I have installed SER-0.10.99 with presence capabilities following the presence hadnbook, the server is running OK, but I have problems when I tried to register a client (x-lite). I am getting 483: Too many hops...
What can be the problem????? Thank you for your help,
Config file: debug=3 # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd) #fork=yes #log_stderror=no # (cmd line: -E) #memlog=5 # memory debug log level #log_facility=LOG_LOCAL0 # sets the facility used for logging (see syslog(3))
check_via=no # (cmd. line: -v) dns=no # (cmd. line: -r) rev_dns=no # (cmd. line: -R) port=5060 children=2 alias="test-domain.com"
#user=ser #group=ser #open_fd_limit=1024 # sets the open file descriptors limit mhomed=yes # usefull for multihomed hosts, small performance penalty
#disable_tcp=yes #tcp_accept_aliases=yes # accepts the tcp alias via option (see NEWS) #tcp_poll_method="sigio_rt"
# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
# Uncomment this if you want to use SQL database loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//sl.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules/avp.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//avpops.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//tm.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//rr.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//maxfwd.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//usrloc.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//registrar.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//textops.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//mysql.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//dialog.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//rls.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules/pa.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//presence_b2b.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//uri.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//uri_db.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//domain.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//fifo.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//xmlrpc.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//xlog.so" #loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//unixsock.so"
# Uncomment this if you want digest authentication # mysql.so must be loaded ! loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//auth.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//auth_db.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//msilo.so"
# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# modparam("msilo","registrar","sip:registrar@test-domain.com") modparam("msilo","use_contact",0) modparam("msilo","expire_time",7200)
# -- usrloc params --
# -- auth params -- # Uncomment if you are using auth module # modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes) # # If you set "calculate_ha1" parameter to yes (which true in this config), # uncomment also the following parameter) # modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
# -- rr params -- # add value to ;lr param to make some broken UAs happy modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
modparam("rls", "min_expiration", 200) modparam("rls", "max_expiration", 300) modparam("rls", "default_expiration", 300) modparam("rls", "auth", "none") modparam("rls", "xcap_root", "http://localhost/xcap") modparam("rls", "reduce_xcap_needs", 1) modparam("rls", "db_mode", 0) modparam("rls", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost:3306/ser")
modparam("pa", "use_db", 0) # allow storing authorization requests for offline users into database modparam("pa", "use_offline_winfo", 1) # how often try to remove old stored authorization requests modparam("pa", "offline_winfo_timer", 600) # how long stored authorization requests live modparam("pa", "offline_winfo_expiration", 600) modparam("pa", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost:3306/ser") # mode of PA authorization: none, implicit or xcap modparam("pa", "auth", "xcap") modparam("pa", "auth_xcap_root", "http://localhost/xcap") # do not authorize watcherinfo subscriptions modparam("pa", "winfo_auth", "none") # use only published information if set to 0 modparam("pa", "use_callbacks", 1) # don't accept internal subscriptions from RLS, ... modparam("pa", "accept_internal_subscriptions", 0) # maximum value of Expires for subscriptions modparam("pa", "max_subscription_expiration", 600) # maximum value of Expires for publications modparam("pa", "max_publish_expiration", 120) # how often test if something changes and send NOTIFY modparam("pa", "timer_interval", 10)
# route for generated SUBSCRIBE requests for presence modparam("presence_b2b", "presence_route", "") # waiting time from error to new attepmt about SUBSCRIBE modparam("presence_b2b", "on_error_retry_time", 60) # how long wait for NOTIFY with Subscription-Status=terminated after unsubscribe modparam("presence_b2b", "wait_for_term_notify", 33) # how long before expiration send renewal SUBSCRIBE request modparam("presence_b2b", "resubscribe_delta", 30) # minimal time to send renewal SUBSCRIBE request from receiving previous response modparam("presence_b2b", "min_resubscribe_time", 60) # default expiration timeout modparam("presence_b2b", "default_expiration", 3600) # process internal subscriptions to presence events modparam("presence_b2b", "handle_presence_subscriptions", 1)
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 0) modparam("domain", "db_mode", 1) modparam("domain|uri_db|acc|auth_db|usrloc|msilo", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost:3306/ser")
modparam("fifo", "fifo_file", "/tmp/ser_fifo")
# ------------------------- request routing logic -------------------
# main routing logic
route{ # XML RPC if (method == "POST" || method == "GET") { create_via(); dispatch_rpc(); break; }
# initial sanity checks -- messages with # max_forwards==0, or excessively long requests if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) { sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops"); break; }; if (msg:len>= max_len ) { sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big"); break; }; # we record-route all messages -- to make sure that # subsequent messages will go through our proxy; that's # particularly good if upstream and downstream entities # use different transport protocol if (!method=="REGISTER") record_route();
# subsequent messages withing a dialog should take the # path determined by record-routing if (loose_route()) { # mark routing logic in request append_hf("P-hint: rr-enforced\r\n"); route(1); break; };
# if the request is for other domain use UsrLoc # (in case, it does not work, use the following command # with proper names and addresses in it) if (uri==myself) { if (!lookup_domain("To")) { xlog("L_ERR", "Unknown domain to: %tu from: %fu\n"); route(1); break; } if (method=="SUBSCRIBE") { if (!t_newtran()) { sl_reply_error(); break; }; if (@to.tag=="") { # only for new subscriptions (with empty to tag)
if (lookup_user("To")) { # existing user -> it is subscription to PA if (handle_subscription("registrar")) { if ((@msg.event=~"presence.winfo")) { # new watcher info subscription # sends one watcher info NOTIFY message with all saved authorization requests xlog("L_ERR", "dumping stored winfo to %fu\n"); dump_stored_winfo("registrar", "presence"); } else { # new presence subscription if ((@msg.event=~"presence") && (%subscription_status=="pending")) { # if offline user and new pending subscription if (!target_online("registrar")) { #%subscription_status="waiting"; # store it as waiting subscription xlog("L_ERR", "storing 'pending' winfo to: %tu, from: %fu\n"); store_winfo("registrar"); } } } } break; } if ((@msg.supported=~"eventlist")) { # such user doesn't exist and Supported header field # -> probably RLS subscription if (lookup_domain("From")) { if (lookup_user("From")) { if (is_simple_rls_target("$uid-list")) { # log(1, "it is simple subscription!\n"); # takes From UID and makes XCAP query for user's # list named "default" if (!query_resource_list("default")) { t_reply("404", "No such user list"); break; } } } } if (!have_flat_list()) { # query_resource_list failed or was not called # do standard RLS query acording to To/AOR if (!query_rls_services()) { log(1, "XCAP query failed\n"); t_reply("404", "No such list URI"); break; } } # uncomment this if you want to authenticate first SUBSCRIBE request to resource list # if (!proxy_authenticate("test-domain.com", "credentials")) { # proxy_challenge( "test-domain.com", "0"); # break; # }; handle_rls_subscription("1"); } else { # not resource list subscription -> invalid user xlog("L_ERR", "subscription to invalid user %tu\n"); t_reply("404", "User not found"); } break; } else { # renewal subscriptions - try to handle it as RLS and if failed, handle it as PA subscription # FIXME: better will be test like existing_rls_subscription() # and existing_subscription("registrar") if (!handle_rls_subscription("0")) { handle_subscription("registrar"); } break; } };
# get user (common for all other messages than SUBSCRIBE) if (!lookup_user("To")) { # log(1, "Unknown user - message should be forwarded?"); # # break; append_hf("P-hint: unknown user\r\n"); route(1); break; } if (method=="PUBLISH") { if (!t_newtran()) { # log(1, "newtran error\n"); sl_reply_error(); break; }; handle_publish("registrar");
# deliver messages to online user # TODO: only if user goes from offline to online? if (target_online("registrar")) { # log(1, "Dumping stored messages\n"); # dump stored messages - route it through myself (otherwise routed via DNS!) if (m_dump("sip:")) { xlog("L_ERR", "MSILO: offline messages for %fu dumped\n"); } }
break; }; if (method=="NOTIFY") { if (!t_newtran()) { log(1, "newtran error\n"); sl_reply_error(); break; }; # handle notification sent in internal subscriptions (presence_b2b) if (!handle_notify()) { t_reply("481", "Unable to handle notification"); } break; }; if (method=="MESSAGE") {
if (authorize_message("http://localhost/xcap")) { # use usrloc for delivery if (lookup("location")) { log(1, "Delivering MESSAGE using usrloc\n"); t_on_failure("1"); if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); } break; } else { # store messages for offline user xlog("L_ERR", "MSILO: storing MESSAGE for %tu\n"); if (!t_newtran()) { log(1, "newtran error\n"); sl_reply_error(); break; };
# store only text messages NOT isComposing... ! if (search("^(Content-Type|c):.*application/im-iscomposing+xml.*")) { log(1, "it is only isComposing message - ignored\n"); t_reply("202", "Ignored"); break; } if (m_store("0", "sip:")) { # log(1, "MSILO: offline message stored\n"); if (!t_reply("202", "Accepted")) { sl_reply_error(); }; } else { log(1, "MSILO: error storing offline message\n"); if (!t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable")) { sl_reply_error(); }; }; break; } break; } else { # log(1, "unauthorized message\n"); sl_reply("403", "Forbidden"); } break; } if (method=="REGISTER") { # uncomment this if you want to authenticate REGISTER request # if (!www_authenticate("", "credentials")) { # www_challenge("", "0"); # break; # }; save("location"); # dump stored messages - route it through myself (otherwise routed via DNS!) if (m_dump("sip:")) { xlog("L_ERR", "MSILO: offline messages for %fu dumped\n"); } break; };
# native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB if (!lookup("location")) { sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found"); break; }; }; # append_hf("P-hint: usrloc applied\r\n"); route(1); }
route[1] { # send it out now; use stateful forwarding as it works reliably # even for UDP2TCP if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); }; }
failure_route[1] { # forwarding failed -- check if the request was a MESSAGE if (!method=="MESSAGE") { break; }; log(1, "MSILO: MESSAGE forward failed - storing it\n"); # we have changed the R-URI with the contact address, ignore it now if (m_store("0", "")) { t_reply("202", "Accepted"); } else { log(1, "MSILO: offline message NOT stored\n"); t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable"); }; }
_________________________________________________________________ Explore the seven wonders of the world http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world&mkt=en-US&form=...
The uri==myself test is false and the REGISTER is forwarded based on the request uri. Make sure that you try to register with a domain you have an alias for. g-)
Carlos Angeles wrote:
I have installed SER-0.10.99 with presence capabilities following the presence hadnbook, the server is running OK, but I have problems when I tried to register a client (x-lite). I am getting 483: Too many hops...
What can be the problem????? Thank you for your help,
Config file: debug=3 # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd) #fork=yes #log_stderror=no # (cmd line: -E) #memlog=5 # memory debug log level #log_facility=LOG_LOCAL0 # sets the facility used for logging (see syslog(3))
check_via=no # (cmd. line: -v) dns=no # (cmd. line: -r) rev_dns=no # (cmd. line: -R) port=5060 children=2 alias="test-domain.com"
#user=ser #group=ser #open_fd_limit=1024 # sets the open file descriptors limit mhomed=yes # usefull for multihomed hosts, small performance penalty
#disable_tcp=yes #tcp_accept_aliases=yes # accepts the tcp alias via option (see NEWS) #tcp_poll_method="sigio_rt"
# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
# Uncomment this if you want to use SQL database loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//sl.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules/avp.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//avpops.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//tm.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//rr.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//maxfwd.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//usrloc.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//registrar.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//textops.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//mysql.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//dialog.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//rls.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules/pa.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//presence_b2b.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//uri.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//uri_db.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//domain.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//fifo.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//xmlrpc.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//xlog.so" #loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//unixsock.so"
# Uncomment this if you want digest authentication # mysql.so must be loaded ! loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//auth.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//auth_db.so" loadmodule "/base/ser/directory/lib/ser/modules//msilo.so"
# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# modparam("msilo","registrar","sip:registrar@test-domain.com") modparam("msilo","use_contact",0) modparam("msilo","expire_time",7200)
# -- usrloc params --
# -- auth params -- # Uncomment if you are using auth module # modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes) # # If you set "calculate_ha1" parameter to yes (which true in this config), # uncomment also the following parameter) # modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
# -- rr params -- # add value to ;lr param to make some broken UAs happy modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
modparam("rls", "min_expiration", 200) modparam("rls", "max_expiration", 300) modparam("rls", "default_expiration", 300) modparam("rls", "auth", "none") modparam("rls", "xcap_root", "http://localhost/xcap") modparam("rls", "reduce_xcap_needs", 1) modparam("rls", "db_mode", 0) modparam("rls", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost:3306/ser")
modparam("pa", "use_db", 0) # allow storing authorization requests for offline users into database modparam("pa", "use_offline_winfo", 1) # how often try to remove old stored authorization requests modparam("pa", "offline_winfo_timer", 600) # how long stored authorization requests live modparam("pa", "offline_winfo_expiration", 600) modparam("pa", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost:3306/ser") # mode of PA authorization: none, implicit or xcap modparam("pa", "auth", "xcap") modparam("pa", "auth_xcap_root", "http://localhost/xcap") # do not authorize watcherinfo subscriptions modparam("pa", "winfo_auth", "none") # use only published information if set to 0 modparam("pa", "use_callbacks", 1) # don't accept internal subscriptions from RLS, ... modparam("pa", "accept_internal_subscriptions", 0) # maximum value of Expires for subscriptions modparam("pa", "max_subscription_expiration", 600) # maximum value of Expires for publications modparam("pa", "max_publish_expiration", 120) # how often test if something changes and send NOTIFY modparam("pa", "timer_interval", 10)
# route for generated SUBSCRIBE requests for presence modparam("presence_b2b", "presence_route", "") # waiting time from error to new attepmt about SUBSCRIBE modparam("presence_b2b", "on_error_retry_time", 60) # how long wait for NOTIFY with Subscription-Status=terminated after unsubscribe modparam("presence_b2b", "wait_for_term_notify", 33) # how long before expiration send renewal SUBSCRIBE request modparam("presence_b2b", "resubscribe_delta", 30) # minimal time to send renewal SUBSCRIBE request from receiving previous response modparam("presence_b2b", "min_resubscribe_time", 60) # default expiration timeout modparam("presence_b2b", "default_expiration", 3600) # process internal subscriptions to presence events modparam("presence_b2b", "handle_presence_subscriptions", 1)
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 0) modparam("domain", "db_mode", 1) modparam("domain|uri_db|acc|auth_db|usrloc|msilo", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost:3306/ser")
modparam("fifo", "fifo_file", "/tmp/ser_fifo")
# ------------------------- request routing logic -------------------
# main routing logic
route{ # XML RPC if (method == "POST" || method == "GET") { create_via(); dispatch_rpc(); break; }
# initial sanity checks -- messages with # max_forwards==0, or excessively long requests if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) { sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops"); break; }; if (msg:len>= max_len ) { sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big"); break; };
# we record-route all messages -- to make sure that # subsequent messages will go through our proxy; that's # particularly good if upstream and downstream entities # use different transport protocol if (!method=="REGISTER") record_route();
# subsequent messages withing a dialog should take the # path determined by record-routing if (loose_route()) { # mark routing logic in request append_hf("P-hint: rr-enforced\r\n"); route(1); break; };
# if the request is for other domain use UsrLoc # (in case, it does not work, use the following command # with proper names and addresses in it) if (uri==myself) {
if (!lookup_domain("To")) { xlog("L_ERR", "Unknown domain to: %tu from: %fu\n"); route(1); break; }
if (method=="SUBSCRIBE") { if (!t_newtran()) { sl_reply_error(); break; }; if (@to.tag=="") { # only for new subscriptions (with empty to tag)
if (lookup_user("To")) { # existing user -> it is subscription to PA if (handle_subscription("registrar")) { if ((@msg.event=~"presence\.winfo")) { # new watcher info subscription # sends one watcher info NOTIFY message with all saved authorization requests xlog("L_ERR", "dumping stored winfo to %fu\n"); dump_stored_winfo("registrar", "presence"); } else { # new presence subscription if ((@msg.event=~"presence") && (%subscription_status=="pending")) { # if offline user and new pending subscription if (!target_online("registrar")) { #%subscription_status="waiting"; # store it as waiting subscription xlog("L_ERR", "storing 'pending' winfo to: %tu, from: %fu\n"); store_winfo("registrar"); } } } } break; } if ((@msg.supported=~"eventlist")) { # such user doesn't exist and Supported header field # -> probably RLS subscription if (lookup_domain("From")) { if (lookup_user("From")) { if (is_simple_rls_target("$uid-list")) { # log(1, "it is simple subscription!\n"); # takes From UID and makes XCAP query for user's # list named "default" if (!query_resource_list("default")) { t_reply("404", "No such user list"); break; } } } } if (!have_flat_list()) { # query_resource_list failed or was not called # do standard RLS query acording to To/AOR if (!query_rls_services()) { log(1, "XCAP query failed\n"); t_reply("404", "No such list URI"); break; } } # uncomment this if you want to authenticate first SUBSCRIBE request to resource list
# if (!proxy_authenticate("test-domain.com", "credentials")) { # proxy_challenge( "test-domain.com", "0"); # break; # }; handle_rls_subscription("1"); } else { # not resource list subscription -> invalid user xlog("L_ERR", "subscription to invalid user %tu\n"); t_reply("404", "User not found"); } break; } else { # renewal subscriptions - try to handle it as RLS and if failed, handle it as PA subscription # FIXME: better will be test like existing_rls_subscription() # and existing_subscription("registrar") if (!handle_rls_subscription("0")) { handle_subscription("registrar"); } break; } };
# get user (common for all other messages than SUBSCRIBE) if (!lookup_user("To")) { # log(1, "Unknown user - message should be forwarded?");
# # break; append_hf("P-hint: unknown user\r\n"); route(1); break; } if (method=="PUBLISH") { if (!t_newtran()) { # log(1, "newtran error\n"); sl_reply_error(); break; }; handle_publish("registrar");
# deliver messages to online user # TODO: only if user goes from offline to online? if (target_online("registrar")) { # log(1, "Dumping stored messages\n"); # dump stored messages - route it through myself (otherwise routed via DNS!) if (m_dump("sip:")) { xlog("L_ERR", "MSILO: offline messages for %fu dumped\n"); } } break; }; if (method=="NOTIFY") { if (!t_newtran()) { log(1, "newtran error\n"); sl_reply_error(); break; }; # handle notification sent in internal subscriptions (presence_b2b) if (!handle_notify()) { t_reply("481", "Unable to handle notification"); } break; };
if (method=="MESSAGE") {
if (authorize_message("http://localhost/xcap")) { # use usrloc for delivery if (lookup("location")) { log(1, "Delivering MESSAGE using usrloc\n"); t_on_failure("1"); if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); } break; } else { # store messages for offline user xlog("L_ERR", "MSILO: storing MESSAGE for %tu\n"); if (!t_newtran()) { log(1, "newtran error\n"); sl_reply_error(); break; }; # store only text messages NOT isComposing... ! if (search("^(Content-Type|c):.*application/im-iscomposing\+xml.*")) { log(1, "it is only isComposing message - ignored\n"); t_reply("202", "Ignored"); break; } if (m_store("0", "sip:")) {
# log(1, "MSILO: offline message stored\n"); if (!t_reply("202", "Accepted")) { sl_reply_error(); }; } else { log(1, "MSILO: error storing offline message\n"); if (!t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable")) { sl_reply_error(); }; }; break; } break; } else { # log(1, "unauthorized message\n"); sl_reply("403", "Forbidden"); } break; } if (method=="REGISTER") { # uncomment this if you want to authenticate REGISTER request # if (!www_authenticate("", "credentials")) { # www_challenge("", "0"); # break; # }; save("location"); # dump stored messages - route it through myself (otherwise routed via DNS!) if (m_dump("sip:")) { xlog("L_ERR", "MSILO: offline messages for %fu dumped\n"); } break; };
# native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB if (!lookup("location")) { sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found"); break; };
}; # append_hf("P-hint: usrloc applied\r\n"); route(1); }
route[1] { # send it out now; use stateful forwarding as it works reliably # even for UDP2TCP if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); }; }
failure_route[1] { # forwarding failed -- check if the request was a MESSAGE if (!method=="MESSAGE") { break; }; log(1, "MSILO: MESSAGE forward failed - storing it\n");
# we have changed the R-URI with the contact address, ignore it now
if (m_store("0", "")) { t_reply("202", "Accepted"); } else { log(1, "MSILO: offline message NOT stored\n"); t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable"); }; }
Explore the seven wonders of the world http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world&mkt=en-US&form=... _______________________________________________ Serusers mailing list Serusers@lists.iptel.org http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers