Well, our network has perhaps a dozen gateways.
The configuration isn't too terrible, we've used
the C macro-preprocessor to help. Here
is one of our gateway configurations:
#include "sercommon.pre"
/* customize for this server */
#define DOMAIN
#define LISTENIP
#define NATIP
#define VMHOSTPORT vm.named.com:5060
#define DBURL "sql://named.com@db-myaugust.august.net:5432/myaugust"
/* this is the top section, common to all ser servers */
#include "sertop.pre"
/* this is the custom proxy server */
#include "sergatewayob.pre"
That's the entire thing. If you know C you can imagine how
this expands out. This particular file is the same for all gateways.
I can update one 'include' file and regenerate all of the ser.cfg
files. The file that gets generated with this configuration is
125745 characters in size.
Included in the output is failure routes, voice mail routes,
accounting, etc.. You can go a long way with a few
As far as adding new gateways without restarting, can you use the enum
facility? You can also determine the route of a call by executing
an external process, I think it's called exec_dset, this will allow
you to update an external routing database without restarting ser.
You can have another ser gateway in the loop which selects
the active gateway. This way you could fire up another ser
instance, switch your ser selector gateway to the new instance, then
wait for 30 seconds or so for the transactions to die on the old
ser...the only problem I would see here is if you have 'registrations',
if it is strictly a routing instance of ser this wouldn't be a problem.
I would be interested in participating in a routing database project,
I believe a good chunk of the work is already done. A simple module
to select a route is all that is necessary.
On Jul 13, 2004, at 2:45 PM, Andres wrote:
Is there any existing facilities of using metrics
based on Quality
and Cost, and also allowing for route failover? Also, if we have new
(for example) pstn gateways coming on to our network, how can we add
these routes without restarting ser?
There isn't anything designed yet but a module that reads routes (and
failure routes) from a DB would be a wonderful addition to SER. If we
can all chip in a little maybe someone can code it. The current
ser.cfg approach is completely impractical for a large network. Just
imagine a network with 20 Gateways...100 Gateways...
Network Admin
Serusers mailing list
Greg Fausak
(US) 469-546-1265