Microsoft is very realtime on their checking. I am at 16 minutes, and still no precense updates.
Scott Morris Senior Network Engineer ORAU / ORISE 865-576-4672 'B' Schedule
-----Original Message----- From: Jan Janak [] Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 9:47 AM To: Morris, Scott Cc: Subject: Re: FW: Attached file
this is normal. It is caused by the way how Messenger implements presence.
If you sign in then your Messenger tries to subscribe to the presence of all users on your buddy list. For users which are currently online the subscription succeeds and your Messenger will get presence updates in real time.
If one of them is offline then the subscription fails and Messenger tries to resubscribe later. During that period of time you will see your buddy offline even if it signs up. You will see him online once your Messenger tries to subscribe again and the subscription succeeds.
On 15-09 08:52, Morris, Scott wrote:
I have SER 8.11 installed on RedHat 8.0. I am also using MS Windows Messenger 5.0. I am using the latest because I wanted to see if 5.0 fixed any of my problems, it got me one step closer, but not close enough.
Here is the scenario:
- Scott Signs In (ScottSignIn.jpg) shows Terrie is offline
- Terrie Signs In (TerrieSignsIn.jpg) shows Scott is online
- But Scott shows Terrie is still offline
(ScottAfterTerrieSignsIn.jpg) 4) Now, if Scott signs out then Scott shows Offline at Terrie's PC (TerrieStillSignedIn)
So, for some reason Messenger and SER are not sinking up when a contact signs in, Scott never sees Terrie. New users siging in don't show up on existing users who are signed in. So, signing out works, updates other's screens showing they signed out.
I have also attached an Ethereal capture (SERWinMess50). Scott's PC is Terrie's PC is
Scott Morris Senior Network Engineer ORAU / ORISE 865-576-4672 'B' Schedule