I am trying to get siremis working with kamailio, butwhen i open the login page and enter the username and password nothing happens. I have followed the instruction on the siremis home page.
Created mysql db called openser and inserted username admin& password admin.
mysql> use openser; Reading table information for completion of table and columnnames You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with-A
Database changed mysql> select * from ob_users; +-------+--------+----------+ | SYSID | USERID | PASSWORD | +-------+--------+----------+ | 1 | admin |admin | +-------+--------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
edited /var/www/html/siremis-1.0.1/siremis/metadata/Config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"standalone="no"?> <Config> <DataSource> <DatabaseName="Default" Driver="Pdo_Mysql"Server="localhost" DBName="openser" User="admim"Password="admin" /> <DatabaseName="Seremis" Driver="Pdo_Mysql"Server="localhost" DBName="openser" User="admin"Password="admin" /> </DataSource> </Config>
Ifsomeone could point out to me where i have gone wrong i would really appreciateit.
Regards, Gerry Kernan InfinityIT
Suite 17 The Mall, Beacon court, Sandyford, Dublin 18.
p:+353-1-2930090 f:+353-1-2930137