Hey 侯旭光,
please keep SR-Users in CC so others can share in some assistance and benefit from a solution.
On 04.03.2011 08:29, 侯旭光 wrote:
I did trace the dialog in the initial REQUEST
my script: ... modparam("dialog","dlg_flag","4") ... route{
if (is_method("INVITE")){ dlg_setflag("2"); dlg_manage(); ... if(avp_db_load("$ruri/username","$avp(s:busyforward)")) { setflag(26); t_on_failure(FAIL_ONE); } ... } failure_route[FAIL_ONE]{ ... if(isflagset(26)&&t_check_status("486")) { $ru=$avp(s:busyforward); append_branch(); dlg_setflag("2"); avp_delete("$avp(s:busyforward)"); resetflag("26"); lookup("location"); route(RELAY); } ... } route[RELAY]{ if(!t_relay()){ sl_reply_error(); } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------#
Is anything wrong?
You set flag 2 but showed flag 4 to be modparam'ed to the dialog flag. Is that intentional?
Anyways, since you are doing dlg_manage() in the INVITE transaction, you should still be fine. Just for the sake of debugging, can you set flag 4 in your 'is_method("INVITE")' block and see if it makes a difference? I have no in-depth experience with on demand dialog tracking as we use the dialog flag exclusively.
By the way, I see no calls to set_dlg_profile() in your route logic. Is this really an excerpt of the configuration you are having trouble with?
2011/3/3 Timo Reimann timo.reimann@1und1.de:
On 03.03.2011 14:47, 侯旭光 wrote:
set_dlg_profile() function carshed in failure_route when I need do the call-forwarding.
When in busy-call-forward or no-answer-forward mode ,it'll run into the failure_route.But at the time , the route_type of the dialog is FAILURE_ROUTE and the get_current_dialog() return NULL,
then the set_dlg_profile() function won't work.
How can I set dialog profile in the busy or no-answer call-forwarding ?
CRITIAL dialog [dlg_profile.c]: BUG - dialog not found in non
ERROR dialog [dialog.c] : failed to set profile
I think you did not track the dialog in the first place, i.e., when the initial request associated to the dialog you seek to profile was
Are you using dlg_flag, and if so, have you enabled it in REQUEST_ROUTE? If you want to track dialogs on demand instead, try calling dlg_manage() prior to calling set_dlg_profile(). I'm not sure if this is the most elegant approach for your use case but it might at least work.
On 04.03.2011 10:42, Timo Reimann wrote:
You set flag 2 but showed flag 4 to be modparam'ed to the dialog flag. Is that intentional?
Anyways, since you are doing dlg_manage() in the INVITE transaction, you should still be fine. Just for the sake of debugging, can you set flag 4 in your 'is_method("INVITE")' block and see if it makes a difference? I have no in-depth experience with on demand dialog tracking as we use the dialog flag exclusively.
I ran a quick test myself: When you use (and set) the dialog flag in the INVITE transaction, assigning dialogs to profiles works perfectly in failure routes. However, when you use dlg_manage(), calling set_dlg_profile() triggers the error you described.
I'll have to dig a little deeper to figure out why profiling capabilities in the dialog module differ with flag-based and on-demand tracking. In the meantime, you may opt to employing the dialog flag.