Hi Martin,
In order to achieve this do the following.
When ever you get an INVITE in which the URI is not one of the numbers
mentioned below, you'll have to do is rewrite the host & port of the
incoming INVITE message to the asterisk ip:port and relay it.
You'll have to do the changes in the openser.cfg file.
Martin Vogt wrote:
i try to connect OpenSER 1.3.2 (liestening on Port 5070) and Asterisk (listening on Post 5060).
There are 5 five Phones with the numbres 01 - 05 connected to the OpenSER.
If one of the Phones dials a number that is not 01 - 05 then the call
has to go to the asterisk.
I think this is an easy installation but i have no practice with OpenSER.
Can you please help me??
Thank you
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