Hi, Is there any possibility of converting diameter messages to http requests in IMS. Since I am working in 5g based network, In order to connect pcscf to pcf, Rx interface has to be established. But PCF is not accepting diameter messages. It is failing with error "No connected DefaultRoute peer found for app_id 16777236 and vendor id 10415"
I used IMS Diameter server since it is mentioned as converting diameter messages to http json messages. But even before calling that diameter server, It is failing with App_id issue. How it works?
Need to understand, how the diameter messages are working since in 5g , everything is based on http rest apis. Is there any possibility of connecting to it or there is no support in kamailio IMS for 5g. If you have any idea, please let me know. It will be very useful for me.
Thanks, Pavithra