org.openmobilealliance.xcap-directory isn't supported by the xcap-server module.
Adding support for this shouldn't be difficult though.
Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com wrote:
in xcap module readme there is an example xcap server config file and it does not include in xcap-caps aiud org.openmobilealliance.xcap-directory. does it mean that xcap-directory application is not currently supported or could the aiud just be added there?
-- juha
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
FWIW, the following XCAP AUIDs are not yet supported by the xcap-server module: - geolocation-policy - org.openmobilealliance.accessrules - org.openmobilealliance.conv-history - org.openmobilealliance.deferred-list - org.openmobilealliance.groups - org.openmobilealliance.group-usage-list - org.openmobilealliance.loc-rules - org.openmobilealliance.locked-user-profile - org.openmobilealliance.poc-groups - org.openmobilealliance.poc-rules - org.openmobilealliance.policy-bpel - org.openmobilealliance.policy-commonpol - org.openmobilealliance.pub-rules - org.openmobilealliance.pub-rules-view - org.openmobilealliance.search - org.openmobilealliance.xcap-directory - org.openmobilealliance.cab-address-book* - org.openmobilealliance.cab-pcc* - org.openmobilealliance.cab-user-prefs* - org.openmobilealliance.cab-feature-handler* - org.openmobilealliance.poc-sessions* - org.openmobilealliance.subscriber-defined-access-rules* - org.openmobilealliance.upp-directory* - org.openmobilealliance.pal-profile*
* Reserved AUIDs for OMA enablers still being defined.
Most of these are trivial to add - supporting a new AUID that is just a static document is around 10 lines of code (although the existing presence modules don't support those features so just adding to the xcap-server may be of limited value). However, (at least) two are more complex. As I mentioned, the xcap-directory AUID should be fairly simple to add (a day or so of work I think). However, supporting search requires implementation (or integration) of an XQuery engine which makes this a very big task.
The supported auids are: - xcap-caps - pidf-manipulation - resource-lists - rls-services - pres-rules - org.openmobilealliance.pres-content - org.openmobilealliance.pres-rules - org.openmobilealliance.user-profile
org.openmobilealliance.xcap-directory isn't supported by the xcap-server module.
Adding support for this shouldn't be difficult though.
Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com wrote:
in xcap module readme there is an example xcap server config file and it does not include in xcap-caps aiud org.openmobilealliance.xcap-directory. does it mean that xcap-directory application is not currently supported or could the aiud just be added there?
-- juha
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
Peter Dunkley writes:
Most of these are trivial to add - supporting a new AUID that is just a static document is around 10 lines of code (although the existing presence modules don't support those features so just adding to the xcap-server may be of limited value). However, (at least) two are more complex. As I mentioned, the xcap-directory AUID should be fairly simple to add (a day or so of work I think). However, supporting search requires implementation (or integration) of an XQuery engine which makes this a very big task.
Thanks for the explanation. I asked because of this requirements list:
OpenXCAP server has support for xcap-directory, but i don't know what kind of searcher can be made from it.
-- Juha
xcap-directory is a sensible feature to add to the xcap-server module.
One of the problems with XCAP is that a client can give the documents any file-names they want (so you could have a resource list called contacts.xml or resource-list.xml). Each client seems to use a different default file-name which means you can't easily switch between clients.
With xcap-directory a client will be able to easily see if an XML document of a particular type already exists (regardless of what its default file-name is). So it should help with interworking.
Of course, being an Open Mobile Alliance (rather than IETF) AUID means that the few clients that do support XCAP probably don't support xcap-directory. On the other hand, the more XCAP servers that support this, the more likely it is that clients will - which should improve interoperability of SIP presence in general.
Peter Dunkley writes:
Most of these are trivial to add - supporting a new AUID that is just a static document is around 10 lines of code (although the existing presence modules don't support those features so just adding to the xcap-server may be of limited value). However, (at least) two are more complex. As I mentioned, the xcap-directory AUID should be fairly simple to add (a day or so of work I think). However, supporting search requires implementation (or integration) of an XQuery engine which makes this a very big task.
Thanks for the explanation. I asked because of this requirements list:
OpenXCAP server has support for xcap-directory, but i don't know what kind of searcher can be made from it.
-- Juha
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users