(I hope the subject is appropriate here and I am not starting a religious war. If the subject is inappropriate please feel to delete the message admins.thanks)
We are about to make the decision to use SER or OpenSER.
Are there any strong reasons why one should avoid using one or the other ?
My general impression is that OpenSER tries to be more aggressive in implementing new features. However the questions regarding stability and commitment by users to the fork linger of course in my mind too.
I would be most grateful if some could provide me some arguments regarding the matter.
TIA for your input.
Gerry wrote:
IMO openser stable (1.0.x) is as stable as ser is.
There are also lots of new features in ser-CVS head, but ser-CVS head is under heavy development and thus not very stable.
e.g. for production use with nice features (AVPs, pseudo variables ...) I use openser.
For testing (e.g. TLS stuff) I use openser and ser-CVS-head.
My conclusion: for a stable system use openser. If you need certain new features you can choose ser-cvs-head (presence, TLS, ratelimit) or openser (new statistics module).
regards klaus