Hello guys,
I'm seeing the dispatcher module used with ds_select_dst($avp(dsdst), "0") is distributing the calls to a failing gw, to the next available gw instead of distributing it.
When a gw fails and has been marked as inactive, shouldn't it be taken out of the list and the list recomputed? is this not the case?
Thanks all
David Villasmil email: david.villasmil.work@gmail.com
Hi David,
according to the manual, this is apparently intended behaviour.
If you want a different behaviour you can simply implement it yourself by using the _dsdst_ xavp variable and make your own weight system.
We are simply summing up the weights of all active destinations, then calculate a hash of the call-id modulo that sum of weights. We then go through that list again, and determine which destination we want to use.
Regards Christian Berger
Thanks for replying!
So what you’re saying is, the list stays the same even when a gw is taken out of routing? So that would mean i need to physically remove the failing gw from the dispatcher list and do a "ds_reload()" for the traffic to be dispatched properly any time a gw goes down?
Thanks for your help!
David Villasmil email: david.villasmil.work@gmail.com
On Mon, 9 Dec 2024 at 12:26, Christian Berger via sr-users < sr-users@lists.kamailio.org> wrote:
Hi David,
according to the manual, this is apparently intended behaviour.
If you want a different behaviour you can simply implement it yourself by using the _dsdst_ xavp variable and make your own weight system.
We are simply summing up the weights of all active destinations, then calculate a hash of the call-id modulo that sum of weights. We then go through that list again, and determine which destination we want to use.
Regards Christian Berger
Christian Berger - berger@sipgate.de Telefon: +49 (0)211-63 55 55-0 Telefax: +49 (0)211-63 55 55-22
sipgate GmbH - Gladbacher Str. 74 - 40219 Düsseldorf https://www.google.com/maps/search/Gladbacher+Str.+74+-+40219+D%C3%BCsseldorf?entry=gmail&source=g HRB Düsseldorf 39841 - Geschäftsführer: Thilo Salmon, Tim Mois Steuernummer: 106/5724/7147, Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE219349391
www.sipgate.de - www.sipgate.co.uk
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