Hi, For billing issue, we always look sip message's "from" field for voip call charge. At this moment, we get a problem that call forwarding's call charge.... When we use call forwarding in ser proxy, the call goes, but the "from" is the still the calling party number, we hope this forwading call could be pay the called party.
Does any one know how do we write script to modify "From:"(original) URI? We have look into replace(), but we have trouble to rewrite "from URI" properly.
best regard gentrice
Hello, if you don't have a back-to-back user agent you are not allowed to touch the From and To headers. Changing these fields results in mismatching the dialog in caller side. If you do change these headers, you have to change them back for replies or other subsequent requests from callee.
Best regards, }Daniel
On 11/18/2003 2:06 PM, kaiser wrote:
Hi, For billing issue, we always look sip message's "from" field for voip call charge. At this moment, we get a problem that call forwarding's call charge.... When we use call forwarding in ser proxy, the call goes, but the "from" is the still the calling party number, we hope this forwading call could be pay the called party.
Does any one know how do we write script to modify "From:"(original) URI? We have look into replace(), but we have trouble to rewrite "from URI" properly.
best regard gentrice
Serusers mailing list serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Thanks for your reply.
best regard kaiser
-----Original Message----- From: www-data [mailto:www-data@tutpro.com]On Behalf Of Juha Heinanen Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 12:35 PM To: kaiser Cc: serusers@iptel.org Subject: Re: [Serusers] Sip:From ..
kaiser said:
Does any one know how do we write script to modify "From:"(original) URI? We have look into replace(), but we have trouble to rewrite "from URI" properly.
the right sulution is to add to the request diversion header in case your gw supports it.
-- juha