Hi all, This is Srinivas, i am working on OpenIMScore and Openser( as Application Server) . from few days i stuck at third party regaester request(that is interface between SCSCF and Presence ).
You said that, the registration-event package is not enabled at the IMS Core side that mean in the scscf.cfg is it? If it is could you please provide where and what i have to change and i am attaching the scscf.cfg .
And regarding 2nd point Also the Openser presence server, as much I know, will be for the "presence" package. Not for the registration-event "reg" package
That means openser does not support reg package or ?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi,
From your mail below, I could infer only that, the registration-event package is not enabled at he IMS Core side.
Make sure, that you have done the necessary settings for that.
Also the Openser presence server, as much I know, will be for the "presence" package. Not for the registration-event "reg" package.
Thanks, Noble Antony T.
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 3:54 PM, mahesh.peddi@info-spectrum.com wrote:
I have one issue regarding openser could you kindly reply if you know .
I am implimented openser1.2.0 and 1.3.2 as Presence server. And i am connected it with IMS core .And for testing i was used UCTIMS client during the register with uctims client actually i need to get 4 messages. 1.Third party register request is going to presence server from scscf. 2.Notify messages coming from presence server to uctclient. 3.subscribe message must take route through the presence server. 4.publish message must take route through the presence server. But at present i am getting 3 and 4 messges corectly i am not getting 1 and 2. So please tell me what are the modifications or changes i need to do in any xml files or cfg files. Regards, Mahesh Peddi Infospectrum India Pvt. Ltd. Cell: +91 9765775176 IP-Phone Ext. - 764 Regards, Srinivasa Reddy Kadiri Software Developer Infospectrum India Pvt. Ltd. Cell: +91 9921710062 Email: srinivasa.reddy@info-spectrum.com IP-Phone Ext. - 759