Hello, serusers.
I am newbie for SIP. I installed ser, rtpproxy and read manual very many times :-), but...
Ser server and some clients in local network : ser - UA1 - UA2 -
Some clients have public ip address, not behind firewall...
All work fine between local clients, but not work with external clients. I think that local clients register with local ip in Contact field from local network and cannot be fix with fix_nated_ function, and so can't access from external...
Simple config or config for rtpproxy from gettingstart not help me... Can anybody help me with simple config for this network configuration?
The reference design is based on SER having a public IP address (and using proxy for NATed devices) OR SER having a private address and all the UAs have private addresses. The examples do not handle the case of a private address SER and only some clients with private addresses or any other kind of bridged setup. rtpproxy (force_rtp_proxy) has options for this, but you really need to understand in-depth the various NAT-fixing commands to fine-tune to your setup (as evident on this list). A warning: the nat_uac_test() function tests for private addresses and was created to handle far-end NATs (i.e. NAT in front of UA). Using that function in a bridged scenario requires some caution to make sure you mark as NATed the ones you want (ex. reverse the test to handle outside UAs). g-)
Rustam Yusupov wrote:
Hello, serusers.
I am newbie for SIP. I installed ser, rtpproxy and read manual very many times :-), but...
Ser server and some clients in local network : ser - UA1 - UA2 -
Some clients have public ip address, not behind firewall...
All work fine between local clients, but not work with external clients. I think that local clients register with local ip in Contact field from local network and cannot be fix with fix_nated_ function, and so can't access from external...
Simple config or config for rtpproxy from gettingstart not help me... Can anybody help me with simple config for this network configuration?