I am having similar problems to those described below. I have scoured the internet with google and looked at the following link aswell:
Howvere I am getting confused because most of these configs refer to the pstn aswell. I would just like to know how SER can use asterisk for voicemail.
I implemented the changes in ser.cfg that Giri suggested below(will this cover no answer and busy?). Asterisk and ser are on the same machine so I now forward to 5062: see code below. Hoever how do I now modify Asterisk to handle this?...Like I said Ive read lots on this but it gets complicated with perl scripts etc. Apologies if I am a bit slow picking up on this!
ser.cfg; if(!lookup("location"){ rouet(2); break; };
route [2] { rewritehostport("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5062"); t_relay_to_udp("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5062"); break; };
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 22:51:40 -0800 (PST) From: Girish gr_sh2003@yahoo.com Subject: Re: [Serusers] Looking for SER + Asterisk-as-voicemail HOWTO To: Felipe Martins fmartins@mundivox.com, serusers@iptel.org, hankipanky@gmail.com Message-ID: 20050128065140.14086.qmail@web54005.mail.yahoo.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
You can run both SER and Asterisk in the same machine with different ports. Add a failure route in your ser.cfg and handle calls to voicemail in that. A simple one is given below. You might want to add necessary conditions there. See the SER documentation for more details. http://www.iptel.org/ser/doc/seruser/seruser.html
route [2] { rewritehostport ("Asterisk IP: Port"); t_relay (); break; }
--- Felipe Martins fmartins@mundivox.com wrote:
Hi Hank,
Among all the other services I want it to do, one of them is
voicemail. I've tried to find some
easy howto at the web, but find nothing. I'm trying to install it
by the howto I've found at
www.voip-info.org. I'm still trying to make it work. Any advance, please let me know, cause I'm gonna do the same . :o)
Best Regards. Felipe Martins
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:00:14 +0100 Henning Verbeek hankipanky@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
I am sure that this has been talked about many times, i just can't seem to find a good Howto on this via Google.
I am using SER 0.8.14 as Registrar / Proxy and would like to use Asterisk as a pure Voicemail service.
- Does this make sense? Or should i use the new VM code in 0.9.0
(which would require SEMS, right)?
- Can I run them on the same machine (e.g. SER on :5060, Asterisk
:5080 and a forward() in between)?
- How do I forward from SER to Asterisk? Forward? or rewrite the
Any help is much appreciated! Cheers, Hank
===== Girish Gopinath gr_sh2003@yahoo.com
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--- Ashling O'Driscoll ashling.odriscoll@cit.ie wrote:
I implemented the changes in ser.cfg that Giri suggested below(will this cover no answer and busy?). Asterisk and ser are on the same machine so I now forward to 5062: see code below. Hoever how do I now modify Asterisk to handle this?...Like I said Ive read lots on this but it gets complicated with perl scripts etc. Apologies if I am a bit slow picking up on this!
Go thru the README.variables file that comes with the Asterisk distribution. It describes about the extension logic and how to handle different variables. Also, learn about pattern matching for Asterisk extensions. Now add appropriate entries for voicemail in voicemail.conf. Have something like this in your extensions.conf when the vm calls from SER reach Asterisk.
exten => _X.,1,VoiceMail2(u${EXTEN})
ser.cfg; if(!lookup("location"){ rouet(2); break; };
The above code will not serve your busy/unanswered needs. Add a failure route and handle it there. like:
t_on_failure("1"); t_relay (); break;
failure_route[1] { route(2); break; }
route [2] { rewritehostport("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5062"); t_relay_to_udp("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5062"); break; };
Also, learning about using t_check_status will also help you handle specific error conditions.
===== Girish Gopinath gr_sh2003@yahoo.com
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