Dear Alexey:
Yes, there are almost no document about ser 0.9.0 above. And I am only using the post from Paul's example ser.cfg for 0.9.0 long time ago.
I ever study about ser and asterisk at
And I also need noanswer and busy forward functions in my scenario. I almost lost hope to do that.
Is it necessary to use Radius on ser + asterisk ? I have just a little knowledge about radius, so I am afraid of it.
Thank you for your reply and wait for your config files. :-)
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 10:06:26 +0200, Alexey N. Kovyrin @ Home wrote:
Charles Wang wrote:
I just fininsh mediaproxy+ser, and I also want to do the same plan as you. Can you give me some example config (ser.cfg & asterisk's config files)?
Now, I'm cleaning up my configs for more readability... I'll send it to you for 1-2 days... But, I can say, this scheme is working now. And it's good. That's why I really want to participate in "Best practices" initiative - I've seen, that there si almost no docs about ser...
-- /Scoundrel
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