When calling RPC command dlg.end_dlg, BYE for leg behind NAT sends according to the Contact header not to the real ip:port. RPC ul.dump shows correct address in Received: sip:, but looks dialog does not know real address.
How can I force sending to the real address?
[root@proxy1]# kamcmd dlg.list { h_entry: 3753 h_id: 6741 call-id: 0_618427980@ from_uri: sip:1234567890@ to_uri: sip:3333333333@ state: 2 start_ts: 0 init_ts: 1536671492 timeout: 0 lifetime: 7200 dflags: 512 sflags: 4096 iflags: 32 caller: { tag: 2750096738 contact: sip:1234567890@ cseq: 2 route_set: socket: udp: } callee: { tag: contact: cseq: route_set: socket: } profiles: { } variables: { } }
[root@proxy1]# kamcmd ul.dump
Info: { AoR: 1234567890 HashID: 262653578 Contacts: { Contact: { Address: sip:1234567890@ Expires: 1269 Q: -1.000000 Call-ID: 0_213504837@ CSeq: 8 User-Agent: Yealink SIP-T21P Received: sip: Path: [not set] State: CS_NEW Flags: 0 CFlags: 65600 Socket: udp: Methods: 16383 Ruid: uloc-5b97c358-6052-1 Instance: [not set] Reg-Id: 0 Server-Id: 0 Tcpconn-Id: -1 Keepalive: 1 Last-Keepalive: 1536674159 Last-Modified: 1536674159 } } }