The MAR portion of registration is either not happening or failing causing scscf to die. Using Kamailio 4.0 with the ims_auth module. We're trying to determine what the REGISTER block should look like and what ims_auth parameters are necessary for a successful MAR challenge with auth vector delivery. We currently only get the UAR by ICSCF then the SAR by SCSCF.
Module parameters: # -- ims_auth params -- modparam("ims_auth", "name", URI) modparam("ims_auth", "registration_default_algorithm", REG_AUTH_DEFAULT_ALG) modparam("ims_auth","ignore_failed_auth",0) #!ifdef CXDX_FORCED_PEER modparam("ims_auth", "cxdx_forced_peer", CXDX_FORCED_PEER) #!endif modparam("ims_auth", "cxdx_dest_realm", NETWORKNAME) modparam("ims_auth", "av_request_at_once", 1) modparam("ims_auth", "registration_qop", "auth")
route[REGISTER] { xlog("L_ERR", "Enter register block"); t_newtran();
ims_www_authenticate(NETWORKNAME); #check to see if user is authenticated - ie sip header has auth information - (already challenged) if ($avp(maa_return_code) == 1) { # user has not been authenticated. Lets send a challenge via 401 Unauthorized ims_www_challenge("$td"); exit; } else { # We need to check if this user is registered or not if (!impu_registered("location")) { save("location"); if ($avp(saa_return_code) == 1) { isc_match_filter_reg("0","location"); exit; } } else { save("location"); if($avp(saa_return_code) == 1) { isc_match_filter_reg("1","location"); exit; } } } }
12(22978) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:910]: peer_connect(): Peer connected 0(22966) ERROR: <script>: Enter register block 0(22966) INFO: ims_registrar_scscf [cxdx_sar.c:79]: created AVP successfully : [saa_return_code] - [-2] 5(22971) INFO: ims_registrar_scscf [cxdx_avp.c:138]: cxdx_get_experimental_result_code: Failed finding avp 5(22971) INFO: ims_registrar_scscf [cxdx_sar.c:79]: created AVP successfully : [saa_return_code] - [1] 5(22971) WARNING: tm [t_lookup.c:1559]: WARNING: script writer didn't release transaction
I haven't played with IMS modules, but you said is causing scscf to die -- is that a kamailio instance? What means 'to die' -- does it crash? If yes, can you get the syslog messages and the gdb backtrace?
Cheers, Daniel
On 3/13/13 3:01 PM, mrichardson wrote:
The MAR portion of registration is either not happening or failing causing scscf to die. Using Kamailio 4.0 with the ims_auth module. We're trying to determine what the REGISTER block should look like and what ims_auth parameters are necessary for a successful MAR challenge with auth vector delivery. We currently only get the UAR by ICSCF then the SAR by SCSCF.
Module parameters: # -- ims_auth params -- modparam("ims_auth", "name", URI) modparam("ims_auth", "registration_default_algorithm", REG_AUTH_DEFAULT_ALG) modparam("ims_auth","ignore_failed_auth",0) #!ifdef CXDX_FORCED_PEER modparam("ims_auth", "cxdx_forced_peer", CXDX_FORCED_PEER) #!endif modparam("ims_auth", "cxdx_dest_realm", NETWORKNAME) modparam("ims_auth", "av_request_at_once", 1) modparam("ims_auth", "registration_qop", "auth")
route[REGISTER] { xlog("L_ERR", "Enter register block"); t_newtran();
ims_www_authenticate(NETWORKNAME); #check to see if user is authenticated - ie sip header has auth
information - (already challenged) if ($avp(maa_return_code) == 1) { # user has not been authenticated. Lets send a challenge via 401 Unauthorized ims_www_challenge("$td"); exit; } else { # We need to check if this user is registered or not if (!impu_registered("location")) { save("location"); if ($avp(saa_return_code) == 1) { isc_match_filter_reg("0","location"); exit; } } else { save("location"); if($avp(saa_return_code) == 1) { isc_match_filter_reg("1","location"); exit; } } } }
12(22978) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:910]: peer_connect(): Peer connected 0(22966) ERROR: <script>: Enter register block 0(22966) INFO: ims_registrar_scscf [cxdx_sar.c:79]: created AVP successfully : [saa_return_code] - [-2] 5(22971) INFO: ims_registrar_scscf [cxdx_avp.c:138]: cxdx_get_experimental_result_code: Failed finding avp 5(22971) INFO: ims_registrar_scscf [cxdx_sar.c:79]: created AVP successfully : [saa_return_code] - [1] 5(22971) WARNING: tm [t_lookup.c:1559]: WARNING: script writer didn't release transaction
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