my configure in xlite:in system setting in network I put these: Auto detect IP:yes Primary stun server:blank in sip proxy I selected default and: enabled:yes display name:user username:1234 Aotorisation user:1234 password:1234 Domain/Realm: sip proxy: use outband proxy:default send internal ip:Always register:default Is it any wrong?this xlite phone is on a pc that ser server is.another one is on another PC and only in username and display and password differs with this one. I am in the back of a NAT but my two clients and server are there. what is so important in setting xlite? thanks.
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If you run a SIP client and the SER proxy on the same box (and assuming same IP address since you've left Auto-detect-IP = yes), you need to configure the client to listen to a different port than the standard 5060 which SER is already listening on. On XLite, you can change this in System Settings -> Network.
From: [] On Behalf Of zahra bahar Sent: 11 January 2007 09:31 To: Subject: [Serusers] xlite and ser
my configure in xlite:in system setting in network I put these: Auto detect IP:yes Primary stun server:blank in sip proxy I selected default and: enabled:yes display name:user username:1234 Aotorisation user:1234 password:1234 Domain/Realm: sip proxy: use outband proxy:default send internal ip:Always register:default Is it any wrong?this xlite phone is on a pc that ser server is.another one is on another PC and only in username and display and password differs with this one. I am in the back of a NAT but my two clients and server are there. what is so important in setting xlite? thanks.
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