There are no errors in the log about this.
Yesterday, I tried db_mode=2 (with default 'timer_interval' of 60 seconds) and
it's better now, although still not working properly. There are still some records
that are not in the 'location' table in the database.
For example, I have a phone that has a registration expirations are set to 1 hour (3600
seconds). Currently, this record is not in the database however "kamctl ul
show" shows the following:
AOR:: phoneUsername
Contact:: sip:phoneUsername@a.b.c.d:62544 Q=
Expires:: 3123
Callid:: f1e0aa72-eb0d28e2-c3737132(a)
Cseq:: 52
User-agent:: PolycomVVX-VVX_500-UA/
State:: CS_SYNC
Flags:: 0
Cflag:: 0
Socket:: udp:a.b.c.d:5060
Methods:: 8159
Ruid:: uloc-536a9e57-3137-2
Reg-Id:: 0
In other words, it's been more than 60 seconds but the database is not up to date.
This is similar to what I see with db_mode=1. In that case, the database is often missing
more than 50% of the registered phones.
Here are the parameters I'm using for the USRLOC module.
modparam("usrloc", "db_url", WRITE_DBURL)
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
modparam("usrloc", "use_domain", 0)
On 2014-05-08, at 1:00 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda(a)> wrote:
any db_mode>0 in 3.3 is safe for not losing registrations upon kamailio restart (e.g.,
db_mode=2 writes to db on time and at shutdown, so nothing is lost as well). db_mode=1
should do that in realtime, indeed.
I'm not aware of any issue with db_mode=1, being used in quite some deployments. Can
you check the syslog to see if there is any error reported there?
If you use mysql, then you can enable logging the queries and then check if for each
registration there is a mysql query to insert/update/delete a record.
On 08/05/14 00:08, Henry Fernandes wrote:
I'm using Kamailio 3.3 and the USRLOC module
to track registrations. I have set "db_mode" to 1 because I want to store all
registration info to the database and I want the database to be up to date (in case I need
to restart Kamailio).
Unfortunately, this doesn't work as I expect. When I query the database, it has far
fewer entries in the "location" table than are registered to Kamailio (which I
find with a "kamctl ul show"). Also, when I restart Kamailio, I lose some of
the registrations for my phones.
Am I misunderstanding the behaviour for db_mode=1? Isn't it supposed to keep the
database up to date?
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla -!/miconda -
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