What other options do I have for generic database connectivity besides MySQL/avp_db_query() in OpenSER?
Can I use SQLite? Can I use unixodbc? (and I'm not talking about the limited built in usrloc unixodbc stuff)
Thanks, Doug.
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On Thursday 17 January 2008, Douglas Garstang wrote:
What other options do I have for generic database connectivity besides MySQL/avp_db_query() in OpenSER?
Can I use SQLite? Can I use unixodbc? (and I'm not talking about the limited built in usrloc unixodbc stuff)
Hi Douglas,
don't know what you mean with the builtin ODBC stuff in usrloc.. I assume that you talking about connectivity options for OpenSER.
Available database modules that can be used with most modules:
MySQL PostgreSQL UnixODBC (should work with Oracle, MS-SQL, SQLite and other) dbtext db_berkeley (Berkeley DB)
Interfaces roughly sorted in terms of maturity, stability.. Most people uses MySQL, so this is the best tested option.