
Keyword SIP Description noroute 404 No route to destination could be found noconn 503 Could not connect to outgoing channel or network noauth 401 Caller is not authenticated nomedia 415 Failed to negotiate media channel noanswer 487 Called party did not answer busy 486 Called party is busy congestion 480 Temporary network congestion offline 404 Called party or network is offline rejected 406 Call rejected by called party or network forbidden 403 Call is not authorized incomplete 484 Called party number or address is incomplete looping 483 Call loop detected failure 500 Generic local server or interoperation failureDuring the call timeout BYE 102 Call duration exceeded limit nocall 481 100 Referenced call could not be found on server pending 491 111 Another operation is in progress on the same call
23.01.2018, 08:26, "Daniel-Constantin Mierla" miconda@gmail.com:
event_route[dialog:end] is executed when a BYE is received by Kamailio or a BYE is generated by Kamailio because the dialog lifetime elapsed. There is no SIP response at that moment.
Maybe you can explain what you need to achieve and then see if that's possible to do somehow
Cheers, Daniel
On 21.01.18 16:24, voipspace voipspace wrote:
within event_route[dialog:end]
How do I find out SIP reply reason phrase and SIP reply code
$rr $rs
$T_rpl($rs) $T_rpl($rr)
are null
_______________________________________________ Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda Kamailio Advanced Training - March 5-7, 2018, Berlin - www.asipto.com Kamailio World Conference - May 14-16, 2018 - www.kamailioworld.com
as wrote in a different email, if the BYE is received by Kamailio, you can handle it before event_route[dialog:end] is executed by putting your actions inside kamailio.cfg before execution of loose_route() or dlg_manage(). There you can access any header of the BYE request.
Cheers, Daniel
On 26.01.18 09:46, voipspace voipspace wrote:
I want to record the reason for the end of the call. Was it a fail or a normal finish.
I completing cdr recording in dialog end so this is where I wan to get the following details
1). I want tot get reason value After the INVITE completes successfully the codes are sent in the Reason: header of the BYE transaction.
or these
Keyword SIP Description noroute 404 No route to destination could be found noconn 503 Could not connect to outgoing channel or network noauth 401 Caller is not authenticated nomedia 415 Failed to negotiate media channel noanswer 487 Called party did not answer busy 486 Called party is busy congestion 480 Temporary network congestion offline 404 Called party or network is offline rejected 406 Call rejected by called party or network forbidden 403 Call is not authorized incomplete 484 Called party number or address is incomplete looping 483 Call loop detected failure 500 Generic local server or interoperation failureDuring the call timeout BYE 102 Call duration exceeded limit nocall 481 100 Referenced call could not be found on server pending 491 111 Another operation is in progress on the same call
23.01.2018, 08:26, "Daniel-Constantin Mierla" miconda@gmail.com:
event_route[dialog:end] is executed when a BYE is received by Kamailio or a BYE is generated by Kamailio because the dialog lifetime elapsed. There is no SIP response at that moment.
Maybe you can explain what you need to achieve and then see if that's possible to do somehow
Cheers, Daniel
On 21.01.18 16:24, voipspace voipspace wrote:
within event_route[dialog:end]
How do I find out SIP reply reason phrase and SIP reply code
$rr $rs
$T_rpl($rs) $T_rpl($rr)
are null
_______________________________________________ Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda Kamailio Advanced Training - March 5-7, 2018, Berlin - www.asipto.com Kamailio World Conference - May 14-16, 2018 - www.kamailioworld.com