I have install ser-0.8.11-0.i386.rpm, mysql and serweb. My sip phone are all window messenger. When someone contact a user who is not on-line, you get this message:-
phone@ has declined your request to have a voice conversation.
When I login 'phone' to serwweb as a subscriber, under missed calls is always empty & message store too.
How to make it ring first and after a period go to voicemail if phone@ is not online?
I went through the document but got confuse. Do you have a example ser.cfg script that works.
2. Through the web documents there are 2 vm softwares sems-0.1.0-0.i386.rpm & ortp-0.6.2.tar.gz. which is the right one?
3. if vm is required must you reinstall ser? If yes, what to change in the makefile?
Help! Thanks!
Two questions :
(1) How do I set the SER standalone Voicemail config, so that I can reach Voicemail after 4 rings?
(2) Is SER capable of transferring a call originating from a SIP phone to a phone on the PBX? If yes, What do I need to set in the configuration?
Please let me know. Thank you very much.
On 06-11 14:16, Sesha B wrote:
Two questions :
(1) How do I set the SER standalone Voicemail config, so that I can reach Voicemail after 4 rings?
You can't reach voicemail after 4 rings because rings are usually generated locally by the caller's phone. You can reach the voicemail after some time, but not measured by number of rings.
You can use fr_inv_timer of the tm module for that.
(2) Is SER capable of transferring a call originating from a SIP phone to a phone on the PBX? If yes, What do I need to set in the configuration?
The originating phone must do the transfer, ser can't initiate the transfer. I suppose you mean the transfer of an established call ?