The processing of BYEs in the proxy server should be exactly the same as
the processing of ACKs. If the ACK gets through then the BYE should get
through as well, unless you have a bug in your configuration file.
On 14-09 08:39, Andrés Parra L. wrote:
Thanks Jan, I Have probed the
The server answers with a 200(OK) to the INVITE
but it doesn't to the BYE method, it responds a
408(Request Timeout).
The ACK takes the route perfectly and it runs from UA
to UA without any problems, however the Bye is
received by the server( an then is sent to
its public IP address ( there is
something I think is a problem!!
The server is unable to extract from the via field the
public IP address in the BYE so, it keeps sending the
BYE package to itself instead of the next hop that
it's supposed to do.
Do you have any suggestions regarding this issue?
Is there something wrong with the way i'm seeing
I've been reading over and over the SIP RFC and i
understand the behaveour of the SIP Proxy in this
particular case;
I'm currently using the 0.8.14. Should i use the CVS
updated version??might there be a bug in the ftp
I have tested the (set_)advertised_address without
Thanks a lot for any information you could give me.
I'll be waiting for your reply
Andres Parra
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