Hi all, i am new to use SER. i want to build a test bed using SER as proxy server and SIPp as user agents to make some measurements as follows:
A -------------------------- SER ---------------------------------- B SIPp SIPp
i have a problem using SER : I did registration for the user agents with the server and i can see them in location table in SER database, when A start a call to B the server respond to the INVITE with 100 trying then can't relay the message to B until A gets 408 request timeout , it seems that the server cannot retrieve the contact of B from the database.
the Request URI i am using is sip:B@ which is the IP of the server and i tried also using alias like ser.org so it became sip:B@ser.org but still have the same problem.
i m putting below my config file ser.cfg
i have also some questions:
1/ the domain field of location table in database is empty, so is this normal situation, actually i did set it manually to my domain. 2/ also i have noticed that when using the command : serctl moni , i got the following message: root@amar-desktop:~# serctl moni [: 1074: ==: unexpected operator [: 1074: 0: unexpected operator
despite that ser is starting by using the command : serctl start, and i can see it is starting and even there is no error in /var/log/syslog.
3/ is there a way to view the sip messages traversing the server, i mean to monitor it., and is /var/log/syslog the only place to see the logs.
i would be thankful if someone can help me with that cause i have task to do and i got stuck beside having very limited time.
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