Can't make outbound calls, though not related directly to OpenSER.. Maybe someone here knows how to configure these guys. I have inbound calls being automatically dialed into a * extension but If I make any outbound calls I get a syslog output:
16:45:21.609 : : WARNING : ( lgr_call)(458 ) !! [ERROR] Call::GetEndPoint- Can't find endpoint for phone number xxxxxx2018 16:45:21.593 : : WARNING : ( lgr_psbrdif)(457 ) !! [ERROR] AcBoard::GetEndPoint- Can't find EndPoint for Dest:xxxxxxx2018 Source:xxxxxxx11526 SourceIp:c0a80188 16:45:21.593 : : WARNING : ( lgr_TrnkGrp)(456 ) !! [ERROR] #0:TrunkGroup::AllocateEndPoint- Can't find EndPoint for phone number xxxxxx2018 16:45:21.593 : : NOTICE : ( lgr_stk_ses)(455 ) SIPStackSession::HandleStackSetupEV - NEWCALL: SrcPN=0
Any help would be great.
Also, caller ID doesn't work - only shows the caller ID of whatever is set at the endpoint phone number settings and not what is actually coming on the line :(